part 3

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A/N pov

Sujo went back to his work but a hand touch y/n shoulder . Which she harsly yaak .
Y/N : don't touch without my permission . * angry as hell *
??? : i am mr nim .
Y/N : hmm * keep looking at her screen *
??? : ur intro
Y/N : i don't think it's necessary * frustrated *
??? : it is sweet heart * touch her hair *
Y/n grab his hand and stand up from her seat all employees were looking at them with shock expression .
Y/N : stay ur hands to urself cos even if i break then no one will do anything about my job it's highly secured mister whatever . So stay out of my sight
Mr nim : i am ur senior
Y/N : toa kya naccho ( should i dance then )
Mr nim : say it again
Y/N : get lost
Mr nim : u..... * his phone start ringing he pick it up *

In call

??? : is this mr nim
Nim : yes
??? : i am raeya y/n mam secretary . The girl which she send korea is mam special person and she hate people around her especially mans . Don't talk to her unless it's important and don't try to touch her she might break ur hands .
Nim : o..okay miss .

Call end

Y/n was still working .
Nim : i am sorry miss . * bow *
He bkw and left all employees were shocked by this but y/n was still doing her work with a great cold expression .
Sujo : u did great
Y/N : -----
Sujo : he's old but still touch all girls inappropriately and without there permission .
Y/N : why didn't u gave his name with complaints
Sujo : oh!! So complaints reach
Y/N : 2 letters wothout name
Sujo : actually no one know who used girls . It's mystery . 2 Girls wrote a suicide letter and die . There wasn't name and we send miss y/n those letter .
Y/N : hmm........shall we work .
Sujo : o..okay
They again start working . Y/n was doing her work but her brain is working on who could it be . She put a suspect on mr nim and start working untill all employees stand up and start talking
Sujo : hey it's lunch time
Y/N : so
Sujo : let's eat
Y/N : u go . I will come later
Sujo : come on * he was about to touch her *
She look at him with a death glare and speak with icy voice
Y/N : go i said don't touch me without my permission
He shiver cos of her voice and left . She again start eating when the same girl came and set a lunch infront of her . She look up . That girl smile and was about to left
Y/N : ur name
??? : yoona
Y/N : ammi
Yoona : eat ur food miss raeya said u have bad habit of skipping ur meals cos of work .
Y/N : thanku
Yoona nod and left with a sweet smile . Y/n look at food it was daal and rice with salad with her green tea which she prefer in the end and mint 2 candies . She eat her food drink her tea and eat her mint candies to keep her breath fresh . She again start working that girl came and take her plate away and pat y/n head
Yoona : u are hard working one company needs u
Y/N : thanku * normal tone with a cold tint *
Yoona : did u ever saw miss y/n
Y/n look at her then shook her head
Y/N : she came in office wearing suits with a mask on her face . She work with raeya . She's the only one who she her face . She left from company when she make sure all employees are left . She check whole company in her own . Then she finally left her home at 12:00 am .
Yoona : how do u know so perfectly
Y/N : i am the one she found working late night . She force me no threaten me to go home . I left with her from that day she is kinda caring over me and her given work wait to all employees .
Yoona : she's a great boss
Y/N : maybe
Yoona : u work . I will not disturb u anymore .
Y/N : okay

Yoona left to her work and y/n start doing her work . She was working when a choclate came infront of her face . She look at the hand then toward the face . As she look at the face . She shift her gaze to her word .
Soju : come on take it
Y/N : no need
Soju : as a friend it's my first gift
Y/N : i am not ur friend so i gladly reject it
Soju : u are hard to get
He left it in her table and went to cafateria again . Then a girl came infront of her.
??? : stay away from him . He's my bf
Y/n still work and take the choclate and gave it to her
Y/N : keep it then it's useless to me .
??? : really u aren't gonna argue for him
Y/N : he's not my type and i hate people existence around me * look at girl with emotion less eyes *
??? : o..okay

She leave

Skip time to company close time .
Everyone left and as y/n habit . She inspect the whole company and left .

2 weeks later

2 weeks y/n was finding the person but cannot able to find one . Soju is still trying to be her friend as always got reject . Mr nim is now in his limits . Yoona and y/n got a little close now . Again everyone left and y/n looking whole company . Then she heard a pleading voice
?? : l..leave me p..p...please * crying *
??? : baby let's have some fun today
?? : i..i don't want t..this please * crying *
Y/n look at the store room a boy back was facing her and the girl was sujo gf .
??? : me
That boy turn around and look at y/n more like checking her out .
??? : wow ammi new employ from india
Y/N : kang danieul working in this company for past 2 mon only and rape 2 girls already act like a innocent boy but a rapiest mom is housewife and dad work in sung industry .
Danieul : great 👏👏let's have some fun now
Y/N : sure my muscles are too tight.  I need to relax them a bit * crack her neck and shoulder * u can go
??? : i..i cannot leave u here
Y/N : go i said
She ran away . Danieul came forward to touch her as he touch her butt . She twiat hus hand and kick his baby maker . Punch his face 3 times in a row and smack his head on wall and it's start bleeding . She broke his ribs . A 5 times kick his friend in a row . He faint she call her bodyguards and they take him away .
Y/N : from tomorrow boss y/n will be back


I need 11 comments from 11 different persons for next part

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