•Chapter VII•The Massacre at Hawkins Lab•

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we arrive in the upside down to find steve getting attacked by bats. nancy gets one with an oar and we all start fighting them off. when they start swarming in. we try our best to keep them away but it takes us awhile.
after we get them all eddie freaks out. "jesus christ! JESUS H CHRIST!" he walks away, me not far behind. "eddie it's okay." i tell him, still trying to calm him. "NO. no it's not just hop off and go
away." eddie tells me.
i was in shock. "what tf is your problem? i was just trying to be nice. you don't gotta be a total dick about it. fuck you munson." i say storming away. he pisses me off sometimes.
i feel to arms wrap around my waist, before i can stop it i get turned around and eddies so close to me, i can feel his breathing. i wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. not a long kiss, but it was still enough.
"if this is you apologizing. we're all good." i say pulling away from the kiss and walking back to the others, and hear robin going on about rabies, apparently it's her #1 fear.
we hear more bats and run to the woods. we hide under skull rock, hoping the bats don't find us. after a little we get up and steve can't get up. nancy wraps a piece of her skirt around him and robin rants about rabies again.
eddie let's go of my hand and walks up a fallen branch. "so uh, this place is like hawkins, but with monsters and shit?" he asks. "pretty much. oh watch out for the vines it's a hive mind." "a what?" "they're all connected. you step on a vine you step on a bat you step on vecna."
"shit" eddie carefully walks back down. they start talking about getting guns from the police station, but nancy says she has guns in her room. "you, nancy wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" eddie asks shocked.
"a russian makarov and a revolver" i ignored the rest of the discussion until what seems to be an earthquake happens. i fell on eddie. "shit jordan are you okay?" eddie asks me worried. "yeah. yeah, i'm good." we hear a loud roar from far away in the distance.
i'm holding on tight to eddie and robin, who fell on me. "yeah, so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me." eddie says breaking the silence. "yeah me too"
"so what are we waiting for?" steve asks. me and eddie exchange a look and get up to walk with them, making sure robin comes along.
"couldnt we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy?" robin asks. "i think we're getting close. we're almost outta here. don't worry."
we get to nancy's house and follow her to her room. she pulls out a shoe box with white heels inside.
eddie's the first to speak up. "those aren't guns." "those heels are a bit pointy but i was hoping for a deadly projectile." "i, i don't understand" "maybe you left them somewhere else?" eddie suggests.
"there's a six year old in the house. i know where i keep my guns. and also... i threw these away years ago."
nancy starts pointing out random things in her room that she got rid of, or for whatever reason, doesn't have them anymore.
"nancy, your freaking me out" robin admits. "i think the reason that my guns aren't here... is because they don't exist yet." "they don't... exist?" eddie questions.
nancy explains to us that somehow, we're in the past. we all stare in confusion until we hear steve yelling. "DUSTIN! DUSTIN?" we all make our way downstairs to steve.
we see him looking around yelling for dustin, who isn't there. "maybe he really does have rabies." robin adds. "he's here. henderson. that little shit, he's here. he's like, he's in the walls or something. just listen."we all go silent.
we faintly hear dustin talking. nancy brings up how will spoke to joyce through the lights. she tries to figure out how. steve notices glowing particles around the light.
nancy is the first to put her hand in but we soon all follow a long. "does anyone know morse code?" nancy asks us. "no." me steve and robin answer. "wait does SOS count?" eddie asks.
"is that... is that good?" we all look at him like he's an idiot. he does his thing and they notice. (they being dustin lucas and erica) we go upstairs and light particles appear on the bed.
nancy writes "hi" then spells out "stuck" they ask why we don't go through the gate at lovers lake. she then spells out "guarded" and he tells us his theory on how there should be a gate at all of the murder sites.
"nancy, i know your house is like, creepily frozen in time, and shit. but, haven't you always had bikes?" robin asks.
we all go out and everyone grabs a bike, but me. "hey, there are only 4 bikes. if you guys expect me to walk, you've lost your damn mind." i say. "shit jordan just get on your boyfriends and let's go" steve practically yells at me.
eddie doesn't say anything about how steve called him my boyfriend. didn't even look like he thought anything of it either. i don't know if i'm just a crazy overthinker or is this is actually a big deal. i save that thought for later and hop on his bike, tightly wrapping my arms around his torso.
we eventually get to his trailer. we go inside to find a gate that takes up half the ceiling. "holy shit" i say dumbfounded.
suddenly something breaks through the gate and we all back away. steve slowly leads us towards it for us to see max lucas erica and dustin who's laughing hysterically upside down. "BADA BADA BOOOM!" he yells
lucas and max bring out eddie's stained mattress and place it under the gate. "those stains are uh... i don't know what those stains are." eddie says looking away from me.
dusting throws up a bunch of tied together sheets for us to climb through on. robin goes up to it. "guess i'm the guinea pig." she climbs through falling onto the mattress. "thank god, that was fun." robin says happily.
i step back, gesturing for someone to go. "oh no you don't. get your ass up there hopper." eddie says pushing me onto the rope of sheets. he pushes me up by my ass and i fall through the gate. "holy fuck. that was fun as shit!" i say as robin pulls me up next to her.
i pull max dustin lucas and erica into a hug. "never been so happy to see you little ass's" i say messing with them.
eddie falls through also. "that... was fun" he says with a big grin as robin helps him up. he comes over and hugs me tightly as his hands move down. "woah. there are children present." i whisper in his ear, stopping his hands.
"oh yeah? i didn't notice." he says sarcastically. he puts his hands back. "i'm just showing off what's mine." eddie whispers sending chills down my spine as he says it.
    we hear screaming and we look up to find nancy's eyes rolling back, while she's frozen in place. "NANCY! HOLY FUCK! WHAT THE SHIT! WHYD THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN NOW?! FUCK!" i scream, crying into eddie's chest as we slowly sit down.

i will continue this once vol. 2 comes out. but for now this is all i can do.

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