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Sorry guys if there is any grammatical mistakes in my story because english is not my first language.


Name: park y/n , AGE : 22.

Personality: sweet, caring, beautiful, sometimes cold if she get angry.

Parents :park y/f/n, park y/m/n.

Siblings :park jimin, park Chaeyoung.

Boyfriend:Kim taehyung.

Friends: jennie, lisa, jisoo.

Student in xxxx university.


Name : park jimin , AGE : 25.

Parents: same as y/n 😅(sorry your a/n is bit lazy to write)

Siblings : park y/n and Chaeyoung

Crush: still single doesn't have crush on any one

Personality: protective towards his lil sisters, cute, humble, cold in mafia work.

Friends: all bts members including taehyung

Job : secret mafia in the group named
" BANGTAN " , present handling your company.


Name: park Chaeyoung Or rose

AGE: 22 (you two are twins)

Parents: same as y/n

Personality: sweet, cute, innocent.

Crush : no one 😎 ( still single)

Siblings: park jimin and y/n.

Friends : jennie, lisa, jisoo

Student in same university as y/n.


Name : kim taehyung

AGE: 25

Parents : Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim

Girlfriend : park y/n

Siblings: Kim namjoon, Kim seokjin

Personality: cold but sweet towards his loved onces.

Friends : all bts members.

Job : secret mafia king, CEO of Kim industries.

I think you don't need introduction about them (I mean you understand😉) .


I love all army's

I hope you will support me by the way this is my first time writing a ff.

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