ep. 9

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Next day...

Y/n pov..

I called my friends they live in India so I thought to visit them..

They said they will come to my hotel so   Iam waiting for them here it's been 2yrs since I met them..

Suddenly door bell rang and i went to open the door and my friends jumped on me..

Y/n: YAHHHHH!!!! Will you there kill me... I can't breathe..

Tae: Y/n!!! What happened why are you shouting... And who are these three people..

y/n: tae these are my friends I didn't told you na this is sauumya, Hari priya, varshini ( we call her varshu)..

Tae: nice to meet you 😊.. I am Y/N's boyfriend. Kim Taehyung..

All three: nice to meet you taehyung.

(Suddenly rosé appeared out of nowhere)

Rosé:who disturbed my pretty sleep 💤

Varshu: oh! Hi Rosé how are you ( she hugged her)

Rosé: Iam fine as always how are you baby ?it's been a long time ( while hugging her back)

(Varshu and rosé are like mother and daughter they love each other so much)

(A/n : I mean not that type of love its friendly take your thoughts out 😏)

Varshu: I missed you guys so much...

Hari : me toooo

Sau: me threeeeee

Jimin: what's this sound 🔊? ( jimin came from his room)

Hari: oh! Hi jimin!!!

Jimin: Hi !Hari it's been a long time...

Sau: You guys are really ignoring mee

Y/n : I am with you babes😄

Sau : you are my bestie *while hugging her*

( all chuckled by seeing their cuteness)

Varshu: y/niee we need to tell u something

Y/n: say it babe...

Varshu: actually we are permanently transfered to Seoul we are going to leave in Korea...... *happily*

Y/n: 🤩WOW!!!!!!

Sau: me tooo

Hari: me three..

So here goes the character introduction of those three girls.


A cute, sweet, caring, a little annoying , lovely girl...

Father is a CEO of  V.V industries

Mother works as general manager of V.V industries

Has one younger brother.. He is studying for taking next CEO position

Y/n, rosé, jimin, sauumya, Hari priya are best friends

Still single

Studied in Korea as they have their new branch in Korea

Loves to sing, eat, sleep,annoying everyone one, mostly kpop.

Her goal is to become a CEO of her own company..


A sweet person, loves her friends and family so much..

Father is a CEO  of  C.H company

Mother owns a restaurant...

Has elder brother and works as manager in Korea of C.H company

Varshu, sauumya, jimin, y/n, rosé are best friends

Still single

Studied in Korea as they have their own company in Korea

She like a own sister of  varshu, she is also a kpop fan..

She wants to become a CEO her own company


A sweet and caring girl and sometimes
behaves like a savage girl and sclods varshu if she does any silly things..

Father is CEO of D.T company

Mother is a doctor

No siblings

Varshu, hari, jimin, rosé, y/n are best friends

Still single

Studied for taking the responsibility of CEO of D.T company in korea

Like a mother to varshu, loves music and kpop fan..

So basically these were childhood friends and they together studied in Korea there they met y/n, jimin, rosé..
Unfortunately they had to come back to India for some reasons and now they are going back to Korea after 2 years. Not to mention they are still studying..

TBC 💜💜💜

Sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes I know it's short but i tried my best to update in my busy schedules

I hope you enjoyed this  .....

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