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Pietro Maximoff's P.O.V
In New York City...

I wake up with a slight headache as the memories of last night fill my mind. I went on a date with a girl, though she paid no attention to me. She just texted all her friends about how she was on a date with an actual avenger. I ended up leaving early and grabbing a drink with my beloved sister Wanda.

I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen in attempts to find a sustainable breakfast.
I am unsuccessful, the fridge has been raided and so have most of the cabinets. Though I'm not surprised. Most of the Avengers don't live at the avengers compound. Most of them have homes of their own. And if they do stay, it's only for a couple days. But me and Wanda, we don't have a home. HYDRA used to be our home, until we found a better one.
I finally come across the last resort. A box of poptarts  that were Thor's personal stash. It had a note on it.
Thor's personal stash, if you take them I will personally find you and kick your mortal ass with my hammer. If you are Thor, enjoy.
He was very protective over his food, but ignoring the note I take one, the last one, and eat it within a few minutes.
Just as I take the last bite, Wanda comes in. She searches for food as well, and like me, comes up empty. She finds Thor's stash and looks to see the box empty.
"Sorry sis, I ate the last one."

"Mudak" (asshole in Russian).
Me and my sister chat a little more but are inturrupted when Sam comes in.
"Twins, fury called a meeting."
Me and Wanda nod and she leads the way behind Sam to the briefing room. While we walk Sam turns to me and asks.
"Did you just get up? It's like 12:40."
All I do is shrug.
Not long after I arrive, the rest of the team gathers and Fury begins.
"I have called this meeting because we have an issue." He clicks a button and on the big screen behind him an image pops up. It's of a girl. She has blue eyes and blond hair. She's pretty, and...I know her. She's the guitarist for the band 4 Cats Deep! I went and saw one of their shows a few weeks ago.

"This is Piper James. She was found unconscious in a forest near Seattle not long ago. Paramedics found her and filed a report saying that she became panicked as soon as she awoke and ran. Coincidently a report was just filed about a girl in Seattle fitting her description, who has caused more damage to that city than anyone has seen in over 30 years!"

"What are you saying?" Natasha asks

"I'm saying this girl is special, and we need to apprehend her."

"What kind of damage has she caused?" Wanda asks. Fury gives a sly smile.
"I'm glad you asked" Another image on the screen pops up. This time it's of a burning building, but strangely the other side of the building is...covered in ice?
"We are dealing with an enhanced. Known powers are manipulation of fire and ice But those powers are currently unstable. Stark and the Twins will retrieve her from Seattle. You leave in 10 minutes. Proceed with caution....Dismissed."
Fury walks out of the room and so do all the others. Me and Wanda walk out together and towards our gear.
"How does she have powers?" Wanda asks with a certain tone. 
While I shrug.
"Some people are born with them. Unlike us."
I say giving her hand a comforting squeeze. She looks up at me but leaves to go get dressed. I do the same, preparing for our dangrous mission.
The flight to Seattle is long but the view is amazing. All the mountains topped with snow. It reminds me of Sokovia.
As the jet flies closer to our destination I see plumes of smoke. Then I see something concerning

"You should see this." I say calling Wanda and Tony over.
Fires burn everywhere and in one particular spot there is a large circle of blue. Ice.

"Mark take us down."
Mark is the pilot since Clint isn't here and Natasha had some other business to take care of.
The jet lands just off the campus of a college. And what would normally be a green area with blooming trees, is now a desolate plain of black and blue misery. 
People screaming, things on fire and worst of all, a few people are encased in Ice. 
Tony suits up and begins to give commands.
"Alrighty. Wanda find the girl, speedy and I will work on the damage."
I wish he didn't call me that
"Let's go." Tony says and flies in a direction that I follow. My job is to evacuate people from the burning buildings and free the ones who's lower halves were encased in ice.
Tony was working on freeing the completely encased people, but he wasn't having any luck.
"The ice is too thick and If I break it the persons bones could break as well."
But as the words leave his mouth Wanda's voice comes through the communicators.  
"I've found her. I'm near the...Hartford building."
I speed to my sisters location and not long after, Tony shows up.
Wanda is staring at a completely torched tree. Up in its branches is the girl, Piper. She's covered in dirt and cuts, and she has ice shaped almost like a cast around her wrist. It must be broken. Piper also had a terrified look in her eyes.
Tony flies closer to the burned branches.
"Hi, can you come down. I promise we don't bite."
She doesn't move, only stares.
"Can she hear me? He asks quietly, looking back at me and my sister.
Tony flies closer to the tree, but this startles the girl and she sticks her hand out. Before we know it me, Wanda and Tony's feet are all trapped in ice.
Piper climbs down from the tree in an impressive skill of acrobatics, and she runs away.
Piper's P.O.V

What have I done?

What's happening to me?!
Those are the thoughts that go through my head as I run through the streets of Seattle. Leaving a path of destruction behind me.
I just froze three if the avengers to the street, and I have no idea why. I didn't mean to, I'm scared. These powers I have, I can't control them and I don't know what to do.
Luckily I find a dark and empty alley. I duck into it and reach a dead end. Trying to take deep breaths, but it smells like crap in here. Unfortunately that's the least of my problems. The Avengers are after me. My cousins dead, I watched her die. And I have a broken wrist. 

I slump to the floor of the alley and begin to cry. As I do ice climbs up the walls around me.

"I got her."
My head shoots up. A man stands at the end of the alley, holding a gun pointed at me.
I panic once more. I hold out my hand to freeze the gun from firing, but I do something much worse. I accidentally shoot an ice hits him square in the chest. The man falls over dead.
"Oh my god" I whisper
I run up to the man seeing if he has any life left in him, but he doesn't. I close his eyes and whisper
"I'm so sorry".

"What did you do." I hear a voice above me and look up. The three Avenger's stand there looking at me in horror. I grab the gun out of the dead man's hand and cock it, I aim it at them and back away to my previous position against the wall.
"Mark?" Says one of them, a girl. She's bent down and is checking him for life signs.
"Great, this kids a murderer." The metal one says.
I reach the wall and feel that there's a metal ladder. Still aiming the gun, and noticing that the hero's have taken there focus off of me for a moment. I begin to climb. I make it to the roof before one of them notices.
"She's escaping!"
Before I can go any farther my hands are bound in a red magic, along with my feet.
I'm levitated off the roof and down to where the three people are. I don't struggle and tears still stain my face.
They say nothing, the metal ones forearm opens and a syringe is pulled out. I gasp out of fear.
"Don't worry it doesn't hurt."
The needle goes into my neck and once more, I go black.
Pietro's P.O.V

Wanda removes the ice spike from Mark and levitates him to follow us to the jet. I am the one left to carry Piper. Tony puts out the rest of the fires and soon joins me and Wanda on the ship.
Stark flies us back to the compound since our previous pilot is "out of commission".
I sit next to my sister on the flight. We don't really talk but eventually she says something weird.

"You think she's pretty."

"What?" I say looking at her

"You think Piper is pretty."
I realize what she's done
"Will you stop reading my mind."
Wanda let's out a chuckle
"But it's so easy."
I give a smirk, and nod to the unconscious girl.
"What about her? What's happening inside her head."
Wanda tilts her head,

"Her? is a little harder. Her thoughts can be loud at times but it's as if she can control it. Some of her thoughts can be seen but if she wants to keep them private she can. Unlike you, your thoughts are loud all the time."

"What is she thinking now?" I ask, Wand hits my arm
"Pietro that's rude."

"Come on, she's not awake, she won't know."

"Fine, but I'm telling her that you wanted me to do this."
I shrug
Wanda holds her hand out and red magic flies from it. It takes my sister a moment before she says anything,
"S-she is dreaming. But she lost someone very dear to her and she doesn't know what to do."
When Wanda says this I see a tear roll down Piper's cheek.
Wanda closes her hand
"That's enough."
Wanda stops reading and sits back, we're quiet once more.
As for Piper, her eyes flutter open. She looks around for a moment, then sits up. She is silent and doesn't make eye contact, she just sits.

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