Chapter 3

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We arrived at Starbucks and i still was nervous as hell. Harry brought the car to a stop and headed over to open my door for me. 'I could do that on my own you know?' i chuckled and climbed out. 'I know but you're a lady and i'm a gentleman so i'm opening the door for you' he smiled and winked.

If he winks at me one more time my legs are going to give up. SHHT JENNY.

We walked to the door and of course Harry opened it for me and put his hand on my back guiding me to a table. 'Tell me what you want and i'll order' he took my chair out for me. Wow, was he trying to impress me or did he treat every girl that way? I told him my order and sat down.

He was perfect, he was goodlooking, he was polite and he was funny. That girl who will get him will be one lucky human. But i wouldn't let myself fall for him, no matter how hard it will be, i don't want to get hurt again, too many things have happened, i will never let someone too close again. Letting people in means they will leave one day and that pain is something i never ever want to feel again. It was too hard.

I looked around, Starbucks was almost empty expect for 2 young couples, i hate seeing happy couplse, it makes me jealous, i really wanted to be loved again and i wanted to love again but i was too scared. 'Hey beautiful stop thinking so hard'. It was then that i realized i had zoned out for quite a long time. I shook my head slightly to get rid of my thoughts and focused on Harry and my coffee. 'Uhh sorry' i chuckled 'i was just thinking'. 'About what?' he smiled at me and looked interested, but there was no way i would tell him about my thoughts, he would think i'm a total retard. 'Nothing important' i smiled and took a zip from my coffee.

'Do you want to meet the lads?' Harry asked out of nothing. The lads? I guess he meant the rest of One Direction, did i want to meet them? It was like a boy asking his new girlfriend to meet his friends and that really felt weird because i wasn't even near to being his new girlfriend. 'I don't know' i answered looking at everything but him. I really didn't want to dissappoint him and i just hoped he wouln't develop any feelings towards me. But it would turn out that way wouldn't it? We just met and we're sitting here drinking coffee, that just screams 'FIRST DATE'.

'Come on, don't be shy, they will love you' he gave me an encouraging smile showinf his dimples. Oh my god he had dimples, is there anything cuter than dimples? I don't think so. 'I'd rather not' i said questioningly. 'Well, you don't have to' Harry's smile faded a bit but you could see that he was trying to hold it, though it looked more like a grimace. 'Sorry Harry but i, i don't know this feels like a date' i suttered. 'Isn't it a date?' he asked lookind even more dissappointed. Oh god, why are you doing this to me?

'Look Harry' i sighed ' you really seem to be nice and funny, but we barely know each other and i'm surely not ready for any relationship, i know you're not talking about that but it will lead there if we'd go on a date won't it? I just can't do that, that has nothing to do with you, it's me and please don't ask why'. I was looking down by now. 'Okay' Harry simply said 'friends then?'. I liftet my gaze up to look at him, he was smiling slightly but there was something in his eyes, something i couldn't understand, i just couldn't put my finger on it. But i should accept his offer, he was a nice guy and i would love to be friends with him. So i returned his smile and nodded.

We sat there for a while, silent, it was awkward. 'Okay, no, i don't want it to be awkward between us' Harry mumbled. I sighed again, same over here Harry, same. I liked him, he was captivating, and he had a pull on me, but i just can't. It's okay, isn't it? We will be friends, great friends, i even can see us as best friends and maybe he'll make my time in London good. 'Then let's make it less awkward' i stood up and went around the table right next to him and attacked him with a hug. He was startled but hugged me back as soon as he was able to 'you really are different'. 'Hey, don't be mean' i laughed with him. 

We talked and laughed and talked some more, he really was a great guy, i knew i said that before but it's special to find someon like him. He took me home and we hugged goodbye. 'Thank you Harry, i really had fun' i smiled. 'And that would be the part where the guy kisses the girl and tells her that he want to see her again' he giggled. 'You idiot' i hit him playfully and kissed his cheek. 'There you got your kiss' putting out my tongue i turned around and went into Jamies apartment. 

Oh god, Jamie i totally forgot her, i hope she won't be mad, but well how could she, i brought One Direction at her's , okay it was only Harry but maybe the rest will follow, i entered the livingroom giggling on my own thought, yuuuup, i'm defininetly a weird girl. 

'You know you got to explain that' Jamie was sitting on the couch looking up from some important looking folder things. 'Can i go..' i started but soon was interrupted. 'NO, you can't sit the fuck down or keep standing there, whatever, just start talking'. Wow, i didn't do anything wrong, did i? I mean he just appeared on her door he didn't break something, oh. Yea okay, now i got her point, 1/5 of her favourite boyband ever stood infront of her door while she was looking like a sleepy weirdo. Okay, okay she had a good point. 

'Harry called me this morning and we went to have breakfast, but i wasn't ready so you opened the door' i explained leaving the twitter and facebook part out, i would tell her later or someday or just let her find out on her own, whatever. 'But now stop being mad at me because girl, i just got you the chance to meet the, wait wait, using your words, 'freaking hottest sexgods on this damn planet' on a party tonight, Harry invited us' i giggled. 'Oh shut up' she laughed and threw a pillow on me. 'Let's get ready bitch' i said throwing the pillow back and laughing.

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