No time for Goodbyes

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Scarlett's POV

I sat in my new room crying not wanting to finish my senior year. This time Billy wouldn't be there with me, and nobody would even notice. Steve and I became official and we both got closer with each other. The Byers move away today, and as me and Max are now alone with our Dad gone, we have nobody. I sob as i finish helping Jonathan pack his things into the moving truck.

"Hey hey, don't cry. We are visiting every chance we get, ok?" He says pulling me into a hug as everyone else say their goodbyes bud the house entrance. My mother bought the house after Dad left because we have not money. Well, not as much anymore, especially with mom spending it on alcohol. "You don't understand Jon. Max and I have nobody now. Nobody! With Billy and our Dad gone, the house is silent. Now with you i'm loosing my brothers, my best friends!" I saw screaming into his shoulder. My tears leave stains on his shirt as Joyce and Will come over. We all get in a big group hug, as all of us now sob.

"I don't want you guys to go." I say as they pull apart, mascara now running down my face. Will grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug, sobbing into my arms as he falls down. I fall with him and he wraps his legs around my waist as we sit in the pavement crying in each others lap. "I don't wanna go, i wanna stay here!" He says as i kiss the top of his head, dreading the end. "I don't want you to go either. But you have to buddy." I saw as Joyce looks down at us while Jonathan closes the truck sadly.

Everyone gathers around us to say final goodbyes, and as i go to get up, i can't move. I look around sand try to get up but fail too. "You thought she could end me? Ha, your too funny." I look around and stand up, with Will still in my waist. I'm back into reality and i hear that voice repeat over and over again. Eleven leaves with them as Joyce and Hopper are together, and she's apart if their family now.

"Will buddy you gotta let go." Joyce says trying to pull him off but he just slaps her hand away and screams "NO!" Into my shoulder as he still sobs. They don't want to leave, it's so visible. I mean especially to California. Such a small town in Indiana to a big one in California is a big change, and a far distance. Joyce backs up after i give her a look and she gets into her car with Eleven. Jonathan and Hopper get into the moving truck after he says goodbye to Nancy, and gives me a kiss on the forehead goodbye with tears escaping his eyes.

I walk over to the car and get in it, with Will still holding on. Joyce turns to look at him from the front, and El turns from the right. "Will, please. I love you and i know this hurts but i promise you, once everything gets back to normal you guys will come back. Mark my word i swear." I say as he lifts his head from my wet jacket. He nods with his eyes puffy and red, and sits down into the seat "I love you Scarlett." He says as Joyce rolls the window down and and buckles up.

"I love you too Will." I say kissing his cheek and waving goodbye as they pull out and take off down the road, not to be back here till next year. Everyone starts to inbox me and Maxs boxes, and Steve enters my room. "Hey. How are you? That's stupid never mind, what i meant to say was-" I turn to him and let out a small chuckle after i wipe away my tears. "I'm okay, for now." He smiles and walks towards me, his hands being placed on my waist. He places a small kiss on my lips and i look up to him.

"Promise me that this year, we can move in together. Open up a small café or diner downtown with Robin and hire all of our friends to work there. We can name it after Will or Billy, something they're like?" I ask, and a smile appears on his face. "Yeah, yeah i like that. What about, 'The Palm'?" He asks, referring to how Billy's favorite tree was a palm tree, and that they have nice, soft, green leave like Wills soft feelings and favorite color. I smile and place my arms around his neck.

"I love it."

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