Prologue 4: The Sword of Destruction

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Currently in the middle of a snowy forest was a woman in a white cloak on her last legs as she was fighting against a woman with deathly pale white skin that has purple veins going through her arms up to her face. This woman was Salem.

Salem's body was currently regenerating itself as the woman in the white cloak had fallen flat onto the ground. Her last thoughts in her head as she knew what was about to become of her was;

'I'm sorry Ruby, Yang and Taiyang. I-I love you all so much.'

She started sobbing to herself as she looked up to see Salem walking towards her when Salem's movements stopped. Someone appeared in between the two of them, although Salem could only see his back, as the mysterious individual was facing the woman on the floor, she could tell from the overwhelming pressure of his aura, he is no ordinary person.

The man put his hand on the white cloak and sucked in the the woman into his eye. He then disappeared as well.


Salem roared as she presumed the man had saved her opponent and now the two were gone without a single trace.


In a certain dimension, where all you can see is randomly arranged and differently sized rectangular prisms amongst a dark and seemingly endless void. The woman in the tattered white cloak with blood stains laid on the floor, slowly tried to pull herself up. She looked around and could see a bunch of metal rods on the floor as well as giant shuriken. She was confused as to where she was and how she got here? And who was that man?

"Summer Rose."

Hearing a deep voice call her name, she immediately looked towards the source, and jumped in surprise as she saw a man swirl into appearance. He wore all black and had an orange mask that only revealed one eye. As she looked into the eye, she saw it was red with some sort of pinwheel in the middle.

"W-who are you? And where am I?" She asked.

"Away from Salem if your asking."

"S-Salem. That's right! I was about to die... But you saved me! Thank yo—!" Summer was cut off as she about to thank Y/N.

"I wouldn't thank me if I were you."

"W-what do you want then?"

Y/N simply never said anything as he sucked her transported her and himself out of his dimension. Soon the appeared right in front of a vault and Summer, who was on her knees right beside Y/N, looked up and saw a familiar door.

"That vault... H-how?! You brought me to Shade to open the vault! I wo— Ugh!"

Y/N decided to shut her up as he punched her in the gut and grabbed one of her hands, dragging her towards the door. He placed said hand on the door and it glowed up, a strange orange light slowly flowing through the patterns of the door. Summer widened her eyes and started punching and kicking Y/N, trying to get out of his grip, but without her aura and being too damaged from the fight with Salem, she couldn't as she barely had any strength left.

"I... can't... let you... get the... Relic!" Summer said in a weak voice as she struggled with all her might, but in the end;

"It's futile, you might as well give up." Y/N responded.

As the doors open, Y/N throws Summer to the side and grabs the Sword of Destruction Relic. He hears Summer mutter a 'No' as she's failed to stop him. Using Kamui on it after inspecting it with this Sharingan, he walked back to Summer.

"Are you with Salem?" Summer asked.


"Then why take the relic. What are you planing with it?"

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