Chapter 2

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An unkown bright light awoke me from my slumber. But something was off about this feeling. I was unsure of what was bugging my mind, yet I somehow felt different. Slowly forcing my eyes open, even though I didn't feel like waking up.

Everything is blurry still, so I try to rely on my other senses for the moment.
I feel cold. Almost as if I was in a cool body of water. Pushing myself up, I come to realize that that is the case.
Oh well, oh well..-
Now hold on just a minute. Why in God's name am I in water? As far as I'm aware, I don't have any memory of being near water before I fell asleep.

My vision starts regaining itself, so I bring myself to take a look around. This place- or room, is far too familiar.
It's like I've been here before. Yet it also feels strangely new.
This looks like the Shrine of Resurrection.
But that couldn't be, it would be impossible. That place is just a piece of fiction, in a bigger piece of fiction, meaning that this situation isn't adding up.

So, with that in mind, I stand up and step out of the tub like structure.
Doing so, a headache kicks in. I take a moment to stay still and get over the pain.
After calming down and letting the pain pass, I start inspecting myself.
My usual H/C long hair is... white? Taken aback, I find myself in also average Sheikah clothing.
This has got to be a damned dream. How else are you supposed to explain such things?

Of course this is a dream. Well, a fairly vivid and realistic one for that. But it is not reality, or am I going completely insane.
If this isn't real and only a fragment of my imagination, then my brain obviously couldn't be able to make out the whole of Hyrule Lands.
It's just a silly, little, stupid dream, yes, just something I'll forget about tomorrow morning when I wake up at home.

Panic filled my head and I started looking for the door. The exit opened as I approached it, and when the barrier was lifted high enough, I walked out the room.
My pace quickend and more intrucive thoughts filled my mind as nothing was changing.
Absolutely nothing. I'm still not awake at home and everything felt more and more realistic by the second.
By the time I arrived at the final exit, my heart was racing and pounding into the pit of my stomach.

Finally outside I gaze upon the land infront of me. There it was. Hyrule.
The castle could be seen far off, but in one piece. No malice swirling atound the palace. Not a sign of Calamity Ganon.
To my right was the Temple of Time, also in tip-top shape. A lot of people could be seen living their normal day-to-day life. But this was anything but normal, infact, it was the opposite of it. God, I'm so nervous. I can't breath well, I feel nauseous and sick. What's the meaning of this? What do I do now?

Taking a moment to calm down, I tried to collect my thoughts.

It's alright, it's probably not even real. As confused as I may felt, I still couldn't fight the feeling of comfort and nostalgia. It all felt like a strong, warm, comfortable wave of wind or just a hug from an old friend. With a deep breath, I gathered my confidence and energy, and took a step down the hill I found myself on.
And so I slowly trotted down, thinking about how Link will walk down the same hill, only that that will take place in 100 years and this world will be much different.
Deep down I hope that he'll never have to go through that though.

My legs, well my whole body, was shaking and it was taking a whole lot keeping myself from collapsing on the dirt ground. As I arrived at the end of the hill, I realized the amount of stares I was getting. Not too many but still an unsettling amount of stares and whispers. They weren't even rude or disgusted ones, just ones of curiosity, surprise and interest. Yet I still felt like a wild animal that's escaped it's cage and was now getting all the attention of the crowd by dancing and singing. Pretty similar to my situation I'd say.

But at what could they be staring and why? Do I look that unusual and "out of this world"?
Because jokes on them, I am. Quite ironic, isn't it? Anyways, I still don't know the answer to my question. Maybe I've got something in my face? Either way, I'm uncomfortable as hell. So I just decided to furrow my brows, stare back at them and walk past, very quickly.

I should look around, inspect this place and look for any type of clues on why I found myself in The Legend of Zelda.

Looking up, the Temple of Time came into my view. Infront of it sat three other buildings, representing the Triforce.
I walked towards them and up the large staircase, until I stood before the first building. It seemed to represent the Triforce of Courage.
The symbol of the Goddess Farore and of Courage was engarved into the hard stone ground. There could be some green jewels, tapestries and paintings found all across the room. It was a gorgeous view, unlike something I've ever seen.

Nothing else here was peaking my interest, so I left the building behind. Walking further up the stairs, I saw the second building. This one's symbolizing the Triforce of Wisdom. The inside looked exactly like the first room I saw, just that this one was filled with blue jewels, tapestries and paintings instead of green ones. And it also had the symbol of the Goddess Nyaru and Wisdom engarved into the ground.

Once more, I continued walking up the stairs, until the last holy room came into view. This one represented the Triforce of Power. Mirroring the other buildings, it had the exact same contents.
Instead of being green or blue, the room shone in a fierce, rich red. The unique symbol of the Goddess Din and of Power found it's place in the hard floor.
Knowing the history this part of the Triforce had with the evil Ganon, aka Ganondorf, it had a weird aura to it.
But no horror or despair was bound to this place, the Goddess had little to no control over who bore her shard of the Triforce.
Or if someone stole it and used it for their own good.

Moving on, I was wondering how far away the Calamity was from now. Since it all looked quite peacful and alive, it must be a few months or so away, who knows. The only way for me to find out anything is to explore and inspect this world.
I arrived before the Temple of Time. It stood tall and was hovering over my figure.
It was not in rubble. Infact it was nicely taken care of and quite beautiful if I do say so myself. Just like in Ocarina of Time. I take a few more moments to admire the structure. And with a deep breath I took the first step.

The presence of something higher and stronger than myself could be felt. Like a weight on your shoulder. Not a negative weight, yet neither a positive one.
It was something unkown to the average human.
This is when it started to hit me. "I'm not supposed to be here, I don't belong here. Yet I still am. Is there a reason?"
I was persistent to find out, I wanted to go home. How naive of me..

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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