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                ISAAC RYLE SANDOVAL

Whatever our souls are made of , his and mine are the same.

I smiled as I closed the book I was reading. It was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I have started to like this novel and I love the theme– love is pain.

In this novel, Emily Bronte reveals an important lesson that love is not sufficient for happiness, and if anything, stirs up more agony.

"Baka tumulo luha mo, engineer." I was interrupted by the sudden familiar and irritating voice.

I glanced at Sebastian who was eating his ice cream. May isa pang ice cream na hawak ang isang kamay niya. Ang takaw.

Kakatapos lang namin bumisita sa sementeryo. We were on the side of the street, sitting on a bench. The sky was colored with orange.

The Almighty was a great artist.. How could He make a wonderful sight like this?  He knows how to color things perfectly like how it's supposed to be.

Paano niya nalalaman na ang dagat ay asul, ang lupa ay kayumanggi, ang dahon ay berde?

"Feel na feel ah," he interrupted again.

"Panira, amputa," I cursed. Kitang nag eemo ako eh.

He looked at me and put his hand on his chest, acting as if he was hurting.

"Hindi na ikaw ang Ryle na kilala ko," he said dramatically.

"Gusto mo mabawasan ng sweldo?" I raised a brow, threatening him.

His eyes widened and immediately shook his head.

"Joke lang, hehe," he showed me a peace sign using his fingers.

"Abuse of power," bulong niya na hindi naman nakatakas sa pandinig ko.

I was about to say something when I heard a familiar voice that made me stopped.

I froze.


My heart hammered crazily! It immediately recognized its fucking owner!

"Advance congratulations on your wedding, Reese."

I gulped. I didn't know how to react.

"Thank you," I heard Reese's angelic voice.

It has been years. It has been years since I last heard her voice and saw her smile.

It has been years but she was still in my heart no matter what I did to forget her.

Are these just my deserts? Is this my punishment for breaking her pure and fragile heart?

I still remembered what she said five years ago.

"One day, we'll meet again. And you'll look at me the way I looked at you. But I won't feel a single thing. I'll walk right passed you with a smile on my face. And inside, you'll be dying because it took you too long to realize. That it was me."

I smiled bitterly. I guess she was right.

They walked passed by me and I could still hear their conversation.

"Hindi talaga ako makapaniwalang ikakasal ka na, Reese."

"Ako lang 'to," she laughed.

"Are you really sure? Do you love him?" her friend asked.

I saw how she smiled, love was visible in her eyes.


I sighed when they vanished from my sight. I closed my eyes and smiled.

Five years after I last saw her, she was smiling like she always to.

So she found happiness, then.

Ah, I'm glad.

                   Congratulations, Reese.

On Your Wedding DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon