Death set her free

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"Eleanor" he said as he turned round, relieved it wasn't Lucy or anyone else but her. His landlady was pale as a ghost, a trembling hand gripping the wooden doorframe and the other over her mouth. She looked like she was going to be sick as she surveyed Albert's dead body. Sweeney wasted no time in rushing to her and wrapping an arm around her waist to stabilise her. "Take a deep breath. Easy..." he instructed as he breathed with her. It seemed to do the trick; she was visibly calmer. "Are you feeling better now?"

She nodded and disentangled from his half embrace to get closer to the corpse. It couldn't have been more than five minutes since he killed him, but Albert Lovett was beginning to turn blue. Nellie squatted by his side to take a better look. "It's a shock but still amazing, innit?" she commented before looking up at him. Her eyes shone with morbid curiosity. "I mean, I've been fantasising about this moment from the day I married him. Something stronger in his drink was all it took but I never had the courage. I'm glad he's dead."

"Me too" he said, and she quirked an eyebrow before shrugging.

"Yeah, I suppose he was a landlord from hell. May your new one be better" she smiled briefly before her focus returned to the lifeless body of her husband.

Suddenly reminded of his immediate move to Tottenham and realising he must have been lost on his thoughts longer than he thought for Eleanor to be back already, he reckoned he'd better get going. He'd freed her from Albert but as cordial as she was being, he knew she probably wanted him to leave her too. To close that very painful chapter of her life and move on with nothing and no one holding her back. "I should probably leave now, the way to Tottenham is..."

"Mr. B! Wait!" she cut him off. He was surprised when she looked strangely at him. Was it desire what he saw in her eyes? She bit her lip before continuing. "Can you... tell me how it was? Spare me no details, please."

He smirked; how could he deny her? He loved it as much as she did. In his original timeline, they used to sit by the fire every night, recounting every nitty gritty of the day's murders. Just like she did then, this timeline's Nellie listened with rapt fascination as he told her everything from Albert's bath in his piss to the fright he got when he nicked his skin and how Sweeney forced him to swallow the spiked rum. And just like then, it aroused him to no end. Even if blood had not been involved, knowing himself powerful enough to take the lives of ruddy bastards if he wished was his most effective aphrodisiac. He shifted uncomfortably next to her on the settee.

"Thank you" she said after a while. "Thanks to you the bleeder is really gone"

"He's gone. He won't abuse you again" Sweeney echoed. She looked into his eyes, trying to find something, but he didn't know what. He, however, could not hold her gaze and he inevitable dropped it, focusing on her very tempting cleavage instead. There were goosebumps all over and a slight flush on her skin. Did she feel it too? He gulped.

"No one has ever killed for me" she whispered and before he knew it, she was on top of him, straddling his lap and kissing him with fervour. Only Nellie would take murder as a proof of love, and that's why they were so perfect for each other.

It was wrong, he had a wife, her husband lay dead on the floor at their feet. It wasn't the time, they had to report it to the police, he had to grab his belongings and move to Tottenham... he'd hurt her so much for him to ever deserve this. But he couldn't bring himself to stop. He loved her and he wanted to keep kissing her for the rest of their lives.

Nellie began humping him and he smirked against her mouth. She was as turned on as he was after his description, they really were the same. He was not in the mood to take it slow, he wanted her and he wanted her now. Thus, he began unlacing her corset and Nellie seemed to be thinking the same because she started fumbling with the waistband of his pant, where his aching member begged for release.

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