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Scarlett's POV

"Nineteen, I'd like you to meet your new roommate, Eleven." Papa says while bringing in a smaller girl. She has brown eyes and look's terrified. She couldn't be any older than 7. Papa closes the door leaving me and the girl alone.

"Hi." She says slowly, before sitting down on the bed in the opposite corner. I give her a smile and look at her wrist, seeing the tattoo 011. I lift up the blanket covering myself and show her my tattoo. 019. "What's your real name Eleven?" I ask. I didn't expect her to answer, which she proved me wrong. "Jane." She says hesitantly. I look at the door to see 001 looking at me. I can't help but think 'Damn he's hot.' Knowing what i thought, he winks at me before walking away. I always forget that he can read minds.

"My names Scarlett. Scarlett Hargrove." I say. Papa immediately walks through your bedroom door, and looks at me. "Nineteen, what have i told you about saying your hidden name? I must punish you, and send you to the water chamber." I look at him with disbelief, and beg him not to. Two men come in and grab each of my arms and carry me out. "PAPA! PAPA PLEASE!" I scream as they take me down the hall. Eleven peeks out the door, and runs towards a hall closet. Papa looks back in the room and sees she's gone. "ELEVEN! ELEVEN DEAR, COME BACK!" He screams looking down the hall. He runs that direction and i loose sight of him.

Eleven's POV

I run into a storage closet down the hall from the room. I couldn't process if i should call the shaved red headed girl Scarlett or Nineteen. I'm sticking with Nineteen. Nineteen got carried away towards the chamber i had been in earlier. Papa started yelling my name and i moved closer into the corner. I crawled back into a shelf, when i heard something fall from behind it. I quickly turn around to see a man with blond, long hair and a fine jawline. "H-hello?" I say quietly. He looks at me a smiles.

"Hello. My names One, I'm Nineteens friend." He says. I smile at him noticing his tattoo and recognizing him from earlier. I see that he has a thing in his neck and i point to it. "What is that thing?" I say. He looks into my eyes and his smile fades. "Papa put it there to track me. He doesn't know about this spot, could you take it out?" He asks calmly. I see no harm in it so i do so, using my powers to attract the tracker out. He winces in pain so i send him a small 'i'm sorry' and continue. Once it's out he relaxes and smiles. "Thank you, Eleven." He says lifting his head back up from the side, his eyes looking up from my wrist. "Your welcome." I say.

A siren goes off and he grabs my hand, and whispers into my ear. "Follow me, and stay behind." He says. I nod and he stands up, me following, and walks out the door. Guards trap us in the hall, and he sticks his hand out, using his powers. Nineteen sent to my head he could read minds, so i knew he could do that. I wonder if the tracker also took away his other powers. He throws the guards against the wall, and flying into the other guards to our right. He smiles and guides us back to the water chamber.

Scarlett's POV

The sirens go off during the middle of treatment, i only feel pain in my body as i'm still stuck in a vision. It's the vision of Billy, Max and I with our mom at the carnival. At the time Max was only 2 years old, but me and Billy were 6. Me and Billy wanted to go on a roller coaster but our mom refused to let us because of Max being to young. She walked away leaving me and Billy by ourselves in line, while she took Max to get cotton candy.
Billy started to complain about wanting to go on it, so we ended up staying in line. We got on the rollercoaster when our mom started to look everywhere for us. We yelled to her and she looked at us. I waved at her and billy smiled. She easily looked mad and picked up Max. She instantly demanded the instructor to stop the ride. Of course since it was already going he didn't and she had a fit. Once the ride was over, Billy was dying of laughter while i was attacking him for getting me on it, because to be honest, i thought i'd die. I ended up getting hit by my father that night because he didn't believe Billy would convince me, but i would most definitely convince him. I felt the pain of my father hitting me over and over against radiate throughout my body. Billy sat on the couch having tears fall from his face being forced to watch. That was when he finally did something. He stood up and yelled at my father. "Stop! Please your hurting her!" My father stopped and turned around. "The hell did you say boy?" He said. Billy slowly back up until he was trapped against the wall. "I said stop. Your going to kill her!" He shouted. My father slapped him across the face, and i ran over and hit a whiskey bottle over his head. It was already finished of course. He fell to the ground unconscious while Billy hugged me, sobbing into his shoulder as our mother and little sister were asleep upstairs. He helped me up the stairs and into his room, which had basketball, football, and soccer stickers all over the grey wall. He tucked me into the left side of his bed and stayed on the right, holding my arm in his. He locked the door and pushed his dresser against it, to prevent our father from barding in. When i woke up, Billy was holding my whole bruised and sore body in his arms. He woke up quickly when our mother started banging on the door. He pushed his dresser out of the way and opened the door, my mother peaking through seeing me on the bed with my face purple, and upper body covered in cuts. She ran in and picked me up. Grabbing Billy's hand, she pulled him into the bathroom, as she told him to wait for her. She returned with Max, and locked the door. Billy and Max assisted our mother with cleaning my wounds, while she called the preschool, announcing that the three of us wouldn't be attending, and that a family matter came up. And that's when we packed everything up and moved to the neighboring town near Hawkins.

I snapped out of the vision, to two people taking me out of the water, and pulling all of the wire off. It was Eleven and One. They helped me out and allowed me to get to a tunnel. I wanted to have One come with us, because he had been in the longest. "No Scar, go while you can, and help the girl. You've got a family waiting for you, mine are gone." He said. I shed a tear as he kissed my head. "I'm gonna miss you." I said while having Eleven climb through. "Darling, we'll meet again soon." He said. Guards started to run towards us, and he reassured me. "I'll hold them off, now go!" He said. I climbed through and he sealed it off. That was when me and Eleven escaped, leaving my only family for 3 years alone. Again.

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