Departure Hill - Part 1

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When someone asked you 'what's the saddest place in the world?', the answer will be vary. But in Winongard, there's only one place that considered as the saddest place in the world. And now, our boys are stepping their feet to the grassy hill that been used as cemetery since nobody knows when. This hill is actually had no name, but people often call this place by 'Departure Hill'.

A place where every passed away person departed for their final rest. It makes Blake think while walking and looking to his surrounding. He sure that someday he'll join them too. but now isn't the right time. In front of him, Wyatt is walking happily while looking for a rest spot that they can use to recover themselves.

"Oh, there's a quite big tree over there. Let's sit there for a while."

Wyatt said, pointing at one of the trees. Blake nodded and followed him to the area. The day was brightening up. With warm breeze flowing across their cheeks. They're sitting on a comfortable grass, not wanting to move. Enjoying the peaceful of silence while they were alone with each other.

It was quiet, no sounds around. Only the sound of winds blowing and birds chirping here and there. It was peaceful. Peaceful enough that Blake thought it will be better if he takes a nap. So, after a few minutes of silence, he closed his eyes to take a rest.

But all of the sudden...

He felt something... weird. Something that does feel familiar. His pupil were dilated, and he looks at his surrounding. Searching for what made him feel such malevolent feeling. He tried to pinpoint exactly what the feeling was from.

Then those feeling suddenly disappeared...

"Blake? What happen? Something wrong?"

Wyatt said, raising an eyebrow and looking at his friend with concern. Blake shook his head, trying to make everything go back to normal.

"I'm okay," He answered. "What about you, do you feel anything strange?"

"Strange? Nope. Why would I?"

"Just as i expected..." He murmurs. But then he thought, maybe that it's his imagination, again. After a few minutes, Blake decided to ask his best friend again, but his question got interrupted.

"Hey, let's get out of here. Who knows we're getting closer to some nearby town." Wyatt spoke as he getting up from the ground. Blake have no other choice to follows him, nodding his head and following behind his best friend.

But when both of them were ready to leave, something caught Blake's eye. A huge stone gate that sealed the hill to another side of the world. Blake bump into Wyatt from behind who stopped dead in his tracks. It looks like he noticed the gate first.

Blake turns back towards the gate. He stared at the stone wall, noticing some sort of symbol drawn onto it. He couldn't recognize what it was since it was covered by moss and natural erotion. But it sure as hell didn't look good. One symbol kinda resembles of fire, and the other one is kinda resemble wings.

The more Blake looked at it, the more the feeling started coming back to him. He seems to remembered one of the two symbols a bit, but why? and how? He doesn't even know where he has seen this symbol before.

Something inside his mind tells him to check the wall of the gate. That he must have seen this symbol somewhere before.

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