Chapter 7

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A laugh was the only thing that escaped Katelyn's lips when she saw Xochitl's new tiktok, with Scarlett and Lizzie dancing in the background and Lizzie's glances as she stared at Scarlett, and the latter's poor attempt at trying to dance.

Scarlett also posted the video on The Outset, and since she couldn't comment on Xochitl's tiktok, she did it on Scarlett's.

The fans are definitely going to go crazy at that, since it was the first tiktok anyone has ever since Lizzie made, and Scarlett usually posts stuff about her skin-care products, not fun dancing things. Surprisingly, Katelyn found that she was one of the first people to be on the video, and she didn't wait to post a comment.


i wish someone will look at me the way Lizzie is looking at Scarlett 😭

It wasn't long after she posted that the ring on her phone got her eyes turned away from the screen. Noticing Jessie's name on the screen, she quickly picked it up, putting her friend on speaker. "Jessie!"

"OMG KATELYN! DID YOU SEE SCARLETT'S NEW TIKTOK BECAUSE I AM FREAKING OUT," her excited squeals made Katelyn quickly turn down the volume to her phone. "ALSO YOUR COMMENT? HELLO?"

Katelyn rolled her eyes at that. "I am single and sad, Jessie. Give me a break."

"ALSO SCARLETT AND LIZZIE!" Jessie screamed again. "They are so freaking cute. And the photo you sent me? Omg you guys look so good together."

"They come to the place I work at every day," Katelyn revealed, preparing herself for the excitement Jessie would definitely throw at her. Sometimes Katelyn wondered if Jessie could be an even bigger fan than her, which could definitely be possible. It was definitely a Jessie thing, plus all she ever talk about was Wanda and Natasha, than it's Lizzie and Scarlett, or Taylor Swift. Depending on what news she have the most of. She basically have her own tiktok accounts where she discuss fan theories and her own theories. A true swiftie right there.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Jessie exclaimed, and Katelyn could basically hear the pout over the phone. "That's called betrayal right there, Kate. That's called betrayal. Don't you dare roll your eyes at me."

She did anyway, but Jessie doesn't need to know that. "I'm sure you would get to meet them one day, Jessie. Maybe they would-"

But before Katelyn couldn't finish her sentence, Jessie excitedly shouted over the phone once more. "KATE KATE! CHECK YOUR TIKTOK NOTIFICATION!"

"One, stop shouting," Katelyn rubbed her ears, swiping out of the call tab and finding her tiktok app. "And secondly, are you stalking me?"

Her words were cut off when she noticed that Scarlett, or someone from the outset, probably Scarlett had responded to her message.

kae.the.swiftie, widownat1563, AND 5489 PEOPLE LIKED YOUR COMMENT

"OH MY GOSH," she found herself screaming as well, when she tapped into the comment she had previously left, seeing that it was liked by the creator and that The Outset had responded to her.


my girlfriend is the sweetest, i hope you find someone sweet as well <333



Katelyn glanced back at her screen, still surprised that not only have she now met Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen in person, now she has somehow got them to notice her online as well. Sure, maybe they aren't the first celebrity she had interacted with online, but it was definitely different. "I think so. Maybe just a simple thank you though."

"Remember me when you're off living your best life with Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen," Jessie laughed jokingly. Katelyn rolled her eyes. As much as a dream that would be, it's not possible. Plus she has her own parents to worry about... who are definitely coming back in two days...

There goes her happy life.

"Don't joke about stuff like this, don't get my hopes up," Katelyn childed, quickly typing out a response to theouset.


thank you <333

"Do you think they know you are the girl they met at the coffee shop?" Jessie questioned, and Katelyn pounded over that thought. She does have a very public tiktok account. But maybe they don't, because she's usually dressed up.

"I wouldn't know," Katelyn shrugged, before remembering the fact that Jessie couldn't see her. "But I don't think so."

The rest of the call was filled with random conversations the two of them could come up with, and at one point, Katelyn got herself cup noddles and turned on the TV as she and Jessie watched reruns of the marvel movies on Disney+. Her homework was covering the ground, and she scribbled down numbers to the math questions as she occasionally glanced up at the TV.

At one point Jessie literally questioned whether or not she was doing homework, and Katelyn rolled her eyes, pointing out she was doing the same thing, which quickly shut the other girl up.

At around seven, she grabbed her charger from her bedroom and plugged it into a plug near the sofa, so she could stay on the call with Jessie without her phone dying on her. When they finished their third marvel movie, Katelyn found herself back on tiktok, and her eyes widened when she saw the notifications on the phone.

"Oh my gosh, Jessica. You will not believe this," Katelyn gasped, quickly scrolling through her notifications, which were definitely too much to count at this point, maybe more than she was used to.

A yawn came from the other line, and Jessie's voice came through. "What? It's almost nine, I need to go to bed soon."

"Scarlett fucking Johansson or someone on the outset followed me, liked a few of my videos, and commented on one of them." Her voice was calmer than Katelyn was feeling on the inside, but she was definitely freaking out at the moment.

Jessie seems more awake after that. "Scarlett Johansson saw your video?"

"Yeah," Katelyn was still staring at her screen in disbelief.

"What did she say?" Jessie questioned.

Katelyn glanced at the comment, before making a decision. "I'll screenshot it to you." 

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