Chapter 27

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"YOU DIDN'T THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO TELL US, YOU HAD A DAUGHTER?!?!" Cassian roared, not caring at the moment that Rhysand had tears pouring down his bloodied face.

"She doesn't consider herself my daughter..." Rhysand answered in a small, hopeless voice. 

"SHE IS OUR FUTURE HIGH LADY RHYS! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD US!" Cassian grabbed Rhysand by the front of his jacket.

"I just needed time! I needed time with her... time to show her that I do care about her... My daughter loathes me, Cas! What was I supposed to do? Force her into a position she despises with people she hates?" Rhysand growled back. 

"Kali... She's your daughter..." Azriel whispered in a gruff realization. Still frozen from shock. 

Rhysand sighed, launching into an explanation, "That night at the ball, when Amarantha took all our powers she announced she had a surprise... Five heavily pregnant women came out and stood next to her... One of them I recognized...

Apparently, when Amarantha, first came to Prythian she sent out dozens of the most beautiful fae women of Hybern to seduce the High Lords. They were given spells and charms to induce extreme fertility. Five of these seductresses became pregnant. She threatened us with the lives of our children...

She had heirs for Autumn, Day, Dawn, Spring, and Night. The women I...Adelaya became pregnant with twins. My children, Alya and Antares.

I was able to hold them once... in twenty years of them being under the mountain, I only saw my children once... I did everything I could to try and help them, to see them, to just keep them breathing... but I had a part to play in a dangerous game to protect Velaris and the rest of the Night Court.

One day I got desperate... I fucked up. A few hours later they brought me the mutilated corpse of my son and told me there wasn't enough left of my daughter to bring her to me." Rhysand was whispering now, the utter agony in his expression apparent. 

Tears filled Cassian's eyes as he watched his brother crumble. 

"But she didn't die..." Azriel prompted. 

"N-no... There was a daemati helping Feyre under the mountain... As part of the deal to save her, in addition to a week in my court, I asked for the Daemati's name... When she said, Alya... I have never felt such utter terror and relief all at once, my daughter was alive and back in that hell. She saw the worst parts of me, the mask of what I had to be. She saw a man who left her to rot, who got her brother killed, and then spent the next thirty years fucking his killer... She hates me."

Azriel and Cassian had no idea what to do. 

They were furious and heartbroken for Rhys at the same time. 

Azriel felt sick to his stomach recognizing one other factor no one knew but himself. 

Cassian clenched and unclenched his fist deciding whether to comfort or punch his High Lord. 

With a sigh of resignation, Cas sat down next to Rhys patting his shoulder, joined shortly after by Azriel. 

After a moment of silence, Cas broke into a smile, "Your daughter's hot."

Instantly Rhys threw a punch breaking Cassian's nose and making him fall back. "Don't you even think about it," Rhys growled, pointing at Cas who laid on his back laughing. 

"HOLY SHIT I'M AN UNCLE! JUST WAIT TILL MOR AND AMREN HEAR ABOUT THIS, THEY'RE GONNA BE PISSED!" Cas roared as if the realization just dawned on him. 

"Amren and Mor already know," Rhysand answered. 

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