Chapter 21- Court

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2 months later, I've been waiting anxiously to hear news from the lawyer about the 'Libby' situation. I knew now she would be getting closer to her due date, which of course would have been very close to mine had Emmy not been born early. I woke up thinking about it one morning. Then as I was just coming out of the bathroom, I heard my phone ringing from my bunk in the bus. I walked over, picked it up and answered,
"Hello? Who is this?"

"Ryleigh Edwards? This is Anthony Marcus. Do you remember the lawyer that met with you and Mr. Hayes?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember. You have any new news?"

"Actually yes, I had our on call doctor confirm your doctor's results. Hunter is definitely Emmy's father. And at first glance, the paternity test that Libby 'provided' appears to be legitimate. But we haven't been successful at obtaining a sample of her baby's DNA to run ourselves yet."

"So, the only thing you know for sure right now, is that Emmy IS his daughter? In your own opinion, do you think it's true? Do you think her child is his?"

"Officially AND legally, I can't tell you my opinion. But, unofficially, I think there was something weird about the way Libby acted when she came to us. I can't say I believe her. At this point I'd be more willing to believe you, that is if I didn't already know the truth. And obviously there's a much closer relationship between you and Hunter than between him and Libby."

"Yeah, well, I've known him all my life. Our mothers grew up together, so they obviously raised their own kids together."

"Wow, you really have known him a long time. So, it's fair to say that you know him a lot better than Miss Barnes."
"Don't call her 'Miss'. It makes her sound nice. But yeah, he's been my best friend for a long time. In fact the first memory I have of him is back when we only 5."

"I gotta go, but I'll keep you updated with any news."

2 weeks later, the tour had just finished as I got a phone call from the lawyer telling me that Hunter and I needed to be back in Nashville for a court appearance where Libby would try once and for all to prove that what she said was true, that Hunter was her baby's father. The law firm that Tony Marcus worked for had after all decided against representing her, and had chosen to prove what he believed, that Libby was lying. 2 days later, we were finally pulling into downtown Nashville.

A week after that, we were finally arriving at the courthouse. I stepped out of the car, holding 2 and half month old Emmy. The three of us walked in and sat down in the front row behind where Mr. Marcus would be trying to disprove Libby's claims. Finally, I saw HER walk in too and sit down opposite us. For the first time I saw that she actually had been telling the truth about being pregnant.

She's holding her own little baby boy. But just looking at him, I could tell having him here, would help our cause more than hers. That little black haired, green eyed baby boy looks nothing like Hunter. As I sat there, staring at her and the baby, she piped in,

"Hello, Ryleigh. Are you ready to admit you don't know Hunter as well as you think you do? See, I really was pregnant. This is my son, Alex."

"I never doubted you were pregnant. Even you couldn't fake that. And his black hair could have come from you, but whose eyes did he get? Yours are brown and Hunter's are blue. So, why does he have green eyes?"

She just stared at me, in disbelief that I would ask that. She didn't get a chance to say anything more because the court case was now beginning. It took about a week of going back and forth, but finally Tony was stating his closing argument.

"So, you see, based on DNA evidence, Miss Edwards has been telling the truth about who fathered her daughter, little 3 month old Emmy Hayes. And while the initial test on Miss Barnes' baby seemed to prove that Mr. Hayes was the father of hers too, we have since proven that that test was faked. We know this because 3 week old Alex Barnes' DNA does not match Emmy's. Of course, if Mr. Hayes had fathered both, they would share half the same DNA. Then there's the fact that Emmy looks exactly like her father while Alex couldn't look more different."

A/N: Ok, so, I have no personal experiences with court cases... So, this scene is based solely on tv shows I've watched and me making it up...

Now, back to the story, Libby has a baby boy, Alex now... But he's not Hunter's son? What will the judge say?

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