part 32

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A/N pov

Y/n took jimin hand and drag him with her . In way she saw hobi , she also grab his hand and drag him with her . Others follow them with a smile . As they went out media circle them .

R43 : was that true what u say mrs y/n
R76 : when did u get married
R84 : why did u hide the truth
Rm : it was lie . She want to save jimin . so , li...
Y/N : it's was true . They are MY husbands and i am their ONLY wife and now respectfully f*ck off

Everyone give way . They all sat in limbo . Y/n anger was in other level . She's driving limbo . Her grip on wheel is so , tighten that her knuckles gone white .

Rm : y/n easy . If u broke the stairing wheel that will cos accident
Jimin : y..yeah
Jk : and t..then we will in hell
Y/N : shut . Up

She speed up . they all clench their seats . First time in their life , they felt fear . Fear of wife . As , they came infront of mansion . Y/n came out of limbo slam the door and bts flinch from sudden impact

Y/N : do i have to give invitation to u all . Get out and change then meet me in living room

She dashed in her room and change in her night suit . She furiously came in living room . All were standing there in line . Jimin who always come late is on time . The sleepy man is wide awake

Hobi : uhh......y/n why are we here

She walk toward jin and stand infront of his face leaving no space looking deep in his eyes . He look at her in gulp

Y/N : weren't U having fun with other girls huh
Jin : i..i was just p..playing around
Y/N : playing around when ur wife was also there . Don't u have to much guts huh
Jin : s....s..sorry

Then she went to v and stand infront him . He look at ground x looking at her . She hiss in annoyance and lift his chin .

Y/N : u were checking out girls that time . Why weren't ur eyes down like that in party
V : i..i...
Y/N : u dare to look another women when i was there

She leave hima and went to rm . He look everywhere except her eyes .

Rm : lookididn'tmeantoflirtwiththatgirlshewasjustthrowingherselfonme
Y/N : so , u were flirting with a girl huh
Rm : u..u didn't know that
Y/N : thanks to u . I know now . Iq 148 my ass * whisper last sentence *

Everyone control there laughter . She went to suga and stand infront of him , his eyes became wide as plate

Y/n : u were laughing like u are innocent . Didn't u let that girl touch u
Suga : um....i don't want to make a scene . So , * head down *
Y/n : u 7 in ur knees RIGHT . NOW

They immediately get on their kness .

Y/n : raise ur hands

They raise there hands . All workers and bodyguards are controlling their laughter . The 7 mafia who never bend infront of anyone is now on knees cos of a girl . She came with a stick . There eyes went wide .

Jimin : what i did
Y/n : u were flirting with a begger
Hobi : but i was with u
Y/n : and look at the girl who wink on u
Hobi : i ignore her
Y/n : if u were with me . U SHOULD have ur eyes on me
Jk : but what about me
Y/n : u pass a compliment on girl

They look floor with so fear . It feels like they are digging hole there to hide themselves .

Y/n : emma , pronsa , yohensi ,nector u 4 are fired
Nector : w..why miss
Y/n : u 4 were there toys . When I wasn't there . U 4 WERE there there stress reviler but now I am here  and  U 4 try to sleep with my husbands in bed and U 4 think I wouldn't know huh
Pronsa :
Y/n : OUT

They 4 got dragged by bodyguards .

Y/n : and u 7 . U will be punished . Jin no dad jokes for 1 week . Suga u will not curse nor over sleep . U can sleep in night only for 1 week . Rm u will not read book and especially ur chrome for 1 week . Hobi no dancing . V no more childish act for 1 week . Jimin don't dare to flirt for 1 week . Jk u aren't allowed to drink banana milk for 1 week

Y/n : heads down , voice low and don't dare to stand up untill tomorrow morning

She left to her room and slept meanwhile they sit there .

Whole night scene

Jk : legs are sore
Jin : my hands are hurting
Jimin : my legs......* grown * it's hurting like hell
Hobi : why do we even saw those girls
Suga : habits doesn't leave fastly
V : i am haply i didn't kiss any girl and why would i . I got y/n
Jin : she's a good kisser
Rm : how do u know
Jin : we share one
V : we were about too but i miss it
Jk : so , did she accept us or not
Hobi : i think so
Suga : f*ck my legs ahh.......why time isn't passing . When i sleep . It's pass so fastly and now
Bts : we deserve it afterall it was our fault

Next morning

Y/n came and saw them barely awake black patches under their  eye , her heart ache seeing them like that . She went infront of them and stand there . They look at her

Y/n : get up and go to ur room

They nod and stand up with sore jelly legs .

Bts : sorry y/n
Y/n : hmm....go to ur rooms

Everyone took jelly steps but manage to go in there room . Y/n was observing them . They all left but jk was left . He felt dizzy . He barely was far from y/n . When he faint . Y/n run to him .

Y/n : j..jk * pat his cheek * jungkook * pat harshly *

She put his hand in her shoulder and take him to his room . Safely cross staircase and then went in his room , place him in his bed and cover him with blanket . She touch his face . She felt him slight hot . He have fever . She couldn't feel more guilty . She went harsh on them afterall they were forced to marry her . She went to bathroom bring a tub filled with cold water dip towel in it and place in his head , she kept repeating the process . Untill he came back in his sense again .

Jk : y...y/n
Y/n : shh.........* sign * i am sorry kook . I didn't meant too

He cup her cheek and gently rub his thumb against her cheek and place a soft peek on her lips

Jk : don't be sorry's our p..punishment

She nod and get up place all things on there place and again check his temperature . She was about to leave but he gently pull her toward him , her foot slip and she fall in his bed . He put his hand around her waist , lock his legs together , snuggle in her neck .

Jk : stay please * whisper *

She hug him back and pat his head . He fall asleep . She smile and peek him all over his face , tighten her hug and snuggle in his neck


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