14. Fight With A Fury

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We left the museum and headed in the direction of Steve's motorcycle.

"You ready to go home yet?" I asked, leaning on his bike.

"Not quite," He said to me. "There are a few more stops I was gonna make if you're up to it."

"Lead the way," I said, pushing myself off his bike.

Steve gestured for me to get onto the back of the bike and helped me climb on before getting on himself. He revved the engine, and we sped off down the road to a retirement community.

As we parked, I sensed Steve feeling anxious and uncomfortable. His pulse was elevated, and I could see the large vein in his neck beating like a drum.

"Why are we here?" I asked. "And why do you look so nervous?"

"Because there's someone here who I think you should see," he said to me.

"Who?" I asked as we walked inside.

"An old friend."

I didn't think I had any friends. At least not any that were still alive. As far as I knew, Howard had died in the nineties, right after I had been found in Siberia, and Rebecca died sometime in the seventies. She had gotten sick...

And I wasn't there to save her.

That only left one other person.

Steve talked quietly to the receptionist, and a nurse led us into a room down the hall where an elderly lady was resting in bed.

"I have to warn you," the nurse said to us in a hushed tone. "You may only get a few minutes with her; she's hardly ever lucid these days."

Steve nodded his head as the nurse greeted the elderly woman, announcing she had guests.

"You have visitors," she said as she helped the woman sit up in her bed.

"Peggy?" I whispered to Steve, shocked and mystified that she was still alive.

He nodded his head, heading into the room first.

"Hiya, Peg," he greeted her, slowly sitting down next to her.

"Steve?" She asked, already starting to sob. "You're alive?"

"Yeah, Peg," he said with a sad smile. "I'm here."

"Oh, it's been so long," she cried.

"I know, but I couldn't leave my best girl," he said to her, taking her hand. "Not when she owes me a dance."

I watched with silent tears as they talked, holding myself tightly as I stayed hidden behind a privacy curtain. 

"I brought you a visitor," he said, looking over at me. "A friend."

I shook my head, not ready to face her, but Steve was insistent. 

I took a deep breath, walking slowly into the light so that Peggy could see my face. It was almost painful, seeing her so fragile...

So old.

I gave her a weak smile, coming over to her bedside.

"Hi Peg," I could barely get my voice out to above a whisper.

"Hazel?" She gasped, squinting her eyes like I was a mirage. "Y-you're alive?"

"Yeah," I said, holding back my tears. "Yeah, Peg. I'm alive."

"Oh, sweetheart," she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "You had us worried sick. We thought the worst."

"I know," I brought her hand up to my face.

A Fall From Grace (Bucky Barnes x OC) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now