3rd pov
It's already been a phew weeks and almost everybody in london were talking about the famous l/n family and everybody complements y/n for her beauty making m/n even more jealous
But today a certain man returns to london he just escaped prison to find his wife and daughter he got off the ship he was in a young boy maybe in his twenties anthony who owned the ship
He thanked him and got off the ship he looked around and saw a sign outside and it said
Worst pies in london
He entered the shop not realising it would change him
Four days later
Sweeney became a barber and he killed men so mrs,lovett can make the pies out of thier meat
F/n decided that his family go there to have some family bonding time m/n of course disagreed so he instead decided to bring y/n to have daughter father time of course she agreed she did not want to stay with her horrid mother
Your pov
Me and father made our way to the famous pies in london honestly i don't like pies and father knew this so he decided to only get a shave and then we'll go around the market to buy stuff
When we made it there was a line so we stood there there were some female's and some male's when they saw us they let us go first
Father declined kindly but they assisted he then agreed and then entered the shop there stood a man behind a chair and faced the window when he heard us enter he turned around he was pale
Very pale he had black wavy hair and one white line in his hair he smiled
"Well hello good sir come sit"
"Why thank you-"
"Sweeney,sweeney todd"
"Thank you sweeney"
He then sat down the chair then he revealed me making Mr.sweeney eyes widen
Sweeney's pov
My eyes widen there stood the most beautiful angel I've ever seen she looked just like lucy i was actually planing on killing the man but when i saw the angel i knew i couldn't kill him
I mean i can kill him and have her for myself but then again there are people outside and i don't want her to scream and track attention
I sharpened my razor then prepared the cream and then smeared the shaving cream on his beard and started to shave his beard
When i was done he lifted himself up he smiled at me i fake smiled back he then felt his beard it was completely gone
"Oh wow Mr.sweeney you excellent in your job here i much do i have to pay"
"Oh no need it's for free"
"Oh why thank you sweeney you are a really nice man"
"Oh can i ask you a question sir?"
I asked still fake smiling
"Oh answer away"
"Well is that your wife?"
I said pointing yes in london it's not wierd to marry a young lady
"Oh no no this is my beautiful daughter y/n we just moved here a phew weeks ago"
He said walking over to the young girl she was smiling and then bowed down in a greeting way
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.sweeney"
I bowed back
"No the pleasures mine"
She smiled
"Well we best be going i promised her that we'd go to the market and thank you again"
They then left i felt a kind of lust with y/n not a killer lust instead a sexual way i then heard the next man come in i greeted with a fake smile and told them to sit they will be my next victim

Yandere Sweeney Todd x reader
Fanfictionso you and your parents arrived at london a 0hew weeks ago and already meet everybody even judge turpin but what would happen if sweeney todd shows up will your life still be normal?or will it be dangerous well come find out