Prologue 1: Pilot

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"Spin the wheel two times and those shall be to your abilities in the new world." The god said.

Without saying anything, Y/N walks over towards the rainbow coloured wheel and spins it around. It stopped, landing on Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan. Y/N then turns around for the god to specify on how his abilities will work.

"To clarify, only your right eye will change to the Sharingan and you'll be given the ability to phase through things while having your own dimension."

"What about Tsukuyomi or the Susanoo?"

"Susanoo? Haha! Please if I give you something that overpowered, then where will the entertainment be? However, it's only natural for you to have Tsukuyomi for your future plans." The god explained.

"Tch. Then what about the Rinnegan. Will I have the usual abilities? It's obvious I need it to launch infinite Tsukuyomi." Y/N asks.

"No, you'll still be able to turn the Sharingan into the Rinnegan, but the only ability you'll have is to absorb aura from people temporarily, while magic is a different situation. You can only keep the magic of that world with you for a short amount of time before it disappears and finds a new maiden." Y/N's eyes narrowed on the word 'Maiden' and 'Magic.

'Sealing is a different thing though.' Y/N thought.

"Is that so."

"Of course, you see if I gave you the full abilities then it would be too easy. I want to see you struggle, fight for what you want."

Y/N simply glares at him with malice before spinning the wheel one more time. As it spins, it starts to slow down and then landed on Karma.

"What's Karma?" Having to never watch Boruto, it's normal for Y/N to not know this.

"Karma is seal bestowed by members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan to who they think are worthy of being their vessels. If they ever happen to die, then they'd simply come back to life by turning your body into an Otsutski and taking over it, as well as your mind and erasing you from existence. However, I have an Otsutski, who is willing to cooperate with you in your endeavour, is interested in helping you."

Raising an eyebrow, Y/N responds, "But won't my body turn into one of an Otsutski?"

"Not at all, instead everytime you wish to use the power, you'll be having a pattern spread through your right arm and onto your face. However, it goes without saying, you can't use it without training. There will also be limits put on the strength and speed, you'll be able to absorb any incoming attack, fire it back and can simply fly."

I'm not surprised he added limits. Y/N thought as he remembered Kaguya.

"Now I have a question Y/N? Where and how will you gain the power to enhance the effects of your Tsukuyomi into Infinite Tsukuyomi, putting everyone under a Genjustu." The God asks.

"What's the point of asking when you already know what will happen and what I'll do to make sure it happens?"

The God merely laughs before talking in a dark, sickly tone. "See, this is what I like about you Y/N. Your like me, you like happiness and peace, but you also love despair on the others faces. You know what I think, you'll bring that world justice. Not for me, but for everyone. Go my child, disappoint me and you'll be punished dearly." The God commanded as he opened a portal behind Y/N.

As Y/N walked towards it, he looked over his shoulder at the God. "I will kill you one day." The god merely chuckles as he waves the boy away.


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