chapter fourteen

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Vinnie woke up the next morning. He had realized as he woke up what he hadn't heard Janelle at all during the night. She hadn't cried for him once and that was unusual because normally she would need a diaper change and a bottle at around 3AM.

He got out of bed, leaving Bear sleeping peacefully and went straight to Janelle's room. He nearly fainted when he found that Janelle wasn't in her crib. He rushed to Kaiser's room to find him still sleeping.

Panicked, he ran down the stairs. He lost his balance on the last step at the sight of a woman whom he didn't know holding his daughter and sitting on the couch. Seconds later, Aaliyah walked out of the kitchen.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Vinnie asked, taking Janelle from the woman's arms.

"Vinnie, I live here! Don't speak to me in front of my mother like that." Aaliyah said.

"No the fuck you don't, get the fu-"

"Daddy wake up! It's the first day of school and I'm gonna be late!" Bear said, her clothes for school in hand.

"Shit!" Vinnie exclaimed, sitting up and rushing to the bathroom.

He quickly did his business and walked back out to discover that Bear had gotten her brother all dressed and had Nelly laying in the bed.

"How did you- did you bring your sister in here?" Vinnie asked.

"Yes. Am I in trouble?" Bear asked.

"No, sweetheart. You aren't in trouble." Vinnie shook his head. 

He learned that Bear had brushed her teeth and hair and had gotten dressed. He was in pure shock that his baby was so grown up. He wanted to cry but with 25 minutes to get her to school, he decided the crying could wait.

"Daddy, can I make Kaiser and I a toaster scrambler?" Bear asked.

"Yes, go ahead. Don't burn my house down." Vinnie said.

Bear chuckled as she carried her brother down the stairs, even though he was fully capable of walking down by himself.

"C'mon on Kaiser. I'll make breakfast while daddy gets ready, okay?" Bear said.

Kaiser nodded in approval and sat at a chair like his big sister told him too. They got along great and they were very close.

Vinnie finished getting ready and Janelle had been changed when he walked down the stairs. He walked in the kitchen to see Bear and Kaiser eating toaster scramblers and drinking juice pouches.

"Baby, thank you for helping daddy this morning. After school we'll get donuts, okay?" Vinnie said, smiling as she perked up at the mention of her favorite after school activity with her dad, getting donuts.

"Only is Kai can come." Bear said.

"Of course he can. Now go get in the car, okay? Daddy will be out soon." Vinnie instructed.

He watched them at the front door while he buckled Nelly in the car carrier. Soon enough, he had dropped Kaiser and Nelly off at his parents house.


"Listen, I need to talk to you before we get to your classroom. Daddy and Miss Aaliyah aren't together anymore. If she is mean to you or says anything about me or your brother and sister, I want you go to the office and ask to call daddy. I need you to tell me." Vinnie said.

"But daddy, I don't wanna tattle. The kids will pick on me." Bear said.

"Bear, that doesn't matter. This is more important than the kids and if they do pick on you daddy will do something about it. Promise me you'll call if she says anything or treats your unfairly." Vinnie said.

"I promise." Bear nodded.

Vinnie smiled, pecking her forehead softly. He stood back up and grabbed her hand. He led her to the classroom, visibly stiffening at the sight of Aaliyah in the front of the room. Bear went to her seat while Vinnie quickly signed her in. The teachers aides only stared at the barely noticeable bruises littering his skin.

"I want to see my daughter." Aaliyah said before he could walk away from her desk.

"Call the courthouse." Vinnie simply said, walking out of the room and down the hallway.

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