chapter ten

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"Aaliyah calm down." Vinnie screamed, trying to get her off of him without hurting her.

Aaliyah was on top of him, slamming a high heel into his head and chest as hard as she could. He woke up to this happening to him. He wasn't even concerned about himself, just that Nelly was crying upstairs as she heard all of the screaming from her parents.

"Stop hitting me, please! Nelly is crying." Vinnie said, finally getting her body off of him.

He stood from the couch, hazily running up the stairs and locking himself in their once shared bedroom. He picked Nelly up from her bassinet and rocked her in his arm and called 911 with his phone in the other hand. All the while Aaliyah screamed and yelled from outside the door, beating on it and telling him to let her inside.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend just beat the shit out of me and I need help. My newborn and I are locked in my bedroom upstairs."

"Okay sir, can you tell me your address?"

"411 Maple Ave"

(a/n: this is a made up address)

"Do you know why she got violent with you sir?"

"No ma'am, but we haven't been getting along recently and I have plans to move out. I was sleeping on the couch and woke up to her pinning me down on the couch with her knees against my chest and she was beating me the sharp part of a high heel."

"Have you sustained any injuries?"

"My head and chest are bleeding. I had an accident about a year ago and sustained an injury to my head and that wound has reopened."

"Help is on the way sir, they are 2 minutes out. Stay on the phone until police arrive."

Vinnie agreed to stay on the phone, staying completely silent as he listened to Aaliyah continue to scream. Nelly had calmed down from just the feeling of Vinnie's heart beat.

Not even a minute and a half later he could hear pounding on the door and a voice yelling "Seattle Police Department, please open up."

"I can hear the officers."

"Okay, is there any way you can get to the door and let them in?"

"No ma'am, I'm upstairs in my bedroom closet and she's outside the door. I don't want to leave because I don't want my daughter to be harmed at all."

"That's fine sir, stay where you are then. If they break your door to enter is that okay?"

"Yes ma'am, that's fine."

Vinnie could hear the door open downstairs and Aaliyah talking to them. At least they didn't have to break it.

"Seattle Police Department, please come out." Vinnie could hear knocking on the door.

He stood up, finally realizing how much pain he was in. Trudging to the door he opened it, clinging to Janelle tightly. He handed the phone to the officer who spoke to the dispatcher and hung up.

"Can you come downstairs and talk to me sir?" The officer asked.

"I don't want to be around her." Vinnie answered, hissing as tears lined the cuts on his face.

"She's been detained, she is currently outside with the other officers." The officer confirmed.

Vinnie hesitantly walked down the stairs, following the officer. He sat down on the couch, not once letting go of his daughter's body.

"Can you tell me what happened son?" The officer asked.

"Well lately we haven't been getting along and I told her I would be moving out. Last night, there was another incident so I took my other two children to my parents house and when I came back she was upset because I was gone for too long with the baby. To make it short, I slept on the couch last night to give her space and I woke up this morning to her on top of my chest and she was repeatedly slamming the sharp part of a high heel into my head." Vinnie said, shakily pointing to his head.

"The dispatcher mentioned some kind of previous trauma to your head that needs to be looked at."

"Yes sir, about a year ago I tried to take my own life and I shot myself. She hit that wound and it feels like it reopened." Vinnie explained.

"Okay, hang tight kid okay? We're gonna get EMS here for you." The officer said, standing by the front door until the ambulance arrived.

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