Chapter 12

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The specific days that were scheduled to see Dylan went well; until the conversations got shorter. I could tell he was getting antsy the more days we talked. So, on one of those days, I confronted him about it.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked Dylan, as he nervously tapped his foot.

"Yeah, but-" Dylan paused, then continued, "I'm leaving for New Mexico in three days."

My heart dropped in my chest. I had completely forgotten.

"Oh, right," I said, then my gaze fell to the ground.

Dylan lifted my chin up. "I wanted to remind you before, but time got away from me."

"It's okay," I said, shaking his hand away. "I shouldn't get so emotional. You are a celebrity. You have your own stuff to do. And it's not like we're dating."

At that last word, Dylan's eyes widened, and I thought I saw the slightest sign of a blush.

"Yeah," was all Dylan said.

"So, we're never gonna see each other again?" I asked, my heart starting to break all over again.

"Don't say that," Dylan said, then he stopped, his eyes fixated on a spot on the ground. I was half tempted to turn around to see what he was staring at.

"In fact," he said so suddenly I almost jumped, "I have an idea."

Then he took me by the arm and dragged me away towards the studio.

"Tim!" Dylan yelled when he got into the building, myself struggling against his grip because I wasn't supposed to be in there.

The highly sophisticated dressed man came hustling through the doorway, a Manila folder stuffed with papers in his hand.

"What?!" Tim asked, not even glancing my way.

"I need you do to me a favor," Dylan said calmly.

Tim then finally stole a glance my way, and he was about to protest, when Dylan cut him off. "Tim! Just listen."

Tim huffed, then turned his attention towards Dylan.

"I need you to get Kiley a plane ticket to New Mexico so she can come with us," Dylan said.

"What! Why would I-" Tim exclaimed, then was cut off again.

"Because, if you don't, I'll quit, and you'll have to give the role of Thomas to someone else."

"You're bluffing," Tim said, then fixed his glasses.

"Am I? You know how movies always stray so far from the books. If I don't play the role, you'd either have to hire someone who looks a hell of a lot like me, or make up a reason why there is no Thomas. You're choice."

"But-" Tim started, then Dylan interrupted him for the hundredth time.

"Tim. Don't do something you'll regret. All I need is a ticket for one passenger, and you've still got a Thomas," Dylan said, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. I'm surprised at how cool he is keeping it. Obviously, he would never quit being the role of Thomas. Too many fans are looking forward to this movie. Including me. But so far, it looks like Tim is falling for the bluff.

"Fine," Tim said, "One ticket for the girl. But I better not see her distracting my actors." I saw his pencil move on his notepad, then he walked off.

I looked over at Dylan. We both smiled and hugged.

"I can't believe he fell for that," Dylan laughed, relief lacing his voice.

"I know," I laughed as well. "Looks like I'm going to be flying to New Mexico. Now just explaining it to my family and friends. As much as I hate to, I'm going to have to lie a bit," I said.

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