Chapter 12

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Kali felt her chest tighten as she watched Feyre enter the throne room for her final task. She told Tamlin she loved him, which Kali had to physically fight the urge to sneer at. 

She would always support her sister's choices. Obviously, as she was willing to walk back into this hell hole. 

But come on!!!


The final task. 

Three faes were brought in with bags over their heads and forced to their knees in front of Feyre. In order to walk out of here, she had to kill the innocent fae in front of her.

"K-kali! W-what do I do?!?!"


"It is not only Tamlin relying on you little star... Look around you... Prythian needs you to fight this battle for them. Fight the battle that they can't. I will take their pain, they won't feel a thing... But I need you to harden your heart and kill three to save thousands... Do it Feyre... You can break later, but for right now you need to be strong... I'll be right here to pick up the pieces afterward, I swear to you... I'm right here. You are not alone."

Feyre's face hardened with resolve as the removed the bag from the first sacrifice's head. As she sent a comforting claw across Feyre's mind Kali went into the fae's mind, taking his pain. 

Feyre hardened her heart, knowing that Kali was always there, and thrust the knife into the first fae's chest. She whispered a prayer as she moved on to the second fae killing them as well. 

Then she stopped in front of the third, hands coated in blood. 

The bag was removed to reveal...

"Shit," Kali muttered to herself in horror.

Tamlin sat on his knees in front of Feyre. Amarantha and Feyre exchanged some words but Kali could barely hear, readying herself to take Feyre and fly to safety if she couldn't kill him. 

Then Feyre shocked them all. 

It wasn't usual for Kali to be utterly speechless but as Feyre confessed her love and then shove a dagger in tamlin's heart, it was impossible not to be.

She did it.


Her plight was cut short as Amarantha declare she never said WHEN she would release them. She stalked over to Feyre and began beating her. As Kali moved to attack, Rhysand beat her to it, only to be thrown across the room and held against the wall. 

Tamlin got on his knee's begging for Feyre's life and Kali had enough. 

A hush fell over the crowd as they felt the air electrify with power. Darkness exploded around Alya as she took slow lazy steps towards Amarantha who held Feyre by the neck. 

With her back facing Rhysand she allowed the glamour to drop. 

She looked at Amarantha with her cold violet eyes. A bloodthirsty smirk sat gracefully on her lips as the full might of a future High Lady filled the room. 

Amarantha for just a moment, looked utterly and deliciously terrified. It was as if the Red haired bitch could see death walking towards her. Death with the name she had long since erased. 

"Alya..." Amarantha growled pulling Feyre in front of her as a hostage. 

Gasps filled the room as they recognized the name and the girl who looked oh so similar to her father. 

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