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Y/n pov

What the heck am i doing in paris

Ohhh godd why me . That bastard is soo obsessed with me arghhhh

And why the heck i didn't know he was a Mafia

Ohh no 😭

How can I contact tae . Should tell him to not to search for me . Or else that bitch will kill him

Arghhhhh why meeeee

Can't I just live a happy normal life with my love and my family

Just then y/n saw a bodyguard near her
Sitting on a chair and sleeping .

She immediately took his phone without knowing him

And dailed Taehyung's number

Tae pov

I am standing on the balcony. And thinking about how to catch that jackson
And save my love

Just then I got a call from an unknown number

I answered the call

I heard a voice which caused my teary eyes


Tae: hello ??

Y/n: Hello ta-e

Tae: y/n!!? Is that u??!

Y/n: yes tae . This jackson wang kidnapped me

Tae: I know love but where are u rn

Y/n: paris tae.  But don't come for me . He will kill u tae . Pls don't come He is a Mafia Tae bear . Remember that I love you. I only lov-----

She got cut by snatching the phone from her hands

Jw: ohh so u dared to that y/n . Wow .

Tae: Touch her !!?? U will die jackson .

Jw: ohh u think i am afraid of u . Well no

Tae: You have problems with me right. Deal with me . Leave her!!!

Jw: If u have guts come and get ur girl . If not everything you own will me mine . Including your girl . What about one on one fight

Tae: Ohh so you are willing to do a fight with me . Don't worry I will bring u a war

Jw: waiting Mr. Kim Taehyung. ............

He cutted the call

Tae immediately went to meeting room and called everyone

Every one came including varshu and gang . except Neha

Jk: what are u doing here girlss

Charan: You will know soon jungkook

Tae: I got a call from y/n

Suga: WHAT!!??

Tae: She said she is in Paris .

Jm: so what are we waiting for . Let's go to Paris and handle him

Varshu: wait oppa . If we go there without a plan . He might trap so . It looks he planned something very big other wise. He won't say the address

Jk: yeah that's a point

Jh: we will go paris tomorrow with a plan

Charan: So girls get ready. And be prepared. Every thing should be perfect

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