Chapter Two

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My mother was a tanned goddess. Always coming back from her exotic trips looking as if she had just sat in the sun for weeks on end. The only explanation was that I got my pale skin from my father. My mother never liked to talk about him. But when she did, I could tell she was still utterly in love with him. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why. From her stories he sounded like an amazing guy yet... The fact that he left after being seemingly so in love with her bothered me. All he left for her was memories. And she kept those memories until the day she died, safe and hidden within her heart. In the back of my mind I knew that was why she was always be traveling. She was forever searching for him. She was a hopeless-romantic in every sense of the word. Whether it came to books, movies, or music, she was always waiting her prince charming to come riding back to her on his trusty steed. And when he never did I could physically see how it affected her. I could see it every time the doorbell rang. Where she would immediately get excited and nervous, only to be disappointed when it was just the mail.

Whenever I would play for her and tell her about the lover my music created she would become a giddy mess, falling in love with the fictional men just as much as I did. I picked up that trait from her. We were complete opposites in every way, but we bonded over our fascination with love. Otherwise, she was a complete mystery to me.

Growing up, I never dated. No one ever compared to my music. The subtle caresses of the notes dancing across my skin was enough for me. Because of that, I never imagined I would find someone who made me feel the way my music did. But as I stood at the bar preparing an Old Fashioned, I found my stomach swirling at the thought of Bradley coming to the Hard Deck. It's been a week since I had last seen him. I assumed that he was just working, but I couldn't help but feel empty without him sitting at the piano. Penny had also not seen Maverick. I could tell it bugged her, even though I knew she would never admit it.

It was still early in the night. The jukebox was softer than I had ever heard before, playing slow rock jams. I knew it would pick up soon, but I made sure to savor the peaceful aura. I didn't look up as the front bell rang, too focused on opening a new jar of cherries. I wouldn't call myself a physically weak person, but for the life of me I couldn't open the damn thing. No matter what surface I tapped it on, it wouldn't budge. As I was struggled, I noticed someone sit at the bar. "I'll get your drink in just a second!" I say out of breath after putting all my weight into my hands to open the container.

"You seem to be struggling with that, Dove." I whip my head and stare into his green eyes. At that moment, time stands still. It felt like I was drowning and finally came back up for air. He was here. "Bradley! Uh... Yeah the lid seems to be on really damn tight" I say awkwardly, giving it one more twist. At this point I'm panting from exhaustion. "I give up!" I grunt, slamming the glass on the counter. When I turn to face him, I see his hand stretched out across the bar top. "Let me give it a shot." I raise an eyebrow at him. Handing the jar to him. "You know, it's on there really tigh-"

Before I can finish, his strong hands pop off the top with ease. While gripping the lid his forearms flex, showing off his toned, veiny, arms. I must've been staring because he gives me a cocky smirk while handing it back. "I think I can handle it." I blush while looking down sheepishly, taking it out of his hands. "I probably just loosened it for you. But thanks anyways." He laughs and reaches down to steal a cherry, popping it into his mouth. "No problem, Darlin'. I'm just here to help a pretty lady in need." God, he was going to kill me. "At ease lieutenant, before I make you pay for that cherry." Penny pops up from behind me, making me jump a little. He's still staring straight into my eyes as he slowly takes the stem out of his mouth, which was now formed in perfect knot. "I was just helping Miss Dove here open the jar. I took the cherry as payment. You wouldn't want me to do unpaid labor, would you?" He winks at me before looking at my boss. "Don't make me ring the bell, Bradley." She says in a warning voice. I'm still looking at the cherry stem, sitting atop a napkin on the bar. That simple party trick was enough to make a fire blossom within me, causing me to sweat. Right as I break away from my flustered thoughts, I feel his eyes on me once more.

I cannot take it. It feels like I might explode any second from his heated gaze, and I don't know how to defuse it myself. Before I can even try, the bell at the front door rings again showing some more aviators. "Well, that's my que. See you around, Dove." I give a small wave before he jogs over to his friends. I stare at his back for a second before I turn to Penny, who's giving me a knowing smile. "Penny, don't start." She puts her arms up innocently and chuckles before walking away. I don't know if I can handle analyzing what just happened so I quickly resume my duties.

The bar starts picking up as the night goes on. Someone eventually turned up the jukebox so that it could be heard over the quickly forming crowd. It's a pretty normal night until I hear a commotion over in the corner of the bar. "Don't touch my girlfriend, asshole!" One man shouts, causing everyone to turn their heads. "What the fuck, man? She was all over me! I bet she can't wait for me to take her home." The second man shouts back, shoving him. This comment seemed to really piss off the first guy. Because the next thing I know, he sent the douchebag flying back with a right hook to the jaw, knocking him into the jukebox. The next few moments go in slow motion as the jukebox slams onto the ground with a loud thud, causing the music to come to an abrupt halt. Everyone is silent for a few seconds before I see both men being dragged out by a few other patrons.

Penny and I walk over to the jukebox, before she huffs. "Damn, I'm going to have to get this thing repaired. Sorry everyone! No music for tonight." She walks away in frustration as the crowd whines. I desperately look for Bradley, hoping he would be sitting at the piano to help this predicament. But as I search it seems he's nowhere to be seen. I look out the window and see that he was one of the men who brought the two guys outside, which he was currently trying to keep from fighting. I look around nervously, seeing the once happy customers grabbing their stuff to leave. Shit, this was really going to affect my much needed tips. Think Elaine think!

Before i've even made up my mind, my feet are already carrying me to the piano. My insides are twisting with anxiety as I approach the bench. I've never been good at performing for crowds, but I needed the money. I sit before taking a shaky breath. I look around, and it seems no one has noticed my presence. I inhale a long breath and closing my eyes before I start singing the first song that comes to mind.

"I keep on fallin'... in... and outta love with you." My fingers gently press the keys as the music slowly sweeps me away. "Sometimes I love you. Sometimes you make me blue." At this point the song is carrying me through the trenches of anxiety. I can't even notice it though because the longer I keep singing, the more the music consumes me. I hear absolutely nothing around me as if time stood still, and it was just me and my music.

As I belt out the second chorus, I start to feel that well known feeling of comfort. I was completely alone in that moment. The smell of the salty air pricks my nostrils as I breathe in between verses. My fingertips feel every scratch in the piano keys as they slam into an eruption of sound, making every hair on my neck stand. I no longer was just Elaine Moore. I was electric. The blood pumping through my veins transform into pure waves of sound, sending chills up and down my spine. It's a joyride I never want to get off of. The riffs roll easily off my tongue as I belt out the last note and my fingers stop after finishing the last bar of music. I'm so out of breath that my own heartbeat is the only thing I hear in my ears. I open my eyes and stare at the piano below me, before looking up.

And as I do I see non other than Bradley, in the center of the room staring back at me with wide, almost wild eyes.

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