I Love You Mother

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We rode the rest of the way to the house with hallway boy glaring at me, and me thoroughly ignoring his existence. When we arrived I dragged Chris upstairs and dropped him without care onto his bed. He let out a grunt of pain but didn't wake up. I rolled my eyes while leaving the room, taking my sweet time to go back downstairs.

I walked into one of the many living rooms in the house to find hallway boy and my mother laughing and chatting over tea. This immediately put me on edge; my mother didn't laugh and chat with people. She laughed at them while the screamed in pain and begged for mercy.

What the hell is the crazy bitch up to?

Yes I did just call my mother a crazy bitch because that's exactly what she is, there's a reason I'm such a fucked up person. The reason is currently sitting with a teenage boy and being the poisonous snake she is. I mean being the sweet and charming lady that she is.

After noticing my arrival my lovely mother turned to me with a warm smile and eyes as cold and dead as her soul.

God, I can't wait to kill the annoying old bitch.

"Ariana" she called out cheerfully. I resisted the urge to plunge my fingers into her eye sockets as I walked towards them and took the seat across from hallway boy. If you haven't notice by now I am not the biggest fan of my mother but who can blame me, she turned me into what I am today. A cold blooded killing machine; which is going to be the ultimate bite in the ass for her when I rip out her damn throat.  

"Zero was just telling me how rude you were to him" she said with an overly sweet voice and eyes flashing in an unspoken threat. I then proceeded to "flinch" at the threat and look at hallway boy who seemed amused with me. If he was amused at my reaction to my mother or the fact that he could tell I was faking my fear of her, I could not tell. Though I doubt he could tell I wasn't really afraid of the old hag seeing as she herself couldn't tell and she was train in spotting deception.

His name is zero? How stupid.

Oh please you know you like him.

Yah I'd like to punch him in his pretty boy ace face.

More like sit on his face.

Shut up, what is your use anyway?


Why does it sound like you don't even know why you're here?


You sure?

Yah commentary.

Ok crazy whatever you say.

I'm not the crazy one dumbfuck you are. That's the only reason I exist.

Yah yah.

"Are you ignoring me Ariana" my mother called out with clear irritation in her voice.

"No mother, of course not" I replied blankly while looking at hallway boy with disdain. He stared back at me with a blank face and two blazing pools of silver emotion. I sucked in a breath as my heart rate increased and I fought down the blush that would undoubtedly give my mother a reason to have me beaten.

See why I hate the slimy bitch.

"That's good because we would have to have a conversation about that later if you were" she said while smiling at me. I stared back at her emotionless, as she got up and left the room to make "treats". More like left the room to watch and listen to us to see if there is anything wrong with my behavior.

She always did look for a reason to punish me; she pushed me down a flight of concrete steps when I was six for smiling once. When I reached the bottom, I was told to get up immediately and stop being weak. When I did get up she was there to slap me across the face and tell me showing and feeling emotions were a sign of weakness and I was to never do it again. She then dragged me by my hair to the basement a tortured me until I passed out, and of course when I woke I was beaten for being weak and passing out.

So I'll say it again , I can't wait to kill the evil bitch.

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