Chapter 11

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Pic is Cameron

Chapter 11

Mori POV

After about half an hour the drugs had worn off completely and I was finally able to take in this whole situation and let me just tell you something....

I'm F U C K E D

Like seriously... Cameron had moved me from the chair he had me tied to and took me upstairs to a bed room and handcuffed my hands to the headboard of the bed and chain my feet to the end of the bed. He was standing at the end of the bed setting up a video camera on a tripod. Was he about to rape me and video it?

I was struggling to get out of my binds as I pulled on them causing a lot of noise as the chains hit against the wooden part of the bed. "Will you shut the fuck up" Cameron yelled angrily as he stalked toward me, he took a fist full of my hair and yanked on it harshly "Shut up and sit fucking still" He growled putting his face close to mind. I nodded as fear passed through my body. He sighed and walked back and continued to set up the camera.

Cameron's POV

I looked back at the girl and shook my head in disgust. Why would Dalmon want to marry her...shes hideous...I sighed and turned back to the camera.

This process was starting to get old. It's been the same old thing since  he was 17 years old. Everytime he got a new girlfriend, they would mysteriously go "Missing". I hated when Dalmon showed his love to all these gold digging females. I wonder where he found this one, probably at some night club. I finished setting up the camera then turned to Morella. She was shaking in fear, it was kind of amusing considering that all of Dalmon's previous girls were quite spitfires but this one seems not even try putting up a fight. I walked toward her and gave her a soft smile and sat on the bed next to her. "I want to apologize for what I'm about to do, I usually don't apologize to Dalmon's....Lady friends but you seem to be truly afraid"

"Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions and if you answer them without a problem I won't have to hurt you "she nodded shakily and looked down.

"How long have you known Dalmon ?" She gulped and shakily answered

" About 2 weeks " I nodded...they only knew eachother for a few weeks and already they were engaged. I knew she was just some gold digger, an innocent face doesn't mean innocent intentions.

"Why are you already engaged? " I spat at her.

"He kidnapped me. I was a waitress at a club, him and a group of people were in the VIP lounge, they convinced me to have a drink of wine with them. He drugged me and I woke up in his house and he announced me as his wife"

That statement honestly suprised me. I didn't think my baby brother who was considered a professional  at getting girls to fall to their knees, had to kidnap his "wife".

Dalmon POV

"I knew I shouldn't have made a deal with that shifty son of a bitch, I knew he was going to pull a stunt like this but I still let him into my home" I yelled angrily and slammed my hand down on the table. My father sighed and shook his head "Calm down son, getting this angry and destroying things won't get Morella back" I closed my eyes and took a few calming breathes
"Now that you're calm let's talk about this rationally" I nodded and sat down

"We both know that if Morella is currently in Cameron's hands than she is as good as dead" I was angered by that statement but I knew it was true. This isn't the first time this bastard had done something like this, we knew his routine. He has done this 4 other times with my past lovers none of them lasted 24 hours by the time we could get to them he had already mutilated them beyond recognition. You might be thinking why not tell the police, well because our entire family is the head of Illegal Mafia who kills, sells drugs and worse.

"We have to atleast try" I growled out "she doesn't deserve to die such a horrible death at the hands of that fucking psychopath"

"Stop calling him a psychopath!" My mother suddenly yelled out, as she walked closer she looked like she was on the verge of tears. "He is your brother you shouldn't call him those things, he just needs a little help mentally but he is not a psychopath" this was the worst and best trait of my mother, she was 100% loyal to her family no matter what they did, she refused to have any talk bad about Cameron she hated it.

"He is a fucking psychopath! Can't you see that he is way past the point of fucking help! Maybe if you had thrown his as in that Mental Institution when I told you to we wouldn't have to call him a fucking psychopath" I yelled, she stared at me for a long time before exiting the room. My father let out a long breathe of air "I'm getting too old for this" he got up went after Mom. I got and walked up to my room and rummaged through my drawers till I found my gun. I tucked into my pants after checking the safety then grabbed my car keys. I ran down the stairs when I was only a few from the door, I felt my fathers hand on my shoulder "Dalmon I know what you're going to do but remember the code of family, you cant kill him no matter the situation he is still your blood" he said I glared at him

"Fuck the code of family, If that sick bastard killed Mori or even gave her a scratch , Im gonna kill him he deserves it " I yanked out of my fathers grip and walked , slamming the door behind me. I got in my car and sped off down the road to Camerons little house of horrors.

I hope he is fucking ready to pay for his sins against the code of the Mafia. He better be fucking prepared for the hell that I'm about to bring.


The next couple of chapters are going to be really action and drama packed and I can't wait. The next chapter is gonna have alot to do with Cameron and Dalmon's childhood.

Also please tell me if yoh spot any spelling or grammar mistakes so that I can fix them Thanks! ♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆♡☆♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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