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I wake up in my own bed , Peter probably moved me while I was asleep. My door opens and I walk out once again, and go to the rainbow room. I sit down slowly my legs hurt from last night. The same boring table . wait the note. Hmm i can just open it right now. I unfold it and read it. 'from your beloved Peter, to you my beloved y/n, you may be wondering why I wrote you a note instead of telling you in person. I thought this would be more romantic then anything else, but this might just be a little cliche anyways shall I start, when I saw you for the first time , your eyes were so beautiful when you looked at me, how you gently cared for Eleven, you would do anything for Eleven. I want to escape with you and Eleven and we raise her as our own, there's many secrets papa hides from you both. Papa lies to you guys, I want to be with you forever and ever. And get buried together. And eleven tell our story , I promise we will be together forever in Hawkins I will figure out a plan.
- love Peter '
I look at it blankly not knowing what to say. Papa lies. It's not a big surprise. But what kind of lies have he told us. I feel a hand on me I fold the paper fast. "It's okay it's just me" Peter says as he sits down, he is smiling. "So did you read the note? Was it cliche?" I laugh "it wasn't at all it was really sweet" I look at Peter and smile "but?" I look at him "there's no but Peter" my smile grew as he sighs in relief "good, I thought you would not like it, I made about 100 notes and I thought you would hate every single one." He says. "I don't think I can hate any of your writing, you know how to make me smile when I want to be all mad " he smiles. "Y/n" he says his smile slowly fading away as he grabs my hand. "I want you to know the truth about papa." He says . I look down at my feet. "I know you don't want to learn about him. Cause you care about him bu-" I interrupt him . "Care? I don't care about him, not after what he did to me when I was young." Peter leans in more " I know darling, but I promise you once we escape this prison you won't need to worry about anyone hurting you. We will be together forever happily." He smiles , and I smile back. "Well I have to go and act like I'm doing my job so papa won't be too suspicious on us" I nod as he gets up from the seat and goes and stands next to a wall across from me . Eleven goes and sits where Peter sat, "are you okay?" She says "yes I am okay" I tell her . "I saw you walk in and look sad." She says with a concerned face. "I was a little sad but now I'm happy" eleven looks at Peter and then at me . "Cause you think Peter is hot?" My eyes widen and I'm pretty sure Peter heard cause from the corner of my eye I could see Peter hiding a little smile . "No, he just makes me happy eleven. How are you feeling today? Any better?" She nods "papa made me feel better and you did too." I smile "I'm glad I did eleven" she gets up from the table and grabs colors and paper and comes back to the table . "I'm going to draw us" she says and she starts coloring. Eleven was so sweet , but all everyone knew her as was weak. This shouldn't be a competition to impress papa. Cause little do they know papa is just a horrible man. "Here" she gives it to me , I look at the drawing , there were 3 of us , it was eleven, me , and Peter. I smiled "thank you!" I can see Peter in the corner of my eye signaling me to leave . "I will be right back eleven" I smile and leave the room as I feel Peter come right behind me. He grabs my hand and takes me to his bedroom once again. He closes his bedroom door, he turns around and smiles he grabs my face as he makes out with me "god I missed your lips I couldn't resist not looking at you" he says , I smile "I missed you too, look what eleven made " I hand him the drawing. "She knows?" He looks at me. "yes she figured it out on her own, she's really smart, or maybe it's cause I make it obvious." , He smiles "this is perfect then, we can escape and she will follow " , I look at the drawing and then at him "I want her to live a normal life" , he looks at me "of course we will make sure she does." He makes out with me once again and places the drawing in a drawer. "I will be back , I need to use the restroom." He goes into his bathroom in his room and closes the door. I never really looked around his room, I'm sure he won't mind. I walk around his room seeing his little table with a lamp , guessing this is where he writes his letters to me. I turn to a shelf I look at it , when I spot a picture of a girl. She was blonde looked kinda like Peter. I grab the picture. "What are you doing." Peter says behind me . I turn around " I was just looking around and-" I hesitate to say it I look down at the picture . "Who is she?" , He grabs the picture "this is my sister." He smiles . "Oh? You have a sister?" He nods. "Where is she?" I say looking at him, he looks at the picture and then at me "she died of a fever" , "I'm so sorry" I say hugging him, he hugs me back "its okay, it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter anymore" he smiles and let's go and puts the picture on the shelf again. I sit on his bed. He walks over to me and grabs my chin and lifts it up, "god your face is so gorgeous." He rubs his thumb on my lips. "Your mouth is so kissable." He leans in and whispers in my ear "soon. my love..soon we will get out this shit hole together." He looks at me as he pins me down on his bed and makes out with me once again. I wrap my legs around him , I put my arms around him , I back away from the next kiss he was gonna give , "Peter" I say, he looks at me worried "what's wrong did I do something ?" I gentle smile "no, it's just..what happens when we do get out?" I look down. "Hey hey no look at me." I look up at him, he smiles "there's nothing to be worried about, you have to trust me how we get out, okay?" I nod "hey I know what can make your mind clear up" he gets off me and slowly takes off his shirt , he grabs my hand and puts it on His chest as he places my hand on his crotch. "Already hard ?" I smirk I get up and kiss him rubbing against him. "And someone's already needy." He picks me up and places me on the bed , he gently kisses me as he takes off his pants, "get ready for me love." He smiles as he takes off his belt from his pants , I take off my gown and my panties leaving it on the floor with his clothes, "give me your hands now." I give him my hands as he wraps the belt around my wrist . "So submissive good girl." He pushes me down on the bed again, as he grabs my legs and places them on top of his shoulders as he slowly slides into me. I let out small moans. he leans in close to me as he is thrusting into me fast but slow "you are so beautiful." He smiles "thank yo-" he thrusts in faster "hm? Speak up I can't hear you." He says smirking "thank yo-" , he goes faster once again "I said speak up." "THANK YOU" , he smiles "that's more like it." He grabs my throat and fucks me faster pounding into me , it was overstimulating since I couldn't use my hands "fuck Peter fuck?" I moan out, "you feel so good" he groans out as he is fucking me . I start to moan faster , he slaps me . "Shut up." He covers my mouth as he puts 2 fingers in me "let's see if your pussy can take my dick and my fingers." He starts to finger me and thrusting into me, tears form in my eyes , he uncovers my mouth "let out those moans darling, I'm sure no one will hear you . " He fingers me faster and as he makes his dick go deeper "Fuck Peter fuck me yes please" I moan out arching my back . "Come on baby, I know you can do better then that, show daddy what a true slut you are." He takes out his fingers , and I start grinding trying to push his dick further into me. He groans out as he plays with my clit. "Such a dirty fucking slut." He grabs the belt around my hand and pins my hands down "I will show you what a true slut you can be ." He slams into me faster , he goes deeper as his dick hits every sweet spot. "Peter! Peter Peter omg!!" , He looks at me and grabs me by my throat. "It's Henry." I look at him , I don't care what this man's real name was he was fucking me to good to even question anything right now. "Fuck me deeper then Henry!" , He smirks "you don't make the rules here, but whatever you say , slut" he pumps into me faster , looking at me with love in his eyes. I was at my climax , "I'm going to cum! " I say, "not yet, hold it." , Tears run down my face as I try and hold it . "Please let me cum please" I say  , "not yet darling." , He pounds into me , "look at you crying already such a little whore. I love you so much." , I look at him "I love you too" I stutter, "you can cum now." He says, I climax , and he pulls out. He grabs me again and strokes his cock, "open your mouth." I open my mouth. And he climax into my mouth. "Swallow." , It tasted good. As I swallow it, "good girl." He unbuckles the belt from my hands and grabs my clothes and helps me put them on. "There you go love" he kisses my hand and smiles , he gets up and puts on his clothes. "Peter" I say , "yes?" He says I look down at my hands , "is your name Henry? Is that why you told me to call you that?" I look back up to him. His smile faded, "it is my name. Everyone here as their own names just like you and I , they aren't just numbers " , "why did you never tell me your name before ?" , "Cause it doesn't matter does it?" , I look at him "it kinda does cause I wanna know the person I'm going to marry one day." , Peter smiles , "I'm sorry , I won't keep secrets anymore . " , "Good." I smile as I get up, he opens his door and we walk out , we go to the rainbow room where we find papa . Oh fuck. "Peter!" He goes to Peter and then looks at me "and..014?" He looks at Peter once again and raises a eyebrow , "what were you two doing alone?" , I look down and then at papa "we were jus-" Peter interrupts, "we were just going to the nurse once again, 014 wouldn't stop complaining so I had to help her." He smiles at papa. Papa looks at me "yes I had a bad stomach ache , turns out I was just on my period." , Papa nods and smiles "okay then well hope you are feeling much better, I missed you so much 014 " papa says as he walks out the room. I look at Peter hiding my laugh . And he is trying to hide his smile as well . I go sit down at the table , and Peter sits across from me, "I cannot believe he actually believed that" I say , "I know." We smile . "Have you told eleven the plan?" He asks. " No not yet. I probably will soon though when we get close to it " he nods , "good then" he smiles at me . We play chess for awhile before 012 came. "Look at you 014 playing with peter, what are guys? Like in love, surprise anyone would love someone like you." I look at him as his friends start laughing and he smirks . "You know it's a surprise you even have friends considering the way you act." I say , Peter looks up and his smile fades. "You are just a weak loser." He says . Peter gets up and smiles as he puts his hands behind his back "012 . Come with me. Papa told me he wanted to see you, how great you are." 012 smirks "you see 014. I'm more special then you." He walks out with Peter as eleven comes to me to try and comfort me.
Peters POV:
I walk out the rainbow room, and take this little shit to a room , alone. I open the door and tell him to wait there. "Where's papa?" He asks , "I'm about to bring him " I fake smile as I leave the room. God this little bitch. Messing with y/n. He is definitely going to get what he deserves soon. I grab a shocker stick. "I'm back." I say as I walk back into the room. "Where's papa? and what's that?" He asks nervously. "Oh, this? This is my little friend." I say as I smile . "Don't worry. It won't hurt." I wink as I turn it on. I shock him over and over again. Getting more angry. I stop as he is already on the floor groaning in pain. I squat down and grab his face , I look at him angry. "Never touch , speak, or even go near 014 , if you do , you wouldn't see another day. Do you understand?" He looks at me . "You are insane!" He says I shock him again. He groans more in pain and I grab his face again harder. "Let's try this again. Do you understand?." "Yes!" He says , "I said do you understand" as I grab the shocker again . "NO NO I UNDERSTAND." , "Good." I smile and help him up , "oh and if you tell papa. It will be worse." I open the door for him , and he looks up at me. I smile . He hesitates and looks down and walks away . I turn off the light and put the shocker away.  I see all the guards putting everyone to bed already. I hope y/n is okay. She won't have to worry about anything when we get out. Nothing at all.
Your pov :
I get into my bed , as I look at the ceiling. I silently cry. I can't wait to leave out of here. This hell hole. I hear my door unlock . I wipe my tears off fast. "Y/n" Peter says as he walks into my room. "Peter?" I walk out . I smile and jump on him "I missed you" he hugs me and kisses me "were you crying?" He asks, "yes but I'm okay now." , "No need to cry anymore y/n I took care of him, come on let's go to my room." , We had to walk super fast to his room he quickly locks it . And smiles back at me. "I forget how bad i need you all the time." He says , I laugh , "I miss your company too" he hugs me and starts kissing me and my neck he picks me up and drops me on my bed. And leaves me hickeys on my chest and boobs . "Peter!!, What if papa sees?" , Peter looks at me "i think the only thing you should be worry about is how you be calling me daddy. How would papa feel about that?" He smirks . "You aren't funny Peter." I say. "You know you love me." He kisses me and bites my neck once more , I moan softly as he softly bites it , he lets go and looks at me into my eyes. "You make it so hard for me to resist you, just one glance at you , and I just want grab you and make you sit on my lap as you ride my thigh." , "Behave yourself Peter" I say. He smirks . "Oh behave myself?.. me?" He grabs my throat "why don't you behave yourself? Hm? I bet you are so wet under those panties you are wearing, just by a couple of pathetic words. Hm? I should test that theory." He places his 2 fingers on my panties as he rubs through my panties. "I was right." He whispers in my ear.  He slowly puts his hands in my panties as he makes out with me. He puts his fingers inside slowly finger fucking me. He pushes me back on the bed as he finger fucks me faster his fingers going in and out. My kisses slowly turned into a mouth full of moans. "So pathetic look at you, so desperate already. I want to hear you beg for me to fuck you with my cock." , I look at him . "Please please fuck me please " he takes his fingers out and removes his belt. "Why did you stop? I didn't tell you to stop." , I spread my legs further. "Please fuck me , I need you so bad." , He smirks as he unzips his pants and takes off his shirt , sliding it slowly in and out . He put my legs over his shoulder as he goes deeper, he brings to fuck me faster. I cover my mouth to hold in my moans. "Uncover your mouth." He says . "But-" , "I said to do it.", I uncover my mouth as he grabs my face. "God you feel so good." , He puts his hand on my lower stomach and puts pressure on it, as he fucks me faster , I arch my back . "Fuck Peter fuck Oh my god" , "that's right , come on. You know my name , my real name, scream it out."  He goes deeper fucking me harder , "scream it out." He says once more again , he puts more pressure on my lower stomach. "FUCK HENRY YOU FEEL SO GOOD, don't stop don't stop please don't stop." , He smirks "that's right." He flips me over on my stomach as he grabs his belt from the floor, he rubs my ass . As he slides his dick inside. He puts my hands behind my back and ties them up with his belt. He begins to fuck me fast . "Such a good little slut for me , taking it all in." He grabs a handful of my hair . "I wanna hear you scream out daddy everytime I pound into you. Got it?" , "Yes" I say , he lets go of my hair and holds my head down as he pounds into me "Daddy!" I say , "louder , I know you are better then that love." , He goes into me deeper pounding into me. I could feel him in my stomach. "DADDY DADDY DADDY!", "Good slut, such a good little whore for me " I reach my climax , I cum . "Cummed already?" , I nod . "Good. Only I can make you feel this way. Only I can touch you like this. Only I can talk to you like this. You are all mine." He says as he pulls out and strokes his dick a few times "stomach now." I get on my back as he cums on my stomach. He moans out. He removes his belt and kisses me and helps me put back my clothes . "You did so good , I'm so proud of you." , I smile , he hands me a bottle of water. "Here you go love" , "thank you." I drink noticing and admiring how hot he was . But noticing scars too. "What happened to your hip ?". I asked . As he put his shirt on and pants. "I ran into my desk and scarred it " he says looking at me "nothing to worry about it was just me being dumb my love" he smiles and kisses me , I smile back "now come on let's lay down okay?" , I nod and get into the blanket. As he does too and pulls me closer to him and cuddles with me, "this feels nice doesn't it?" , He says , "it does and I can't wait to cuddle with you each and every night , and make dinner with you." I smile as I snuggle into his chest. "I can't wait too, maybe we could even have kids of our own" He looks at me grabbing my hand. "Married together." He says, I smile big "I would love to be married to you." Imagine "Y/n Ballard" , he smiles " hello Mrs Ballard " he says as he lifts my chin up, "hello Mr Ballard." I laugh. "You look quite beautiful today Mrs Ballard." , "So do you Mr Ballard ." , "We will rule this world together y/n." , "Yes we will." I close my eyes . So does Peter . "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I whisper back. "I will put you back into your room soon let's just keep holding to each other a little longer."

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