Chapter 20- Lawyers

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"Miss Edwards?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Sorry. Anthony Marcus. I'm a lawyer at the local Nashville law firm. I was sent by my firm on behalf of a Miss Barnes."

"Libby? But why?"
"I should really be telling this to a Mr. Hayes. I was told he'd be here."

"Yeah, he's on stage right now. He should be back here soon, but anything you're supposed to tell him you can tell me. I'm his best friend and he trusts me."

"Ok, well, Miss Barnes has filed for child support from Mr. Hayes claiming that her baby is his."
"What? But does she have any actual proof?"

"She did give us a paternity test that she claims proves that he is the father of her baby. We at the firm, and by we I mean me, are trying to figure out if it's legitimate."
"Oh, so, she's still trying to prove it? Well, I've got some proof of my own."

"And what is that proof?"
"The fact that he is the father of my baby who is in the back of this bus right now."
"That doesn't prove she's wrong. Your baby is already born, she's still 7 months along."

"Actually, Emmy, that's my daughter, was born 2 months early only 4 days ago. And I have a sonogram of mine when I was 5 weeks along and one that Libby gave Hunter when she was 4 weeks along."

As I was saying this, I walked over to the kitchen counter where I picked up the folder that had all the paperwork that helped prove Emmy was the only baby that Hunter had fathered. "Here are the sonograms and the paternity test that gives DNA proof of Emmy's parentage."

As he took the paperwork from me and continued to look it over, I heard a voice coming from just outside the front door of the bus.
"Ryles, you in there?"

"Hunter! You're here," I ran to the door, running straight into the best hug I've had in about a month. After finally pulling out of the hug, I grabbed his hand and pulled him over toward the couch where the young lawyer was sitting.

"Hunter, this is Anthony Marcus. He's a lawyer from Nashville. He says Libby hired his law firm to prove her baby is yours. Hunt, she's filed for child support."

"Wow, ok. So... Anthony, what can we do for you?"
"Well, she claims that she has a paternity test that proves you are the father of her baby. We need a DNA sample from you to check it against that test. Ryleigh also gave me the paperwork that proves her daughter's parentage and gave me a sample to run. For now that's all I need, but I'll definitely keep you updated every step of the way."

He then left the bus with all the necessary evidence and I turned around to face Hunter and he stepped closer to me and said,
"Ryles, can I meet her? Where's Emmy?"

"Absolutely, I'll bring her out." I walked into the back room, lifted her out of her makeshift crib and carried her back out to the main living space. I laid her into his arms, then sat back and watched Hunter watch his tiny daughter.

A/N: Another sweet moment as Hunter meets his infant daughter for the first time.... Could things continue smoothly for this little family of three finally? Or will there be more drama soon? We'll see...

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