Gray Scarf

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Want to know what's gross?

Sitting on your desk at first period High school freshman year then feeling the fresh gum underneath stick on your pants.

Want to know what's worse?

Catching Jungkook hooking up with his girlfriend in your shared dormitory.

God, people nowadays are getting brave. 

"Bro, I didn't know you'd arrive today!"

"Save it!" I didn't look at him to give his girl privacy. Not that he needed that from me, I know every inch of his body. All of us do.

"Maybe I should go." Chaeyoung murmured.

"No babe, it's already late. What would the neighbors think."

"Your company pay your neighbors to shut up JK. I need to go."

"Pretty please stay-"

I slammed the door for dramatic purposes before I make my way to my bed. It was tiring to travel even though it's just Daegu but I could already feel my lids giving up.

I heard vibrations from my phone but I ignore it. If it didn't play a certain melody then it's not important at all.

See the reason I went straight here and not my condo is to retrieve a little gift. Although, I admit it was a mistake on my part that I didn't ring home before going. Because had I done that, I wouldn't have witnessed such obscenity.

I have nothing against Rose, but if she stays through the night, it'll be hella awkward for me to even be within a meter radius near her. I'm sure what happened between Lisa and I have been forgotten - I hope. But it's all in the past so I shouldn't be scared to share small talks with the best friend. Right?

Her tiktok videos always slays. She looks fine even. And the boys she hangs out with? Ten? He's a cool dude. And that guy from Ikon - trash but I guess he's okay too.

I'm just sayin' if she's going to replace me, it should be someone who's as important as her. Someone who's not just good looking but also knows his worth and values. Maybe they're just her friends but who knows? The point is, Lisa should know better who to hang out with.

Okay, not gonna lie, but I got kind of pissed when I saw her pictures with the tall foreign guy. I almost revived my hater account but then I heard he's dating a model so...

Don't get me wrong. I'm not like jealous.

So we're over but it's not like I'm not allowed to care for her.

I'm her ex but I still look out for her. I can't help it 'coz it's a guy thing.

I felt a lick on my face just when I start getting the z's. 

"Tannie, I missed you." I chuckled. The door clicked and that's when I knew Yeontan came with Hobi hyung. I looked at my phone and there it is, the message was from him.

"Thought you were staying in Gangnam." He assumed giving me a hug.

"I was." I sighed.

"I heard you're travelling to Paris soon." He inquired. The look on his face was mocking but I'm too tired to attack. So I only nodded passively. 

"Um, thanks for taking after Tantan." I kicked my shoes sliding into the comforter. "Appreciate it bro."

"Sure, I'd gladly babysit anytime but I don't simply accept a mere Thanks for my good act of service." He pried, a spite of evil laced in his voice followed by a laugh.

"Get out. I'm tired." I covered my head with the sheets.

"Oh come on man, give me the details, I know you're excited to meet Lisa. You're just being a baby about it because everyone hangs out with her nowadays except you." He taunted. I swear if I find out-

"You should have gone home a day earlier. She invited me and Eunwoo over for karaoke night-"

I nearly scared Yeontan when I resurrected from the bed. "Why the hell are you telling me this?"

Hobi hyung looked at me as if I spoke in alien. "Well, aren't you getting her back?"


I didn't voice that out. I fell down back at my bed and groaned. "What makes you think I'm still after her?"

Besides, even if I chase her and ask her to take me back, I'm not so sure if she's willing to. She looks genuinely happy - single or not. That or I don't know how to read her anymore like I used to.

When we were dating, I could always tell if there's something bothering her. Or if she's not sleeping enough, or if there's a rumor that's affecting her.

But lately, she's getting too good at masking her true smiles that even I couldn't distinguish what's fake or real anymore.

"Well, you've been gone for a while so more snooping for me." He chuckled making me sprang up again. I scowled at him ready to throw hands and push him off my bed if he utters a word I don't like.

"What did you do?"

"I was bored so I cleaned the place, except for Namjoon's room because I don't even want to know what he's hiding but I did find something from the depths of your closet." 


"Dude I was there when you purchased that scarf, you even asked my opinion."

"One more word-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. It's wrong, I know. You'll curse my soul I know. But for whatever's worth and as a forced friend, I know you've been keeping it there for a long time because you still care and you would have thrown it months ago if you didn't give shit."

He's lucky my dog's on his arms or else I would've thrown my lamp to his face by now.

"My guess is that you'll give it to her, either as a good ex or you'll give it to her as a token of second chances." His eyebrows were rising alternately it's making my head light.

"So which is it?"

Maybe I should have just thrown the damn scarf away. 

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