part 30

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A/N pov

### : hey sis actually it's mine too
Y/N : i am no one sis so get off * growl *
### : my self tiara luthra . The daughter of karan luthra and his sec wife
$$$ : i am ranbeer luthra ur stepbrother sis

She saw behind a man in his 18 leaning on door her brain was going all round but what can she do it's her biological father and they are her step fanily

Y/N : and . I . AM . THE . Y/N . ONLY . Y/N

Both of them where shocked cos she didn't mention her surname only her name .

Y/N : and now i am kim min jung park jeon y/n
Tiara : woo my sis is slut
Ranbeer : i am............glad to know that
Y/N : what u want
Tiara/ranbeer : ur position/ur money
Tiara : i want her position
Ranbeer : i want money
Tiara : if we have position we have more money
Ranbeer : what about WoRk
Tiara : appa eomma will handel it
Ranbeer : okay
Tiara : so ur position
Y/N : dream on
Ranbeer : give us ur position after all u are mistake of OUR father so everything which is urs is our now
Y/N : the person whom i never saw u think . i ever miss him . U think that i carve for father love , father figure . I would never sorry i will never want this . I love my husbands , my eommas ,  appa , companies so , in proper way i am far happy in my OWN world with my loves one

Tiara and Ranbeer was sad there face cannot tell that but eyes could . Her words like a arrow for them which stab them harshly . Then her cabin gate open and jin with someone behind him came in . He stand there and look at her but she was looking behind him . Jimin came and glare at tiara who was sitting on her chair . His glare send shiver to her . She stand up and stand beside ranbeer .

Y/N : who is this
Jk : he's karan luthra

Y/N eyes soften for a sec but as she saw a lady coming behind of him

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Y/N eyes soften for a sec but as she saw a lady coming behind of him . Her eyes became icy cold

Y/N : who bring them here
V : us

She snap her head towards them

Y/N : why
Rm : even if u don't want to meet them atleast let him know ur mother last word for him 
Y/N : tell him to leave
Suga : don't be so cruel y/n-ahh~
Y/N : idwtta ( i don't want to talk )
Hobi : don't u love ur mom . It was her only last wish to tell him truth
Jk : she didn't aak for money property but she ask u to tell him truth everyone deserves to know truth

Y/n left a shaky breath and look at them and then luthra family . She want them to leave . They remind her of her mother

Y/N : the truth was she never want a breakup i...
Karan : how can i believe
Y/N : Never cut me off when i am speaking * cold tone *

His hair stand up luthra family shiver down but bts didn't cos...........they are used of this 😅 typical wife lachar husbands

Y/N : she never want a breakup it was my nani means her mother who forced her . They forcefully married her with prithvi malhotra . My step father . He beat her torcher her * fist clench * when he got to know that she's pregnant he took care of child but again change after my birth . He bring mans and s..sell mom b..body and then he........she want to tell u in last that she always love u . The marriage was forced but the love for u wasn't die in her heart . She was at her worst when u were at ur best enjoying i guess * looking the lady behind him and then chuckle creepily  * i was ur and her daughter . Okay now i tell u . U can leave
Karan : u are my daughter
Y/N : i was mr . I was . Now , preeta arora isn't my mother nor u are my father besides u have move on gotta 2 kids now so u don't need me ofc so , get lost with ur kids and wIfE
&&& : dear i am ur sec mom . I never wanted to replace ur mo....
Y/N : u are no one to me and u never want cos u had did it long ago and u 2 i am not giving up from my position nor i am going to give u money
Ranbeer : we were joking . We just want to play around our sister

Before they could speak karan signal them to go out as they shut the door there footstep fade away . She fall on ground and cry hardly . Bts engulf her in comforting hug .

Y/N : i..i...i hurt them
Suga : we know u say that all for there good
V : it was harsh but harmless
Y/N : i am s..s..uch a bad daughter

Other side

Everyone eyes is teary

Karan : i..i lost my daughter
Tiara : dad don't cry



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Mrs janvi luthra

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Mrs janvi luthra

Janvi : she need sometime

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Janvi : she need sometime . She must be broken
Ranbeer : she's our sister after all
Karan : i..i still love preeta . I..i love her . I thought she cheat on me . I..i...i thought y/n wasn't daughter . I thought her love was game . I can't get her put of my brain . I am in such a shame . How can i

Janvi hug him . Karan cry his heart out even janvi os hurt hearing that he still love preeta but she accept the fact that cos he was forced by her father by his own family just cos she like him . He never love janvi and she know that very well . The kids were forced to do by everyone . He never want kids too

Y/n side

Jin : stop y/n
Y/N : i..i am sorry
Hobi : it's fine bby . It's okay
Y/N : i...i became selfish
Rm : it's okay to be selfish sometimes

Jimin inject her sleeping medicine by injection from behind . She felt asleep in jk chest . They carry her out of company and take her too limbo .


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Do u think that there relationship of wife and husband will go more far or they will break apart
Do u think that the relationship of father and daughter will go further or they will have separate ways

Comment me if u have any idea

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