Chapter 7

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"Kiley, get up!" I heard a distant voice say. Sounded like my mom. I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. I looked over at my alarm clock.


I then heard the screeching of tires slowly fade out down the street. Anddd that was the bus.

I grunted and sat up, not wanting to leave my bed. Just then, my mom walked in. "Get dressed, I'm gonna have to take you to school today," she said, then quickly closed my door again.

Or I can just stay home, I thought.

But eventually I got dressed, and decided to skip breakfast. As I was walking out the door, I luckily remembered to grab my autographed pictures of the Maze Runner cast.

"Bye," I told my mom as I stepped out of the car.

"Have a nice day!" she said.

I closed the door and she drove off.

I spotted Jasmine standing by the school and walked over to her. Just then, I collided into someone else and I went falling. I landed on the ground with a thud. "Ow.." I said.

My papers scattered everywhere. I quickly scrambled to retrieve them. I heard whispers from fellow onlookers and the footsteps of Jasmine running over to me.

"Kiley! Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

After I gathered my stuff, I glanced up at the person who knocked me down. It was a man who wore sunglasses and a hat. Dark hair inched out of the sides. He held a paper.

"You forgot this one," he said, handing it to me. It was my Dylan O'Brien autographed picture.

I took it from him, when I suddenly realized. All of the facial features matched. This guy who knocked into me was Dylan O'Brien. I couldn't scream. I was too shocked to even do anything.

I glanced over at Jasmine. She looked between him and the picture. I couldn't believe she didn't recognize him, even with the glasses and hat. But then, a spark of recognition flashed in her eyes.

She opened her mouth to scream, when Dylan put his hand on her mouth. The sound was muffled. He put a finger to his mouth and motioned for us to follow him.

Us, not knowing how potentially dangerous this could be, followed him without hesitation. We both knew who it was.

We stopped behind a dumpster near the school grounds.

"Y-You're," Jasmine stuttered, her shaky finger pointed at Dylan.

He smirked. "I know. The chances, right?"

Jasmine then opened her mouth, as if to scream, but no sound came out. She screamed silently. She is a total fangirl like me, but I somehow have a better way of controlling it. Most of the time.

Dylan then glanced over at me. "Sorry about knocking into you earlier, I was in a rush," he said.

"It's okay," I said. "You're like my idol. I would take getting bumped into anytime if that meant I could meet my idol."

Dylan then laughed. I loved his laugh.

"Why are you here, anyway?" I asked.

"I was just taking a break from a movie I'm in and decided to take a stroll," he explained. "Then, out of nowhere, this girl must have saw me leave set and started chasing me down the block. Luckily, I lost her. I kept running, and that's how I bumped into you."

"Well I'm gonna have to thank that girl personally," I chuckled.

Dylan laughed once more, "Yeah, crazy stuff."

Snapping back into reality, I realized I hadn't told him my name.

"I'm Kiley by the way," I said. I then glanced at Jasmine, and she was still mentally freaking out. "This is Jasmine. She doesn't seem responsive right now."

"Well, it was nice meeting you both," Dylan said. "I'd better get back to the set."

I nodded. "Try not to get mobbed by the fangirls."

"I'll try," he said with a smile.

I grabbed Jasmine and turned to leave, when he called back to me.

"Hey, Kiley?" Dylan said.

"Yeah?" I said, turning to him.

"Can I see your hand?" he asked.

Confused, I nodded. "Uh sure?"

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a Sharpie marker. Then he reached for my hand and scribbled his phone number on it. He winked and then jogged off.

I continued walking back to the school grounds with Jasmine. She finally came to when we got back. "I can't believe you weren't fangirling," she said.

I smiled. But in all honesty, I was mentally screaming the entire time I was with Dylan. And now I had his phone number.

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