The Great Titan

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It's already two days since Blake and Wyatt walk to the west side of the desert. Following by the wolves' clue for their next destination. They're all tired from running and stumbling over the sandy terrain. Not to mention all the heat that washes down on them from the midday sun. But they have no other choice than to continue walking westward.

Blake is trying to keep his eyes open against the burning glare of the sun. But it's getting harder with each step he takes forward. His feet are sore and he's been feeling a bit lightheaded. Despite the pain in his legs and the dryness of his throat, he tries to force himself onward. Despite knowing that he shouldn't push it so much.

The last thing he wants to do is fall flat on his face.

As soon as Wyatt notices, he stops. He walks back to where Blake is standing and puts a hand on his shoulder. "You good?"

"Yeah," Blake murmurs with a hoarse voice. blinking rapidly and wincing when the bright sunlight assaults him again. Wyatt nods, then turns around towards his partner. "Come on, we need to rest."

Blake opens his mouth to protest, but Wyatt cuts him off. "We haven't found any signs of water yet, and I'm about out of water too. Besides, it'll be easier if we rest here anyway."

Blake reluctantly agrees, letting his friend pull him along. It takes a few minutes for them to find an outcropping rock where the wind doesn't blow right into their faces. Wyatt sits down first, then holds out his hand to help Blake sit down. The other man hesitates, then gingerly places his foot in Wyatt's palm.

"This is gonna be a problem if we keep moving, pal." Wyatt warns, "I don't think you can move on your own yet, let alone run."

"No shit, Shirley. No wonder it hurts like hell." Blake replies, his voice even rougher than usual. He leans back and closes his eyes, taking in long, deep breaths. He's exhausted, and it shows. He knows that this will only be the beginning, and they won't make it at all without some sort of rest first. But he also knows how important this journey is, how desperate they are. So with an effort, he forces his body to relax until he feels almost completely numb.


When Blake opens his eyes again, the world seems brighter and slightly cooler. There's no sandstorm nor sand wind blowing toward him so he can see much clearer. There's something nostalgic about these surroundings. Something familiar and comforting...

He blinks again, his vision began to be much clearer. In front of him is a small waterfall pouring onto a jagged cliff, cascading in the center of a narrow ravine. The river flows in a wide curve around the ledge. And the current moves swiftly enough that it looks like the whole canyon has been carved out by a glacier.

"What the- Where am i? Wyatt? Where are you?"

He tries to search Wyatt everywhere around there, but Wyatt is nowhere to be found.

All that remains is the small, gentle sound of falling water.

Suddenly, the noise stops. There's only silence now. Except for the birds chirping and the distant rush of the river beneath the waterfall. A slight breeze picks up, lifting Blake's fluffy hair in the air. It smells faintly of salt, reminding him of the ocean. But wait... he's never been anywhere near the sea before.

"What in the world is this place..."

He whispers to himself, his mind racing. He stands up, ready to leave and go looking for Wyatt. But before he can take even one step, there's another sound. One that's both soft and loud in turn. The ground underneath him begins to shake.

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