The Game

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Ultimate Zoo is an Idea I have for a Zoo Tycoon 2/Planet Zoo-style park building game, with the same limitless amount of creative potential and modular building system of Planet Zoo (along with the feature of resizing objects like Prehistoric Kingdom) combined with the Zoo visitor and Zookeeper modes of ZT2 (in both first and third person views) along with the ability to drive around your zoo and interact with your animals like the Xbox game. basically everything I want in my dream Zoo game.

There would be three different exhibit types in the base game:

There would be three different exhibit types in the base game:

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Enclosure (designed to house your larger land animals)

Terrarium (designed to house small animals like reptiles and insects)

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Terrarium (designed to house small animals like reptiles and insects)

Terrarium (designed to house small animals like reptiles and insects)

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Aviary (designed to house flying birds)

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