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Scarlett's POV

I wake up in a small room with wires connected to my arm. Lab. I immediately sit up and pull all of them off of me.

Will and Max grab me and try to calm me down but all i do it scream and push them off me. Max falls down and hits her head on the chair the had pulled up while i send Will into my nightstand. Joyce walks in to see me and the kids all freaking out, and instantly grabs my shoulders.

"Scarlett look at me, your alright. Calm down your safe." She says looking me in the eye. I kick my legs and tears stream down my face until i see her innocent smile and i slowly relax and look over to see Max helping Will up.

"D-did i hurt y-you..?" I ask questioning my previous actions. "No no, you didn't you just got scared which is understandable. But your okay. You just got some stitches and lost a good amount of blood. The hospital bill has been covered by Steve also so don't worry." Max says while Will smiles holding the back of his head where he got hit.

I pull him into a hug and mutter a small i'm 'so sorry' into his ear which he just nods in response. Will pulls away and Max comes up to me and hugs me. She sheds a tear into my should and i repeat the same steps.

"H-how long have i been out?" I ask not really wanting to know an answer. Max pulls away from the hug and look at Will and then Joyce. "You've been out for uhm, for 4 days." Will says speaking slightly relived but scared. My eyes widen and look over to Max who shakes her head in a yes motion, letting me know that Henry's gone, and that it's over.

Even though Henry or Vecna is gone, doesn't mean that the Mind Flayer is. I mean if what Henry said was right, it has control over Billy. Billy and I might hate each other, and Max and Billy definitely hate each other. But when it comes to one of us three getting hurt, we all are concerned.

What did Billy do to cause the Mind Flare to go after him? I mean i've been through so much shit, not Billy. Max has already been attacked, so figures why she's not the target. But why him?

I look down to my arm, and it's covered in bandages. I use my other hand to unwrap the bandage and just as i reveal the deep, long and infected cut, everyone else walks in. Including Hop. Steve and Jonathan walk over while i stare blankly at the wound. The drives are there doing their job, but it doesn't stop the burning feeling caused by the infection.

I look closer at my arm as Jonathan and Steve walk up covering it and grabbing my hand. "Wait stop!" I say quickly, causing Steve to let go and place his hand on my knee. I unravel the bandage again, to find something moving inside of my arm.

"El, get it out. I can't please Eleven get it out!" I announce while everyone else stands in shock and disgust from it. I scream into Jonathan's should while i hold onto Steve's hand. The pain level is currently at 10, and she hasn't even started it yet. I feel it moving in my arm, and sliding around.

She starts to take it out and i let out a small scream into Jonathans shoulder. Nancy turns around seeing the thing getting removed while the boys just stand there in horror. I squeeze Steve's hand tightly, and Eleven starts to take it out.

"Fuck!" I yell into Jonathans neck, digging my nails into his back ever so slightly, causing him to hug me tighter. Steve squeezes my hand while i sense his and the others pain from mine. Eleven gets it out, and it's some sort of  leech like thing. She brings it over to the window and throws it out and onto the pavement below.

I remove my head from Jonathan's tear stained neck, and remove my hand from Jonathan's back. Max comes and runs over to my side, after Jonathan wrapped my wound back up.

"Uhm Scar, Billy's coming to visit." She said with her voice shaking a little. I knew she was terrified of Billy, but he never laid a hand on her. Yes he grabbed her once and i put him in his place, but she still is shooken up by him. Speaking of Billy, Hopper started to question me when everyone left, besides Steve, Max and Jonathan. They stayed by my side the whole time.

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