• Chapter 1 •

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It was close to midnight and we were laying on the roof of Fairy Tale Reform School.

"You know... I could stay up here forever with you by my side." I turn to meet beautiful brown eyes. However, they weren't facing in my direction. They were looking at the person on the other side. Giggles were coming from those rosy lips. But they weren't towards something I said. I saw hands being interlocked but not with mine. I support myself on my elbows to look over towards the person who is currently taking the attention off of me. My blood starts boiling at the sight of the person. I fold my hands into fists, ready to attack.


He's laying down next to my girlfriend, Gillian. I'm so gonna kill him! He's too close to her, they're holding hands, and she's giggling at something he said. What could possibly be so funny?! Jack looks up to meet my gaze and I see a grin forming on his lips. "Guess the best man won her heart, huh prince?" Then... he starts kissing her.

"You little..." I pull my arm back to punch him when I feel some kind of force pushing me back. I try to fight it but to my dismay, it doesn't do anything.

Gillian breaks the kiss and looks at me with a smug look. "Hey, Jax. I guess not all royals can have a happy ending. No hard feelings though, right?" I feel tears flowing down my cheeks and the sting of hurt spreading inside my heart. I bite down on my teeth as hard as I can, almost chipping them. She gives me a smirk, mischief shining from it.

I feel something moving underneath me. The tiles of the roof were sliding off the rooftop. I was falling, and Gillian was just watching with Jack having an arm around her waist. And then, I fall into the dark of the night.


I open my eyes and frantically look around for the source of the voice. Sitting next to me with a hand on my shoulder is Gilly. "You scared me! You kept screaming and crying and punching the tiles!" I turn my gaze towards my hands, a red substance covering my knuckles. Blood. I see my surroundings and finally come to the realization that we were laying down on the roof of the school.

"Did we fall asleep yesterday?" I ask in a raspy voice.

"Seriously Jackson?! You're just going to ignore the fact that you were crying out and hurting yourself in your sleep?!"

I gulp before looking at her and feel myself get lost in those beautiful eyes of hers. "Just some bad dream, nothing to worry about."

"I'm not buying it. What was it about? And don't you dare tell me it was nothing!" She crosses her arms and gives me a stern face.

I support myself on my elbows and caress her cheek with my right hand. "I dreamt that I lost you." Her gaze softens and she gives me a small smile.

"You're never going to lose me. You can't get rid of me that easily." She smirks.

I let out a soft chuckle. No need to tell her that it was about Jack taking her away from me. She would probably stop talking to me for two to three days. "We should probably get back to the dorms."

She nods and we descend from our secret spot. It's been a week since I asked her to be my girlfriend. We've come here whenever we can spare time from studies and our responsibilities. We haven't told anyone yet since we don't want to be bothered every time we hang out.

Reporters come into view as we jump on the ground. Gilly grabs my hand and whispers. "You don't think..."

I shake my head but still move her behind me protectively. "We've been cautious. It must be something else."

We slowly walk back towards the moving hallways. Just as we start to turn around, a loud quacking sound comes from said hallway. Peaches really does have great timing. The reporters look in the direction of the sound and don't lose a second as soon as they see us. Gillian and I look at each other in fear.


I can see the reflections of the flashes and hear all the questions they yell out to us. It's at times like these when I rather not be a royal. I'm still holding my girlfriend's hand when I trip on the carpet as the hallway changes. Who had the bright idea of putting a carpet on moving hallways?!

"This way!"

I look up to see someone in a long, light pink dress with blue highlights. She pushes us into a door that turns into a hallway.

"Long time no see." She smiles and puts her hand out to help Gilly who fell when we entered the door. She has shiny blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"Thanks for that, Sasha." I stand up and dust my uniform. "Do you happen to know why all the reporters in Enchantasia are here?"

She looks at us confused. "You don't know? Someone sent them a video and picture. Fortunately for you, I managed to retrieve the video before anyone saw it but not much luck with the picture." Sasha shows us her magical scroll and a video starts playing. The video is of me punching the roof with Gilly screaming beside me. Words started appearing at the bottom of the video: "Prince losing his mind thanks to criminals"

My eyes widen and I look at Gilly. She was looking at the video with hatred. She probably wanted to kill the person who recorded that. I put a hand on her shoulder in order to calm her down. It works just like I thought it would, but the hatred isn't gone. Sasha then swipes to the left to show a picture of us kissing on the rooftop. I feel my face burning up and look away.

"Uh... I-umm..." Gillian's mouth is open and she's as red as a cherry.

Sasha chuckles and puts the scroll away. "I have to say, you two are a really cute couple." She slightly frowns. "But now everyone knows and knowing the reporters, they'll never let a story like this slip in a short period of time. Especially if you guys are still dating."

"Any survival tips?" Asks Gilly.

"Well... they can't come during the night or when classes are happening. Special events where you're both going to be at will be a great opportunity for them so try to skip or find someone important to talk to about random stuff so they don't bother you. Also, you should probably always be with your friends and don't let them lose sight of you. Reporters tend to confront their marks when they're alone to get more information."

Gillian clears her throat. "You make it sound like it's a life or death situation." She starts laughing and I join in before looking at the royal. She laughs uncomfortably.

"It kind of is." We immediately stop laughing and gulp. Before I can say anything, Ollie comes running in our direction. Once he reaches us, he collapses on the ground and catches his breath.

"I..... found... you!" I help him get up and he puts a hand on his chest. "I should really pick up running again. That was so tiring."

"I should get going but one last thing. Whenever they ask you questions about your future like when you're proposing and stuff," I become stiff and my heart starts beating a lot faster. "Just make sure you say 'no comment' or else you'll regret saying yes, no, or some other answer." We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

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