telling and training

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I forgot tell that in last chapter:

1.  Izu's hair color is now all green and he's hair is short

2. After assmight give ofa to izuku , he can see the past user , talk to them and use ther quirk . And only aizawa know I tell later why.

3. All ofa user except all might relat to each other.

I explain later why I hate him

Well let's start !!!

My pov

Aizawa and izuku start to train together  after usj attak . Izuku fell strong trust over aizawa . He knows that he need someone good at teaching .

' I know , I can do that alone , I need to tell aizawa-sensei about ofa , I don't care all might tell not to do , other user tell it's okey ' izu though.

Izu inter aizwa office and look at aizawa nervously.

A : aizawa I : izuku

A : you need anything problem child ?

I : I want to tell you about my quirk , and why I can't control it .

A : okeyyy sit down .

After izu sit down take a dip breath and start telling

I : first of all bc of my past I don't trust olders specialy teachers buut I can fell I can trust you .

Aizawa simply nod . Izuku contect

I : I have four quirk by total . First one is one for all the quirk I use know that quirk can transform too other people by giving ther DNA , All might gave that too w×q and I am ther last user and I can use ther quirk except first and all might
first is the one who create quirk and all might bc he was quirkless . The past user quirk are star , fa-jin , dangersens ,
Black whip , smoke screen and flout .

Aizawa looked shocked but izuku contect ,

I : my second quirk name is all for one , I don't know if you heard or not but it's a super villain name , I have that bc he is my father and sport me became a hero like his brother or fist ofa user , afo allows me to do lots of thing with quirks like take , give , change or other thing

My third quirk name elemat that quirk alove me to control all elmants in the world like air , earth , fair , water,  light , dark , ice , thander , live , death , sea , time , sound , telekinesis and ... .

My fourth quirk name is infinite,  that quirk alowe me to create any quirk or magic .

I told you about that bc doctor told me to haide it so you can find any quirk explanation in my file. my quirk name in the file is super strange and I get ofa in enter exam "

Aizawa was shoked , not know what to say . But then

A : I...I don't know what to say that is a lot's of tell I can't find your quirk information in your file right, and you get your super strange at inter exam so what was your quirk before?

I : I was quirkless...

A : with if you are quirkless then you probably get bullied...and bakugou hate you and as I get it you and him was go to same middle school...

I : yes I got bullied by him but please don't expel him no one say him no....

A : ..... can I know more like why did you tell me about your quirk or your past?

I : well I want you well if it's okey , help me control my pawers well I would ask all might for help buttttt his not the best teacher and bc of past I don't really trust him

A:....what happened?

After izuku explained the rooftop conversation or how he give him ofa

Let's say aizawa was really mad.

A : that asshol - sigh- I help you with that don't worry.

I : thank you sensei but can all this conversation and well training can be a secret please...I don't want to all might and ka-bakugou know

A : I...fine I don't tell any body .....and training start in few days okey?

I : yes sir

A : now go so I can sleep


Izuku go out and go home and aizawa sleep

After they start training izuku get better  with his quirks and they happy

But one day that's happened......

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