Chapter 25

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Kali stood to the side as Elain and Nesta looked wide-eyed at the three Illyrian men. 

Nesta was dead eyeing Rhysand, the male clone of her sister. She looked back and forth between Kali and Rhysand. 

She knew Kali hated her father, she knew why. She also knew that Rhysand looked exactly like Kali without her glamour. 

How in hell had Feyre not put the obvious together. 

"This is Azriel, the spymaster of the Night Court, the big one is Cassian the general of the Night Court, and that one is Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court," Kali explained. 

"Thank you for your hospitality and generosity," Rhysand said politely. 

Nesta sneered at him before turning to Kali, "Is he...?" Nesta let the question die-off on her lips as Kali nodded with a scowl.

Turning on her heels Nesta left towards the dining room, "Dinner will get cold." 

Kali followed behind Nesta and Elain. Nesta went to sit at the head of the table only to receive a look from Kali. 

"Get the fuck out of my chair, Luna." Kali wined childishly causing Elain and Feyre to smile. 

"No." Nesta spat, though there was no real heat behind it. 

"FEYRE! LUNA STOLE ME CHAIR!" Kali dramatically flopped against the wall, whining. 

"Stop whining!" Nesta sat perched on the chair. 

"Respect your elders, Luna! How could you be so cruel to your dear big sister."

"I'm taller than you."

"I'm older."

"Your mentally a child."

"Yes, but a child who can do this." Kali snapped her fingers and Nesta was no longer in the chair, she was moved one chair to the right as Kali arrogantly took the seat at the head of the table.

"YOUR SUCH A BRAT, KALI!" Nesta roared. The others sat around, wildly entertained by seeing this side of the cold and arrogant Kali.

"Oh stop sneering, you'll get wrinkles," Kali smirked catching the roll of bread Nesta threw at her before taking a bite of it. 

Feyre sat to Kali's left with Feyre next to him and Azriel next to her. On the other side, Nesta sat closest to Kali then Elain then Cassian on the end. 

Feyre took a bite of the human food only to scrunch her face in distaste. Cassian, Rhysand, Azriel, and Kali had no problem choking down the human food. 

"Is there something wrong with our food?" Nesta spat at Feyre. 

"Easy Ness, let's not spit venom all over the potatoes," Kali said casually as she scooped more whipped potatoes onto her plate. 

"So you can't eat normal food anymore, or are you too good for it?" Nesta ignored Kali's subtle warning tone and continued to go at Feyre. 

Rhysands fork clanked on his plate as Elain made a small distressed noise. 

"I can eat, drink, fuck, and fight just as well as I did before, better even." Feyre spat back. 

Cassian choked on his water and Kali leaned back muttering, 'Sweet cauldron' like an exhausted mother. 

"If you ever come to Prythian you will discover why our food tastes so different," Rhysand spoke, ever the diplomat.

"You don't speak to me, High Lord," Nesta growled, glaring daggers at the man Kali hated so much. 

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