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I wake up to the sound of my door opening.
"Good morning 014!" Papa says smiling. I walk out my door and yawn "good morning papa" I walk into the rainbow room and sit down on a chair. But all I could think about was Peter. The warmth of his hands , his voice , his touch. I smiled just thinking about it.
"Well good morning someone woke up in a good mood today" Peter says sitting across from me. "Good morning Peter" I smile
"Yesterday was harsh wasn't it?"
I nod , the only reason why he won't say much was cause there were cameras everywhere in this room. "Should we go to a room more quiet?" He says.
"Sure" I say as I get up and follow him out the rainbow room
Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe I should just go back to the room. We enter a quiet room where no can hear us or see us.
Peter gets the chairs from across the room and puts them facing each other. He pats down the chair "come sit." He says smiling I walk over and sit, he walks to the chair across from me and sits. "Now about last night I am sorry if-" I interrupt him "it's okay, I understand. And if you are apologizing cause you think you made me feel any bad feelings I didn't." He looks at me shocked "you didn't?" He says getting up from his chair and getting close to me squatting down. "No I didn't , I was just confuse on how to feel see no one has ever talked to me like how you talked to me..not even papa." He looks up at me and places his hand on my knee.
"well a very special girl like you deserves to feel are truly a amazing girl." There's the feeling again but this time I know what places I feel it from. It starts from my head all way down to my body.
"You know y/n.." he continues "I can show you things you wouldn't even imagine that could be done to you." I stare at him blankly not knowing what to say.
He gets up and comes closer to my ear "things that are beyond your own fantasies." He grabs my face and smirks.
"Peter" I say I grab his hand
"I want you to show me things I never have before..I consent to everything." I wasn't dumb I knew what sex was. I remember at age 13 I would feel slight pleasure down there. And I would touch myself to the thought of someone. I remember when I had huge sexual fantasies.
Peter puts his hand on my knee once again and then slowly slides his hand under my gown. "Tell me y/n what are you feeling..when I do this?" He reaches to the top of my thigh slowly putting his fingers over my vagina. "I feel " I stutter "I feel good." He then starts to grab my panties from the side and starts rubbing my clit. "Oh" he says smirking "someone's really wet...tell me y/n has anyone ever touch you like this?" I shake my head
He stops and removes his fingers , he licks his fingers. "you taste so good." He smiles "open your mouth." He says grabbing your chin with his left hand. I open my mouth and he puts his right fingers in my mouth . "Suck." I start sucking on his fingers. slowly. "Go a little faster." I continue to go faster . Until Peters radio goes off. "Peter where is 014?" Papa says over the radio. He looks at me smirking "I didn't tell you to stop, continue don't stop until I tell you too." I slowly continue. "She's with me I was taking her to the nurse , she was complaining of having a bad headache and stomach ache." He says smirking and winking at me.
"Is she okay now?.. practice is going to start soon." Papa says concerned
"I'm sure she is okay , the nurse is making her all better , I will bring her back as soon as I can" he says. He then continues to turn off his radio. He takes out his fingers and grabs my hand " you are going to need a lot of training." He puts my hands on his face and then kisses them . "We should go back to papa before he finds out we weren't actually at the nurse." He holds my hand as we walk out. I'm still in shock on what happened. I hold on to my gown from the side as we walk to the practice room. He made me want him more , made me desire him even more. "There you are 014 you are up next" papa says , Peter puts on this head gear thing with so many wires on my head . "Stay focus, we don't want papa to know you have more things in your mind hm?" He says smirking a little bit and steps back and watches as I make the lights move around. From the corner of my eye I can see papa eyeing Peter with the most ugliest face. What if he catches on? He won't. Peter is smart. "Good job 014!" Papa says smiling taking the gear off my head I get off the chair and go and sit next to eleven.
"are you okay?" Eleven says
"Yes I'm okay eleven " I smile , she looks at me and then at her hands.
"What's wrong?" I asked her touching her hand
"They think I'm weak" she says with tears in her eyes.
"You aren't weak eleven, they don't know what they are talking about I think you are very powerful, you just haven't unlocked it yet." I smile and she smiles at me and nods. We all go back to the rainbow room. It was getting close to bedtime . I leave the room and walk around " I wonder where Peter sleeps" I say it was kinda weird that I never knew where he slept but he knew where I did. I think it would be fair . "Already questioning where I sleep hm?" Peter says behind me. "OH I JUST -" he laughs and takes me to a bedroom with a very nice bed and lights . " This is where I sleep princess" I look around as he sits on the bed "come sit next to me." I sit next to him smiling. "May I?" He gets close to my face. I nod. He kisses me softly and then starts to making out with I start putting my feet on the bed and putting my arms around his neck , I feel heated really heated. And whatever happens I wanted it to happen. He begins to go on top of me . "Safeword. What is your safeword." He says before continuing anything. I thought about it for awhile "red" he nods and continues , he sits up putting his hand on my gown and lifting it up. "You are protected and safe I promise..if I ever do anything uncomfortable say your safeword okay?" I nod . He continues to lift my gown all the way up taking it off . "Papa wouldnt like this...but you aren't are mine now." He kisses my neck , then my stomach , all the way down to my vagina. He grabs my hips as he puts his mouth on my vagina . He starts eating me out. His tongue devouring every taste of it. He starts grabbing me tighter , and putting his face deeper into me. I grab his hair, my back arches as moans release from mouth "Peter...oh my God. " He made me feel so good. He made me feel like I was getting blessed.
He stops and smirks "I own you now." He says as he unbuttons his shirt and takes off his pants. "Ready?"
"Yes" I say. He looks at me as if he didn't hear me. "Yes what?" He says .
"Yes sir" I say . "Good girl." He grabs my leg and pulls me closer to him . He rubs his thumb on my clit. As he strokes his cock. "So wet for me, such a dirty little slut..imagine how papa must feel that he created a little slut hm" he puts his cock in slowly I grab onto his arms. "Don't worry princess..I know to go slow." He continues to go slow as he tries and go deeper. I get wet enough for him to start going faster . "Faster!" I say "quiet..we don't want papa to hear do we?" I shake my head as he goes faster thrusting into my. " Look at you such a good girl taking me all in." My back arches more and I try and stay quiet it was so overstimulating when he got deeper into me going faster I move my hand trying to stop him. "Move your fucking hand." He says as he slaps it away and grabs me by my neck . He goes faster and harder. "Daddy fuck daddy" he smirks as he hears these words coming out my mouth . "Such a behaved good girl." He pulls out and flips me to my stomach , as he puts it in from the back he slowly pumps into me in and out. He goes faster . I start to whine on how good he feels , I want him to go even more fast. But the words can't come out . "Peter" I stuttered "what's wrong princess ? Come on use your words." He says leaning down to my ear "faster" I let out . He grabs my hair and starts fucking me harder , he grabs my hips making my ass stay up . He slaps my ass "don't ever call me by my name when I am pleasing you." I whine as he goes in deeper. He holds me down by my neck as I hear him groan while he is sliding in and out , I felt a warm and overwhelming feeling in my stomach waiting to be release. "Fuck" I say . "Language." He says tugging my hair . "I'm going to cum!" , He keeps pounding into me. "Cum then princess, you have full permission.". I grab onto the sheets in front of me, I moan as I release . "Good whore." He takes his cock out me . "Face me." I turn around and lay down on my back looking at him. He is stroking his cock groaning holding on to my thigh. "Mm fuck" he groans out he starts to whimper as he is close to release. He looked so hot all sweaty and his hair all wet. "Shit" he groans out as he releases on my stomach. "Don't move." He grabs a towel and cleans it off he picks up my gown and panties and helps me put on my panties and gown. He kisses me on my forehead "you did so good, you must be tired right?" He says smiling. I nod I was really tired since it was bedtime."okay come on I take you to your room before papa notices you aren't in there." He carries me bridal style and takes me to my room "here you go." He lays me down on my bed and puts the blanket over me. "Goodnight love." He says he turns off the lights. "Peter." I say before he walks off. He turns around and looks at me "yes?" , I smile "I love you." I say. He smiles back, "I love you so much ." He closes my door. And I sleep. I was suddenly awaken by my door opening. "Papa?" I mumble , I was suddenly carried off my bed my eyes opened a little one of the guards were carrying me taking me to a cold room with bright lights. I'm half asleep not knowing what's going on. Scared. I see Peter standing in front of this big window and I see papa. Peter looks worried. Papa walks into the room and sits down across from me , "papa what's going on?" I say worried. "Don't worry 014 , we woke you up cause it's time for you to take a quick test okay?, You taken this test a bunch of times !, We just wanna see your progress and how strong you got okay?" I knew what this test was. He puts a coke cola can in front of me and Peter gently smiles as he puts the head gear on. "Good luck." He leaves the room and papa side eyes him. "Now 014 move the can." He leaves the room, and I sit there eyeing the can. But all I could think of was Peter . The way his hands touched me. The way he made me feel, it made me want him more. Stay focus 014. Stay focus. I move the can a little, I accidentally squeeze it and it made the can go all deform. "Good" papa walks in and takes off the gear . "Are you feeling alright 014?' he says , "yes why papa?" Papa squats and squats down and put his hands on mine. "Cause I have noticed you are acting a little strange lately ..why have you been hanging out with Peter so much?" I look at him and stutter "oh Peter just keeps me company and helps me a lot to not stay bored you know?" Papa looks at me and squeezes my hand he looked mean and scary. I never seen papa look like this. "Tell me the truth 014." As his grip became tighter "papa you are hurting me" I whine out. "Tell me 014 what is the truth. Don't let me get the guards to punish you." "No papa no!" I cry out . I felt like if I was a little girl again, he made the guards put me on a shock collar and papa kept raising up the level. "Then tell me the truth." The door opens it's Peter. "Sir, there is someone waiting for you." He says looking at me. Papa let's go and gives a big smile to Peter " okay , well we are done here 014 you can go back to sleep now." Papa leaves and so do the guards after Peter said he would take me to the room. I cry even more as I see the marks papa left. I stand up and walk out walking to my room. "Wait 014" Peter says. I walk faster. "014!" He says catching up to me. I get to my room and try and close my door but Peter had his foot in the way blocking it from closing. "What do you want" I yell out. "I'm sorry for what papa did." He says walking into my door and he stands right in front of me. I look up at him "you made him hurt me." I say. "No I didn't. Papa wants you to be afraid, I know what he did to you when you were young 014... I promise you it won't happen again." I stand there and tears fall. "Just go." I say as i lay down on my bed. "Y/n" Peter says , "go" I say turning the other way hugging my teddy bear tight crying on it. "As you wish." He closes the door and I hear as his footsteps faint away. I hold on to my teddy and close my eyes.

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