4. Late night talks and confronting.

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Yoo I just wanna say thank you for 100 reads already! I didn't actually think I was gonna get more than 20. Now anyway on with the story

3rd pov

As Chara and Frisk were sleeping, Frisk was having a good dream about hanging out with Y/n and Chara. In the dream Frisk was teasing the two of them which made them hat Frisk even more. Chara on the other hand was having a peaceful dream imagining that Y/n confessed his love to her.

Dream Chara's POV

Chara: Y/n? You called to meet you here.. why?

Y/n: W-well Chara I have to tell you something really important.

Chara: Oh? Was is it that you need to tell me Y/n?

Y/n then blushed real hard and Chara took notice of this.

Y/n: W-well we've know each other for a while and we've become real good friends.

Chara: Yeah your my best friend Y/n!

Y/n: Yeah best friend.. A-anyways uhh the thing I need to tell you is that umm.

Chara then was confused on why he was acting so shy. The Y/n she knew was always straight forward and confident. Y/n then took deep breaths and finally let it out.

Y/n: Chara I like you! More than friends!

Chara stood there starstruck on what she just heard. Chara didn't know how to react though, she stood there staring at Y/n for what felt like eternity. Y/n then frowned and said.

Y/n: Guess you don't feel the same way huh? Sorry about that, I just had to get it out of my chest y'know?

Chara: Stood there unable to talk. She started to cry because she wanted to accept his feelings but she doesn't know why she still standing there crying.

Y/n: uhh anyways I'll be off, I hope we can still be best friends still.

Chara POV

Chara then bolted up from the terrible dream she had. She then started to feel her eyes water, she was actually crying in real life.

Chara: Thank god that was a dream! That was a really bad nightmare, Why did I just stand there?!?

Chara then notice that it was 2:35 am and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to drink. As she was going downstairs she checked her phone again to see if she had Y/n to make sure that it wasn't a dream either.

Chara: Phew I still have his number. oh? He's online right now. Should I maybe text with him?

Chara then stood there staring at her phone thinking if she should text him or not. In the end she decided to talk with him.

Chara- Heyyy Y/n, what r u doing yo so late?


Y/n was also up because he had a nightmare as well, well it wasn't like Charas dream not even by a little was it related to that. But it instead was more of a memory on how he lost his parents in a car accident.

Dream Y/n: M-mom, D-dad are you guys okay?

His parents don't respond to him, Y/n at first thought they were playing with him, but as he got a closer look there was body parts in places that there shouldn't have. Y/n then cry's himself awake.

Y/n: God damnit. Why do I have the same dream every time. I want to forget about that, it's haunting me.

Y/n then checked his phone to see the time.
Y/n: 2:35 am eh? Well u don't think I'm going back to bed anytime soon so might as well try and get my mind off of it.

A Cute Genocidal "Freak" (Female Chara x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now