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"I can't believe I'm doing this.." Kiyoomi was shaking his head, already admitting in defeat because what he was going to be doing was unprofessional of him, but he can't just go back out on the dare. He lost to Mattsun when they played rock, papers, and scissors and Kiyoomi swore they all teamed up against him because Mattsun was never able to beat him in his own game. It might've been because Kiyoomi was sidetracked on the phone with his boyfriend who was talking to him about this test that he so was going to ace with the help of his smartass of a boyfriend Kiyoomi. And Kiyoomi was proud to be his "smartass of a boyfriend."

"You guys are all dead to me!" Kiyoomi points vigorously at all of his friends who were laughing at him in the car.

"Smile for the camera Kusy~" Korai shoots the camera at Kiyoomi's grumpy face. Kiyoomi waves his middle finger at him.

"If the cops start chasing us we're definitely ratting you out first Mattsun!" Iwaizumi stared at Mattsun from the rearview mirror.

"The only person they're going to be looking for is Sakubro here~" Mattsun wiggles his eyebrows at Kiyoomi. "Who knows. Maybe they'll enjoy the view?~"

"Shut the fuck up dude!" Kiyoomi threw his empty soda can at Mattsun's face. "If we get pulled over and I'm handcuffed you're bailing me out! You hear that Mattsun, your broke ass is bailing me out!"

"I shouldn't be excited about this dare.. But it sounds exciting getting chased by the police." Aran smirks at the camera, "I'm sure Umakus wouldn't mind the little view either~"

Ushijima snickers from his side, "Like how Kiyoomi accidentally posted his nudes online that one time-" Ushijima and Aran were laughing hysterically at the memory, "It got so popular that even pornstars tried signing him! The face he made when they rung the doorbell and shoved the contract at his face was priceless. He yelled at them, saying 'No you can't sell my body for your sick and twisted fantasy. Glad to know my body is hot and all but it's not up for sale fuckers.' and then he slammed the door right in their face." Ushijima wipes the tear at the corner of his eyes, "That always gets me!"

"Oh my god, I remember that!" Bokuto chimes in, blabbering on and on about how Sakusa's nudes were called top tier by a playboy magazine model.

"Kiyo here just loves being the center of attention~" Korai smirks next to Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi rolls his eyes and stares at Asahi who was asleep during the whole talk, thankful that he wasn't listening in on his core memory that he tried to make everyone forget about.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi. Body built like an alpha, cock hugely big and scrumptious that got every man and woman begging on their knees to get a taste of him." Korai slightly stood up in the moving vehicle, waving his arms up in the air as if he was speaking to a big audience. "Sakusa, once again makes headlines when he flashes his dick at a police officer! And his getaway, his friends, his homeboys; the Wildscums comes to the rescue!"

"Hey hey hey that's-"


"Body built like an alpha- pfftshhg-" Mattsun almost vomits by how hard he was laughing at the comment.

"Korai don't ever say some stupid shit like that ever again!" Iwaizumi said from the driver's seat, he himself look like he was holding in his laughter by trying to act like the natural one but he was no better than them.

"I like to see that make headlines someday" Aran clapped, "I'd pay to see that!"

"God-" Kiyoomi bangs his head on the seat as his friends were humiliating him in the vlog. But what can he say? They're his boys, they practically all grew up with each other so Kiyoomi didn't mind as much as everyone thinks he does. Kiyoomi knew his time was about to be up so he came prepared. Drinking the heavy liquor that Mattsun bought for him through toothy grins. He be damned if he was going to be doing the dare in a clear state of mind, he's going to get drunk off his ass and not remember it hopefully.

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