Daddy issues

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(The picture has nothing to do with this chapter)

When I was young my dad was just there... He wasn't involved in our lives properly... He was just living in our house and sleeping with my mum.

My dad kinda made me what I am today...
He left me and my brother when I was 8 and he was 6. My dad was apparently chatting up girls on Facebook, so my mum got really pissed at him and stopped speaking to him, although she had always suspected he was cheating. This happened a few days after w where burgled (robbed) at our old house; which I loved!!!
After two years my dad came back and begged for my mum back, using us (me and my brother) as an excuse to see her. But that plan failed to he fucked off to a place called Ipswich for another 2 years. But then he came back. When my mum was with another man named mark. My dad knew he had no chance. He said he had changed and was only interested in seeing and building a relationship with his kids... But then after a while... He left again.

My brother hates my dad. But to be honest, I don't.
I've just developed very bad trust issues. Because I could never trust that my dad was going to come back for me.

I remember one time when I was younger. It was my cousins birthday and my mum was spending time with my nan and grandad so my dad has to take me. He was supposed to come back for me at 9 pm... But he never came. So my mum came to get me the next morning lying to me saying that they had arranged for me to stay there. But my mum had only just recently revealed to me that my dad forgot me...

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