Chapter 6

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| June 23, 2014 |

The walk back to her trailer was quiet, Jeremy walking besides her. Scarlett nudged him playfully, and he rolled his eyes in return. Up ahead, teasing remarks were heard the closer they got to the sound. And Scarlett froze when she realized one of the voices.

"I told you, we should have checked the maps before we came in."

Another voice replied. "Well, it's too late for that, isn't it?"

And then the unavoidable happened and Scarlett came face to face, for the first time in seven years, with Elizabeth Chase Olsen. The actress froze as well, and the man besides her, who Scarlett recognized as Aaron Taylor-Johanson glanced back at Lizzie. Jeremy stopped as well when he realized that the others had stopped.

But Scarlett couldn't focus on everything else, her eyes on Lizzie. She was staring, and she knew it. Lizzie stared back, an unreadable expression on her face. If it was readable, they wouldn't be in this situation. They wouldn't be... staring awkwardly at each other. They should have been happy that they got cast by the same director and have more chances to spend time with each other as actors.

Part of Scarlett blamed the child. If none of that had happened, they would be together. Maybe she would have proposed to Lizzie already, although gay marriage still aren't legalized. But it would have been a possibility. She could've been one step closer to marrying Lizzie, who she's still unctrollablly in love with.

But it wasn't their daughter's fault. It never will be.

"Is there something I'm missing here?" Aaron was the first to speak up, glancing between the two actresses with curious glances. "Because if there is, I'm sure me and Renner here could leave."

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Speak for yourself. I'm staying with Scarlett." He turned to her. "Do you want to leave? Is that girl making you uncomfortable?"

Scarlett wanted to laugh in his face. Make her uncomfortable? Lizzie could never make her uncomfortable. She was... everything Scarlett knew she wasn't. She was logical that night. She was thinking. But Scarlett wasn't, and then she ruin the best thing that had ever happened to her over a fucking note.

"I can leave," Lizzie finally spoke up again. And that was the moment everything stopped again. You can't leave. I don't want you to. But of course she didn't say that out loud. Because she couldn't. She couldn't just... ask her to leave again. She can't leave again. And-

"NO!" Her words came out louder than she intended to when Scarlett noticed Lizzie walking away. She can't walk away, not like this, not again. Lizzie paused in her steps, turning back to glance at her. Jeremy glanced at her questioningly, but she wasn't looking at him. "You can't stay. You aren't making me uncomfortable, it's just you know, kind of weird, and I don't want you to leave, but you don't have to stay, but like-"

Lizzie gave her a small smile, and Scarlett blushed and looked away when she realized she was mumbling. Jeremy raised an eyebrow, and she wanted to shove him. She had never mentioned a word about Lizzie to him, and she knew that Lizzie wasn't as big of an actress at the moment, but she will be. But at the moment, Jeremy probably does not know him. "I'm not leaving. Would you two mind pointing out the directions to the trailers? We're kind of lost."

"Kind of?" Aaron exclaimed. "We're not kind of lost. We are really lost."

Lizzie elbowed him with an eye roll, giving Scarlett and Jeremy a look that seemed to say 'this guy, what should I do with him?' Jeremy shrugged in response. "Sure. We're heading there anyway, so it's really no problem."

"Thank you so much," Lizzie smiled kindly, and Scarlett found herself staying at the hand on Lizzie's back, and the secret looks the two of them seem to share, as if they knew something she doesn't. And maybe they did. Because Scarlett hasn't seen Lizzie in over seven years. Seven years would probably change a person, it changed her.

But at the moment, Scarlett simply forced a smile as she followed closely behind Jeremy. The chatter between Lizzie and Aaron filled in the awkward walk.

| Present Day |

"Who are you texting?" Scarlett questioned, leaning over Lizzie's shoulder and glancing at her phone. Lizzie simply shrugged, showing her the screen. "It's the girl I drunk texted three days ago."

It was their second day on set in New York. And so far, filming was going great. They once again went to the cafe, and Katelyn greeted them again with her enthusiastic smile and small jokes. Scarlett frowned, glancing at the contact name for the girl. "El?"

Lizzie simply shrugged. "I don't know her name, she doesn't know my name. And it wasn't my intention to keep texting her, she just kept texting me."

Looking through the text, Scarlett laughed when she saw the text about flirting. "I'm glad you're defending my honor and telling her you have a girlfriend. I am not glad that she seems to be gay too because she could take you away from me." A pout appeared on her face.

"Relax, Scar. For all we know, she could be like a kid or an old lady, or maybe even lying about her gender. So no one is stealing anyone for anyone," Lizzie rolled her eyes. "If we continue talking, we are simply friends, nothing more. She seems nice enough."

Scarlett nodded. She trusted Lizzie, she always has. "Love your make-up by the way."

"I know right?" Lizzie perked up at the mention of her makeup. There was blood drawn onto her face, and it looked slightly creepy, but Lizzie was smiling, and her eyes were so soft Scarlett couldn't see her as anything scary. "It's super cool. I think today's part would be fun."

"Limping through the set?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

Lizzie simply shrugged, and defended her character. "Hey, it could be fun."

Before Scarlett could come up with any snappy remark to say about that, Xochitl knocked on the opened door and pecked her head in. Lizzie greeted her with a smile and Scarlett waved.

"So..." she started, stepping into the make-up trailer. "How are my favorite couple on set doing?"

Lizzie raised her eyebrows. "You either broke something of ours, want something, or you are pranking us..."

Xochitl pouted. "Do you have so little faith in me?"

"Yes," Lizzie crossed her arms. "Last time you called us your favorite couple, I slammed my face into whip cream."

"It was just a joke," she defended, holding her hands up.

"Plus it was funny," Scarlett smirked.

Lizzie glared at her, and Scarlett almost took back her words. Almost. "You're supposed to be on my side, Scarlett."

"Hey, it was funny, it's not something you see on set everyday," Scarlett laughed. But before a fight could break out, Xochitl came in between them, holding up her phone.

"I'll swear to never prank Lizzie again if you make a tiktok with me," she said with a serious look on her face. "I'll teach you the dance!" 

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