•Chapter V•The Nina Project•

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    we all fall asleep, dustin was on max duty. i wake up to the walkie going off like crazy. "dustin you there? dustin. earth to dustin" i hear eddie's voice say.
    "Hey, it's jordan" "HOPPER HEY BABE! umm, i'm gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want me going out in the world." "no. no. no, no. don't do that. stay where you are, and we'll be there as soon as we can love."
   "yeah. yeah, yeah. Listen,um... can you pick me up a six-pack? i know it's stupid as shit drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves."
    "i'll think about it." i tell him as i look back at max to find her not there. "hey uhh babe, i'm gonna have to call you back... okay sorry bye." "no, don't you da- hopper? hopper? jordan? BABE?"
    i go to dustin and wake him up. "DUSTIN. DUSTIN, ARENT YOU SUPPOSED TO BE ON MAX WATCH?!" he wakes up and rubs his eyes. " yup. yep yep yep yep yep. sorry" "then where is she?" i ask him.
    he points to the couch. "she's right there... a second ago. just a second ago. i swear i just dozed off for... ...an hour"
    we go upstairs looking for her to find her coloring with holly in the kitchen. "morning guys. everything okay?" "yeah, everything is fine mrs wheeler. and good morning i like your outfit today!" i tell her happily.
    "why thank you jordan. you've just always been the nicest of all of my kids friends." she tells me. i look over at dustin and stick out my tongue. "haha, i'm better" i taunt him.
    "and i think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this." "could try sticking together at a different house for a change." mr wheeler buds in to the conversation.
    "you know i'm your favorite." i say with a smile. "yes but that doesn't mean i want all those other kids here too." he says. mrs wheeler rolls her eyes and looks at us.
    "you know your welcome anytime." she tells us. "totally. your like family." dustin says. "may i?" he asks and points at pancakes. "absolutely" "yeah why not? take us for all we're worth." mr wheeler buds in again. dustin simply replies with an okay and continues on.
    i sit down by max. she takes off her headphones. "you okay?" "just, couldnt sleep..." nancy walks upstairs and it's by me. "hey i was gonna sit there" dustin complains and they both start to argue while me and max ignore them.
    "...people kept blasting music in my ears for some reason" she says with a smile. i laugh. "but holly let me borrow some of her crayons. we've been having fun, right, holly?" she just replies with an, "mm-hmm"
    nancy starts talking to max. "is this what you saw last night?" she asks pointing to maxs drawings. "i mean, it's supposed to be. i thought it'd be easier to draw out than explain, but... not so much." i go over to mrs and mr wheeler and let them continue to
    "hey guys. how's my favorite second parents?" i ask them smiling. "oh you know, as good as i can be with the whole crew in my house, as always i might add." mr wheeler says. "oh don't mind him. i'm doing good, and yourself?"
    "as good as i can be i guess. you know, with all those murders going on." i carefully whisper the last part so holly doesn't hear. "yeah, it's a real shame, isn't it ted?"
    "mm-hmmm" he replies, still not taking his eyes off the newspaper. "so i heard about how mike just had to go to see his little sweetie pie in lenora, for spring break."
    mr wheeler finally looks up at me and starts ranting about how mike just had to go there and became a total shit over going. me and mrs wheeler look at eachother and let out a small chuckle over how mad he is.
   "is something funny karen and jordan? if so i'd like to know. " he says causing us to roll our eyes and laugh harder. he even laughs a little with us too. we finish our talk when everyone drags me to the basement with them. "great talk mr and mrs wheeler." i say to them as i'm being dragged away by max.
   "while you were busy talking to my parents like your friends, we know where we need to go to look for vecna"


    we all get out of the crammed car at an abandoned old house. everyone's talking about vecna and how this house could be important, but i just let them talk and don't pay them much attention.
    "should we knock? see if anyones home?" steve asks. "no need. i found the key." robin says holding a brick. steve breaks us in.
    we all grab flashlights and start looking around. "where'd everyone get those?" steve asks, implying the flashlights. "fo you need to be told everything? your not a child." "thank you."
    "hey guys? you all see this right?" max asks pointing her flashlight to a clock. "yeah. is this what you saw in your visions?" nancy asks. max just nods her head.
     "i mean, it's just a clock, right?" robin says walking up to it. "like a normal old clock." "why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?" steve asks. "maybe he's like, a clockmaker, or something?" "i think you cracked the case, steve." dustin replies with a sarcastic voice.
    "all i know is, the answers are here. somewhere. okay everyone stay in groups of two. robin, upstairs." nancy says heading up.
    "come on, let's go" max says to lucas as they walk away. leaving me steve and dustin. steve sighs. "was that a sigh?" dustin asks. "no, i did not sigh." "whyd you sigh?" " i didnt sigh. just come on dude." "i heard you." "w... we're just always partners, okay?" "you have a problem with that?" "it'd just be nice to, idk, mix it up a bit." "so i'm boring you is that it?" "no the opposite."
     "jesus christ, can you guys just shut up already, steve suck it up, your a big boy right. dustin stop egging things on. there, problem solved."
    we walk around looking for god knows what. "hey uh... henderson?" steve says. "uh yeah?" dustin replies. "could you maybe uhh... clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?"
     dustin starts talking in a british accent, apparently a sherlock holmes quote. steve still confused tries to figure out what dustin was saying. dustin ahead of us, i see something in a vent. i walk over to it, take the top off and see jars in there.
     i pick one up to see a spider in it. i immediately drop it and scream. "AHHHHHHHH" "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID YOU FIND?" steve and dustin run over and yell. "THERES SPIDERS. IN A JAR." they give eachother a look.
    "jordan. it's your turn to put your big boy pants on and GROW UP. this is serious." i get pissed by what he said. "harrington. STFU. i didn't choose to be scared of spiders." i slap him in the back of his
     i see a spider crawling on steve and scream again. "AHHHH! STEVE! SPIDER!" i scream and pout to his shoulder and fall over. he backs away into the hall. and closes the door.
     i run to the door, but the old knob won't budge. i finally get it open. "STEVE WTF?! NOT TRYING TO INTERRUPT YOU GUYS BUT YOU JUST LOCKED ME IN THE SPIDER ROOM!" i yell walking over to steve and nancy. i grab his hair and shove him into the room. "HEY Hey hey watch the hair. ooo. ow. stop, jordan god damnit stop it." i slam the door and go over to nancy and robin.
    max calls us all downstairs to show us a chandelier flickering. "vecnas here, in the upside down. like will and the christmas lights." i say. "the christmas lights?" robin asks. "when will was there he turned on the lights." i inform her.
    the lights turn off. "headphones" me and lucas tell max. "everyone, flashlights off. spread out." nancy tells us. we all do as she says.
    "I GOT HIM" we all hear robin yell. her flashlight turned on then went off. "i... i had him." robin says. suddenly steve's goes on. "i think... oh yeah he's moving." we follow him upstairs.
    his flashlight goes off at the top of the steps. "shit, i lost him." steve says. max walks over to a door way. "no you didn't"
     it's an attic. we all start to go up there. "it's an attic. of course it's an attic." robin says. "hold on, guys. what if he's leading us into a trap? guys, Guys? shit. shit. shit. shit."
    dustin follows behind us. the light up there was on, so we're all of our flashlights. then they got super bright, and exploded.

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