The Beginning

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The brunette young man stares deeply at the bonfire that light up in front of him. He can't sleep yet. Now is his turn to watch the tent, his home in this desert. The wind is cold, like any other days. But it's not a problem for him. He and his partner used to it since they had live here for nobody knows how long. So it's just like a routine task for him to stay awake in the middle of the night.

He glances up when he hears footsteps approaching him from behind. It's White, his partner. He takes a seat on Blake's right side, looking deep into the bonfire. They sat together, but neither one of them saying a single word until Wyatt decided to speaks.

"What are you thinking right now?"

"The usual thing? I'm not so sure," Blake replies as a small smile plays on his lips. "But whatever it is, I know you won't let me told it."

His partner smiles at him, then leans back to look at the sky. He turns his head to see if anything interesting happens in the sky.

"Hey, come on. You don't need my permission to let out your thoughts." His voice was low and deep. Like velvet. And his face. well, Blake wouldn't say his partner is handsome because White is one of the most beautiful boys he has ever met. His long hair are as pale as snow, his one red eye shimmer like ruby when the other eye is covered by a black eyepatch. His body is built to perfection, muscles tensed. His skin glistening in the moonlight. His smile... oh, Almighty. White's smile. It's beautiful, it radiates warmth and kindness. It makes Blake feel happier even when he feels like shit.

Blake's mind wander to the memories that flashed through his mind. To the first time they've seen each other when they opened their eyes and told each of their name. At that time, neither of them had any memory of their previous whereabout. the only thing they remember is only their name.

It was like they were newbies at a school. They didn't know what to do and what to say.  The only thing that would come in mind is 'Hey, my name is Blake', or 'Hello, my name is White', which they both thought was funny.

The day when they meet for the first time wasn't easy. But somehow they managed to overcome every problem that life threw upon them. As they were still rookies, barely knew about the world that surround themselves. but they somehow manage to make each other happy and feel secure despite all the obstacles. They became friends, and soon enough, becoming a brother-like partner.

But still, their lack of memories still haunts Blake until now. Who were they? Where do they come from? Why are they ended here? He don't know. He doesn't have the answer he searched for. And maybe he never will...

If only there's a way to retrieve their memories...

"Blake!" White suddenly snaps his finger in front of Blake's face. Oh, when did he start talking again? Blake snaps out of his train of thoughts and looks over to White. White seems to be staring worriedly at him. "What's wrong, dude? Why don't you answer my question?"

Blake blinks slowly. "What? Oh, sorry. I... I was spaced out."

He scratches the back of his neck nervously, avoid looking at his partner.

"I... uh... I was thinking..." he says softly before stopping himself. He doesn't want to talk about his stupid thought. He has no reason for telling him. It'd only bring more troubles to both of them.

Fortunately White seems to understand Blake's dilemma because he stays quiet, he just keeping an eye on Blake. After a minute of silence, he finally speaks. "Hey... are you sure you're okay?"

Blake looks back at the fire. His fingers curl around the edge of the stone he's seated on. "Of course," he says as he trying to hide his lie.

It's silent for another moment. Blake tries not to pay attention and focus to the sound of the roaring flames. He looks up again, seeing White keep staring him. There's something written on his face but Blake can't exactly tell what it is.

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