part 40

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5 months later

A/N pov

WHOLE 5 MONTHS PASS away and the bond between y/n and jin didn't heel . Today is the day jin want to do something very stupid . Something that he will regret in future alot . Y/n was sitting in her room as she have day off but getting ready to go jin office as he forget his presentation in mansion and still didn't call .

At jin company

She went in and directly open the door and why would she knock a wife don't knock at his husband work place do they . Idk , so when she went it she didn't saw anywhere just put the presentation on table . She was about to left but she heard a moan , she look at jin table . A girl on his lap and kissing him . She look at them for a second and scoof .

Y/N : knew it that's why he didn't came to explain himself

She went to them grab the girl as well as jin and part them away she almost rip there both hairs .

Y/N : eunji what are U doing on MY husband lap
Jin : i gave her permission
Y/N : am i speaking to u
Jin : liste..
Y/N : listen u little piece of sh*t i am not talking to u so better shut ur mouth

Jin mouth gone sealed and eunji is smiling like a crazy

Eunji : he want me so what's the problem
Y/N : the problem is I AM HIS F*CKING WIFE U F*CKING SL*T
Eunji : wife huh . Jin didn't u gave her that
Y/N : what

She went to his tabel open the drawer and take out some papers and throw on y/n face . She pick them

Y/N : u want divorce
Jin : it was always a contract marriage so that's the problelm i love eunji
Y/N : is that so

She sign the paper and went to eunji . She put her hand infront of her for signed papers but y/n tore them into pieces and harshly slap her with those tore papers

Y/N : suit urself

She turn to jin and slap him tightly

Y/N : i thought u aren't coming for an apology cos u are sacred to lose me look like u never want. I wait so much for the day u come and apologies to me but look like u were busy in f*cking some . I will divorce u along with rest of 6
Jin : why them
Y/N : i cannot bear ur presence anymore

She left back to her mansion as she reach jimin saw her but she just past him not even a kiss she usually gave him . He grab her hand and stop her

Jimin : y/n u okay

She want to speak but a lump stuck in her throat

Jimin : why are u so gloomy what exactly happen baby * softly *

His soft sentence broke her fully . She couldn't control . She hug him and broke down in tears

Jimin : y..y/n baby what happened
Y/N : i..i not w..worthy love . A..m i..i not enough
Jimin : u are more than enough baby
Y/N : t..then w..why h..he w..w...want divorce
Jiminn: who want divorce

She tells him everything . He tightened his grip on her .

Jimin : y/n jump
Y/N : w..why
Jimin : jump na

She jump and he catch her from her hips . She lock her legs around his torso and snuggle on his neck . He took her to his bedroom and close the door behind and gently laid her on bed .

Jimin : u know i love u the most . We all love u
Y/N : b..but he

A tear slip jimin kiss her eyes and then her cheek and there accurate position is y/n under jimin .

Jimin : u don't need him u have the rest of 6 hmm

He kiss her . She gave in too his hands make there way to her waist . He attack her neck and try to find her sweet spot . Meanwhile y/n became wet and moaning mess

^^^ : without me soulmate

They both look behind it's taehyung

Jimin : u wanna join
Taehyung : duhh
Vmin : he will go easy
Y/N : what no
Tae : plwease y/n * puppy eyes *
Y/N : okay fine
&&& : how can u guys forget me
Y/N : no get out kook
Jk : u hurt ur koo * teary eyes *

She sign and nod

Y/N : lock the door atleast

He lock the door . She sit up as she sat taehyung attack her lips whilenjimin is trying find sweet spot . Jk hand is on her vagina . As she felt a hand she try to push tae but no use . Jk saw her nervousness

Jk : chill y/n u BELIEVE me RIGHT

She nod and he continue

Rest of is on u guys ik u can do that more perfectly than meee


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