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I've read quite a few story where Scarlett or Lizzie have a daughter who gets kidnapped a few hours after she's born so... I guess this is my take on this sort of plot. 

Except I am currently a scarlizzie fan so... this is mostly a scarlizzie story but it's also going to be centered on the daughter as well. 

also, if you know me, you know I hate timeline- so if the timeline is wrong, we all know the reason haha!

I hope you guys enjoy! 

- Kathy


The cloud was stormy for once in the usually sunny LA. But Scarlett was fine with it, it looked the way she felt. If the rain falls, it would allow her to cry easier. Lizzie sat by her side with a solemn look, her eyes focused on her hands, her bad habit resurfacing. Usually Scarlett would have stopped her hand picking by now, but she understood there were worse things to consider at the moment.

Their phone laid silently beside them on the bed, awaiting the phone call that could possibly fix everything. Nothing.

When the first drop of rain fell, so did the first tear. Lizzie was quick to pull Scarlett into her lap, soothing words being whispered into her girlfriend's ears. A lone tear turned into a sob, and Scarlett buried her face in Lizzie's shirt.

"This is all my fault," Scarlett got out in between sobs.

"Come on, one more push! I see the head!"

Lizzie shook her head, running her hands through Scarlett's hair, an action that usually calmed her down. But at the moment, she couldn't be calm. "No one would suspect it happening. The police are out there, they're going to find her."

"It's a girl!" Lizzie exclaimed, leaning her forehead against Scarlett's, pressing soft kisses to Scarlett's cheek, nose, and then finally pecking her lips. "You did amazing, Scar. We have a beautiful baby girl."

Another sob rocked her body, and Lizzie once again held her, kissing her forehead. "What if they don't? What if they don't find her? What if she's already dead? What if-"

"Do you believe in fate?"

The midwife handed Scarlett their baby girl, and Lizzie glanced at their daughter with so much adoration in her eyes, Scarlett found herself falling in love with the girl even more if possible. She found her eyes back on her daughter, who finally opened her eyes, revealing her emerald green ones.

"She has your eyes," Lizzie coos. The baby tilted her head and Lizzie giggled. Scarlett held out her index finger, which their daughter happily took.

Scarlett glanced up. "Not really..."

"Neither do I," Lizzie shook her head. "But I know if fate is with us tonight, they'll bring us back our daughter."

That was apparently the wrong thing to say, as Scarlett sat up suddenly. "You're putting the fate of our daughter in fucking fate?! I can't sit here, I can't-"

The doctor eventually comes to take the baby away, and Scarlett reluctantly let her go. Lizzie sat by her the whole time, brushing away the strand of hair that fell off her face. Scarlett watched as their daughter was taken out of their room. Lizzie kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, we'll see her soon."

Scarlett jumped out of bed, and Lizzie frowned in concern, standing up and trying to pull her girlfriend back in bed with her. "Where are you going?"

"I know you think that the police or whatever is going to find our daughter, but I can't sit here and do nothing!" Scarlett exclaimed, her eyes frantically glancing around the room as she rushed into the closet and grabbed a coat. "I'm going to find my daughter."

Lizzie made her way towards Scarlett, who was looking around the room for her car keys. "You think you have more experience than the cops?! What if a guy with a gun stole our daughter, what would you do, Scarlett? What will you do then?!"

A dark look crossed her face. "Then I'll rip that guy to pieces." But it passed as quickly as it came when Scarlett found her keys. "If you're not going with me, I'm going by myself."

"Think about what you're doing!" Lizzie shouted, fear gripping her heart. Fear for her daughter, for her girlfriend, for the love of her life.

"THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE NOT DOING!" Scarlett snapped, grabbing her purse as well before slamming the door to the master bedroom.

Lizzie could only watch the door in shock.

The doctors walked in with solemn looks, and Lizzie glanced up from her book, gently nudging Scarlett awake. Doctors with solemn looks are bad.

"I'm sorry," Scarlett sat up immediately, her eyes finding Lizzie's, and she squeezed Scarlett's hands. "We did the best that we could but..."

She paused, and Scarlett raised her eyebrow. "Just out with it, Doctor."

"Your daughter is missing."

Maybe five minutes passed, but it felt like eternity before Lizzie finally stood up, throwing the bedroom door open and running out, hoping that Scarlett would still be in the apartment. But she wasn't. Of course she wasn't.

She heard the sound of a car starting and she ran towards the front door as Scarlett drove out of the garage. There was nothing she could do but watch, as the rain started drenching her clothes.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY MISSING?!" Scarlett shouted, her anger clearly laced in her voice. Lizzie tried to calm her down, but her heart was beating faster than normal, and she felt as if someone was squeezing it. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "HOW DOES MY DAUGHTER JUST GO MISSING?!"

"We have called the police, they are already looking for her, don't worry ma'am," the doctor replied calmly.


"Scarlett," Lizzie whispered softly, and Scarlett glanced at her with unshed tears in her eyes. Lizzie gently took her hands, hoping that it would be enough. If it will ever be enough.

Lizzie doesn't know how long she stood in the rain for. But when she finally walked back into the house she shared with Scarlett, she suddenly realized how empty it felt. And when her eyes landed on a note roughly placed on the counter, she quickly rushed over to it.

Dear Lizzie,

This is selfish of me. But I don't think I could ever look into your eyes and tell you these words, because you will call me out on my lie, and you will hate me forever. But I can't do this anymore. I love you, Lizzie, I love you so fucking much it hurts.

This is for the best, please understand.

Yours forever,


Her first tear of the night fell as she sank to her knees on the kitchen floor, clinging the note in her hands. 

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