Chapter Seventy-Four

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The cool night air blew across her face, the breeze gently blowing over her bare arms. Autumn announced its arrival, it was very close. Frida looked up at the moon, high in the sky lighting up all around her. It is well known that the moon does not shine by its own brilliance but by the stars', but admiring it was one of Frida's favorite things. Right now she felt at peace. Here, she leans on her bedroom balcony at midnight relaxing. Everything was going well in her life, she had the ones she loved the most living under her roof and that meant the whole world to her. She didn't need luxuries or a whole company to run, just Benny and their little daughter Ella.

She once dreamed of a family, a home, someone to love uncensored and completely. And she found him. And he also gave her a little piece of heaven to adore for the rest of her life. Two years ago her life was quite different, but now that she looked back she realized how empty it was; empty and meaningless. Now, everything was beautiful and perfect, even with the imperfections. Frida closed her eyes and took a deep breath when a gust of wind reached her, and the wind brought with it a memory.


She had just gotten laid with her boss. That was one of the number one things on the list of things you shouldn't do in life, and she had just done it. Frida looked at herself in the mirror of the luxurious bathroom in Benny's apartment. He was a rich man indeed, rich and fabulous in every way, in bed for example. That was... one of the best experiences she had ever had, but forbidden. This could not be known in the office, she would end up losing her job for getting involved with a co-worker, and even more so if that co-worker was her boss and a member of the board of directors. This was wrong, but a few minutes before while Benny kissed each part of her body it didn't feel wrong.

Frida gasped and leaned against the sink, dressed only in her lingerie. Luckily, her choice of lingerie this morning was the right one, she didn't plan to go to her boss' apartment after work but Benny managed to persuade her, it was the second time she was here and the first time she entered his bedroom. What happened was good, but he was confusing her. A few weeks ago the flirtations started and now she fell right where she shouldn't; in his bed. They both knew it was not right, but they both wanted this.

Frida looked at herself in the mirror, she had to go out and face reality. She needed to know where this would take them, because it wasn't just attraction, Benny awakened things in her that she'd never felt before, and the least she needed was to fall for delusions and end up with a broken heart. Frida dressed quickly and bravely left the bathroom; Benny had just put on a simple gray shirt. The butterflies in her stomach appeared instantly, she had to swallow hard at the sight of him, but she didn't count on him smiling at her; it was then that her legs went weak.

"Hey," Benny came closer and Frida was enveloped in his seductive aura. "I ordered food for dinner."

Frida had a hard time finding the words, she was like hypnotized. She nodded and forced herself to look somewhere else but at his pretty face. "It's not necessary. I think I'll leave now."

Benny frowned and moved closer, alarmed. "Why? Something happens?"

I just had forbidden sex with you! She internally yelled at him. "I need to go home."

"I'll take you, then."

"No," she hastened to say. "I mean, no thanks. I bring my car, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Benny pursed his lips, clearly she was avoiding him because she wasn't even looking at him. He had to do something before things got cold between them. "Are you okay?" Frida nodded slightly, but it wasn't enough for him. "Frida, look at me."

That sounded like an order, but also like a prayer. Anyway, she didn't resist. Frida looked at him and fought not to throw herself into his arms again, he was so cute. "What is it?" She whispered.

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