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Isaac Ryle Sandoval.

That's his name. Hanggang ngayon ay hindi maalis sa isipan ko kung paano siya tumingin sa akin.

Wala namang masama kaso ibang iba kasi. Hindi ko maipaliwanag ang mga titig niya.

One month passed and everything's going well. And guess what? I already have a bestfriend! Kagaya niya rin ako. Jolly. May pagka marites nga lang.

Her name was Reigna. She studied here since first year. Kaya ang dami niyang alam na issue noong nakaraang taon.

Reigna and I were chit chatting when a loud bang interrupted us. The students also became silent.

Sabay kaming lumingon sa pinanggagalingan ng tunog.

Sebastian was standing in front of Ryle. Galit na galit ang kaniyang mukha at nakakuyom ang mga kamao. Whil Ryle was just sitting, wearing his round specs with no reaction at all.

Parang wala lang sa kaniya ang galit na mukha ni Sebastian.

I sighed. May project kasi kaming by pair at sila ang mag partner. I don't know why Sebastian was angry at it but I heard some rumors that they were enemies since first year college.

Hanggang ngayon ay iniisip ko pa rin kung bakit sila magkaaway. They're not enemies without a reason right? I know there's something more to it.

After all, our enemies were once our friends.

When break time came, I decided to go to the faculty room.

"Mrs. Alvarez," I called our teacher. She took a sip on her coffee and smiled.

"Oh, Soleil! What's the matter?" she asked with a cheerful voice.

I bit my lower lip. Wala namang masama kung susubukan ko 'di ba?

"Uhm..If it's okay sana, can I switch my partner?" I asked hesitantly.

"Bakit? Hindi ba kayo nagkakamabutihan ng partner mo?" tukoy niya kay Reigna.

"Ah,hindi po. Ano po kasi–" I scratched my head , wondering how should I explain it without her, getting the wrong idea.

She laughed at me. "Of course, anak. It doesn't matter because you're doing well in school," she said and I gasped.

"So, sino ba ang gusto mong partmer?" she asked.

I cleared my throat and spoke.

"Si Sandoval po," I answered.

Her eyes widened. "Ah! Si Ryle.." she nodded and grinned at me.

I immediately waved my hand, dismissing her thoughts. "That's not what you are thinking, ma'am!"  I exclaimed and she just laughed.

Hiyang hiya akong napayuko nang iannounce ni Mrs. Alvares ang bagong partner ko. Sebastian partnered with Reigna.

Hindi naman sinabi ni ma'am na request ko iyon ngunit inaasar kami ng mga kaklase namin.

I glanced at Ryle and caught him staring at me. He averted his gaze away and his jaw clenched.

Is he mad?

"Soleil, sabay na tayo!" Reigna clung in to my arms as I was busy packing my things.

"Mauna ka na," I chuckled. "May pupuntahan pa ako."

She just pouted and bid her goodbye and left.

Nagsialisan na ang mga estudyante at ako lang ata ang natira. I held my bag, ready to go when a cold voice stopped me.

"I don't like someone meddling with my business."

I froze. Unti-unti akong lumingon and to my horror Ryle was still there.

Nakasukbit ang bag niya sa isang balikat habang nakapamulsa at malamig na nakatingin sa akin.

His jet black hair was a bit messy, I stared at his thin lips.

"Huh?" He knew? "Hindi ko naman alam na papalitan–"

"I saw you entering the faculty room," he cut me off.

OMG! Ay kennat!

Nang mapagtantong wala na akong mapapala sa pagsisinungaling ay sumuko na ako.

"I just wanted to help," usal ko.

Alam kong ayaw nila sa isa't isa kaya ako na ang gumawa ng paraan. Alam ko ring masamang makialam pero hindi talaga ako mapakali.

I want to know what happened between them and I don't know why I'm fucking curious!

He scoffed. "Did I ever asked for your help?"

I bit my lip and bowed because of embarrassment.

My heart hurts.

My intention wass pure! And here I am, getting scolded like a child!

"I'm sorry.." I muttered as my tears fell on the floor.

He didn't say anything and just walked away.

I bit my lower lip and wiped my tears using the back of my palm. Paglabas ko ay agad bumuhos ang napakalakas na ulan.

Wala pa akong dalang payong.

I sighed. I waited for the rain to stop but it didn't. That's why I have no choice but to get wet.

Life sucks.

On Your Wedding DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon